Bhima Pushkar 2018 at Nivruthi Sangam with Mohanji

By Subhasree

After dip 4

Mohanji on the Go, with the speed of Lightening – 48 Hours from Mohanji’s diary:

I recently published a blog explaining Mohanji’s busy schedule and constant travel in the month of August 2018. I spent a major part of this month with Mohanji, and hence could observe closely, the speed and mode in which he was working, travelling from place to place.

Right now, thousands of miles away from Him, I still observe His busy schedule. This divine opportunity to be able to observe Mohanji’s schedule and witness His leelas, is surely for a purpose! I feel the purpose is to share Mohanji’s leelas and create a deep awareness within everyone. To be able to witness, to know and to understand Mohanji’s leelas is like drinking the sweet nectar that will transform everyone, eradicate karmas from lifetimes, reduce the iterative life cycles!

Yes, indeed, by reading the satcharita of Mohanji, a true seeker will find an enhanced spiritual bank balance in the path of liberation. Therefore, I cannot keep these experiences just to myself but through these blogs share it with each one of you.

What I am writing is not just my emotion or devotion to my Guru; these are facts, careful observations of the facts, which otherwise gets overlooked/ignored.

It is astounding how Mohanji’s speed and frequency of travelling has been increasing day by day, back to back, spanning across South of India to North of India! That’s certainly a long distance to cover in the Indian sub-continent.

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Amidst all these travels, He is always connected with his devotees not just in the consciousness, even physically too. Through emails, Whatsapp, Facebook, phone calls etc., he is available 24×7 to true seekers who need to connect to Him physically.

“Too busy” or “No time” or “Not the right time” – these phrases do not exist in His dictionary! I can say this confidently, because I have communicated with Him through these modes amidst His travels to Badrinath, to Thiruvanamalai and just recently, to Nivruthi Sangam. It’s like, if I am awake and ready to communicate at any point in time – morning, noon or night, He communicates! That’s ridiculously true! How? Why? I wonder at times! He answers through consciousness:

“When something is needed, it must be done then and there. There is no postponement in our tradition!” says Mohanji. “Make yourself available”, is His mantra, which he demonstrates through His own actions!


After finishing a retreat at Rishikesh, followed by a trip to Badrinath and Kedarnath, Mohanji was back in Bangalore in the first week of October. He attended and addressed the devotees participating in the Kriya Intensive retreat there.

On 6th Oct, The Avadhoota in Jeans was on His journey again. This time to Kailash of the South! From the northern tip of the country  – Kedarnath to the south of the country – Thiruvanamalai!


It’s been super exciting to just watch the photos, read devotees experiences at all these holy divine places. Just by watching these, and having direct communication with Mohanji at times, I felt content that I too could join them spiritually! The satisfaction was no less than that of attending such pilgrimage physically! This is only possible with Mohanji’s grace. When He says He is with us and He keeps us with Him and carries us spiritually, He really means it and does it. After observing these places from a spiritual level, there is no more desire for a physical visit to these places left!


Divine Communion with Mohanji:

Well, His trip to Thiruvanamalai concluded on 10th October. In the meantime, I had to communicate with Him regarding some matter, and during that communication, I came to know that He was at an airport that time. I simply assumed that He is returning from Thiruvanamalai to Bangalore!

Again on the night of 11th October, when I had to communicate with Him for another matter, I was stunned: in 24 hours, where all He had been, physically!

I was rubbing my eyes…am I reading it right?

That time, it was about 10:00 pm, Copenhagen time and about 1:30 am in India, when I saw His message. I wondered if my message that I had sent earlier woke Him up. Guilt clouded my mind. However, He answered immediately, “No, I just reached Raichur, after 5 hours’ drive from Hyderabad airport. I have to be at Nivruthi Sangam at 4:30 am for inaugurating Bhima Pushkar”.

My head started to spin!

He was at some airport on 10th. On 11th, He is again coming off Hyderabad airport, travelling by road for 5 hours, and with a programme to attend in about 4 hours!

Many questions popped up: what is Nivruthi Sangam, what is Bhima Pushkar? Where is He coming from?

Slowly all the questions were getting answers, some through google search and some directly from Mohanji.

I just wrote it down for my own awareness and the list wasn’t simple!

So here it goes:

  • On 9th Oct, Mohanji travelled from Thiruvanamalai to Chennai.
  • On 10th Oct, from Chennai to Delhi and Delhi to some other place.
  • On 11th Oct morning, He returned from that place to Delhi, took a flight to Hyderabad and further travelled for  5 hours by car to reach Raichur at 1:30 am on 12th Oct! This is when I received His message.

I was amazed that even after these long travels for many days and the long travel on the day, Mohanji got only a couple of hours of sleep, before He went to Nivruthi Sangam at 4:30 am.

Before sleeping, I wanted to look up Google to get more information about Nivruthi Sangam and Bhima Pushkar.

What I read, about these, made me very excited and I felt so divinely blessed that I had the opportunity to know about this divine journey of Mohanji. At once, the question in my mind was put to rest – why Mohanji does something, whatever He does! The non-stop journey to this divine place is certainly worth it, having understood the benefit that He is going to bestow on all of us, to the entire world, to every one!

When I heard about this journey of Mohanji’s and His lack of rest, I knew, it must be something big! With this in mind, I retired for the night. In my sleep state, I had an amazing vision of Mohanji and found myself with Him along with few other disciples. It was a very ordinary village location with a very simple house. I did not recognise this place until I later saw the pictures of Nivruthi Sangam area. I would have enjoyed myself in this pious location doing seva to Gurudev, if my alarm did not wake me up! “Oh Mohanji!”, were the first words to come out as soon as my eyes opened and then I had the divine view of the photos of Mohanji having a dip in Pushkar.

I realised, my dream of being with Mohanji and other disciples in that simple village location was nothing but Mohanji carrying us spiritually to Pushkar. Mind still acts, sometimes! Probably I did not dare to believe this completely. (Sometimes, it seems too good to be true, because it’s just simply so magnificent to travel astrally with the Master!). Well, Mohanji knew my thoughts, as always!

Within a few minutes, I received many photos of events at Nivruthi Sangam from Mohanji! As I scanned through the photos, the entire sequence of events became crystal clear. While I was looking at the photos, I suddenly forgot my existence of sitting in the room in Copenhagen; rather I felt as if I was there at the Nivruthi Sangam! It seemed very real! My body touched the water. My skin felt the sunrays. My nose sensed the sweet smell of water and the earth. My eyes felt the glare of the sunshine from the water surface. I actually felt myself holding the water in my hand and doing Abhishek to Lord Datta, and to Lord Shiva through Mohanji! I actually felt the graceful, loving embrace of my Master!

This is when I realised; it was true that what  I thought of was a dream of being with Mohanji, I was actually, very much with Him at the Sangam astrally! He had prepared me for this by letting me know about it last night! When I didn’t believe my spiritual experience, He had to show me the truth through these pictures.

I was getting late for office, but I was completely dumbstruck and couldn’t move from where I was sitting. My heart chakra was expanding; head was spinning, tears flowing! There was only one chant going on in my head – “Mohanji”, “Mohanji”, “Mohanji”….

Slowly I realised, there is a much bigger purpose of me being aware of this truth of Mohanji’s work, and His tireless travels. I must express to the world, what I have realised! Because when someone reads this expression, the person will understand the truth behind Mohanji’s tireless efforts, His mode of working and the realisation of His mission. When this wisdom comes, all other blockages that may be stored for lifetimes, will clear up, just like how darkness vanishes with the Sun’s rays!

After this realisation, while I gathered myself slowly and got ready to go to office, my heart chakra remained in an expanded mode, filled with gratitude to my Master Mohanji for this out of the world experience! I was determined to gather more details about Nivruthi Sangam and Bhima Pushkar and everything that happened on that day.

Very soon, I realised that this was a divine plan for me to be aware of this event and I started getting more and more details and clarity of this day and event.


Narration by Mr Krishna Murthy:

Luckily, I got the contact of Mr. Krishna Murthy who has been with Mohanji in this entire journey. With his help, all the details became very clear. Not just details about Pushkar, Nivruthi Sangam and why Mohanji was there in the event, he also shared some extremely important messages that happened on that day.

Mr Krishna Murthy have been associated with Datta Peetham and the Swamis and he had all the back ground knowledge and details that he shared with me as below:

Nivruthi Sangam:

Nivruthi Sangam is a very powerful Datta Kshetra (sacred location of Lord Dattatreya) located near the Krishna Railway Station in Telangana. This is a confluence of the two rivers – Krishna and Bhima. This place was brought into the light by His Holiness Sripada Srivallabha Swamy, the first and foremost Datta incarnation during the 13th century.


During the course of his extensive travelling after the Chathurmasa stay at Srisailam, He used to visit this place to enhance the vitality of this place and help the human beings. Before leaving for His final resting place at Kuruvapuram, His Holiness Sripada Srivallabha Swamy had taken a bath at this confluence. As His Holiness Sripada Srivallabha Swamy had explained, Nivruthi means clearance or removal of blockage and Sangam means the confluence. Nivruthi Sangam is the place where all blockages/sins get cleansed.

For all Datta devotees and followers of the Datta tradition, Nivruthi Sangam holds a special place as one of the must visit sacred Datta Sthala.

 Bhima Pushkar:

Just like Kumbha Mela, Pushkar has a very deep significance as per Hindu tradition. This is the period when it is believed that the river Ganga and all thirty-three and half crores of holy rivers, all deities, all rishis, enter into the particular river (every year the Pushkar festival happens in a different river). Thus the river becomes the most pious river. Anyone who takes a dip in the river during this particular period, all his sins and blockages get cleared and he will be blessed with punya. Usually Pushkar runs for a period of 12 days.  This year the Pushkar that occurs from 12th October 2018 until 23rd October 2018, is called Maha Pushkaram, as all the zodiac signs are aligned together, which occurs once in 144 years. This Maha Pushkaram is happening at the confluence of the rivers – Bhima and Krishna. This is also known as Bhima Pushkar.

Bhima Pushkar that happens this year is of great importance because the river Bhima (originating from Pune) passes through the famous Datta Kshetra Ganugapur and reaches Nivruthi Sangam.

It is considered that post the dip in the auspicious river, doing an Annadanam paves the way to liberation.

After dip 3

Background on significance of the events at Nivruthi Sangam & Mohanji’s presence:

Mr Krishna Murthy explained to me, that in 2006, His Holiness Swami Sri Sri Sri Vittalananada Saraswathi Maharaj  (known as Vittal Babaji) initiated the auspicious event of Bhima Pushkar followed by Annadanam. Krishnaji also mentioned that “Vittal Babaji, who had conferred the title of “Rajayogi” to Mohanji considered Him as his “manasa putra” – spiritual son.

Vittal Babaji.jpg


After the Mahasamadhi of Vittal Babaji, Sri Ramaprasannanda Saraswathi became the Peethadhipati (Pontiff) of Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dattatreya Swamy Mahasamsthana Peetham (Sri Datta Peetham).


After 12 years, when the Bhima Pushkar was scheduled for October 2018, Pontiff Swami Ramaprasannanda Saraswati invited Vittal Babaji’s manasa putra (spiritual son) Rajyogi Mohanji to inaugurate this auspicious festival followed by Annandanam. Release of a calendar in the name of Vittal Babaji was also scheduled for this event.

This sacred event, in the calibre of Maha Kumbh Mela and keeping the tradition that was initiated by Vittal Babaji, was significant enough for Mohanji to continue on his 48 hours long non-stop journey from Thiruvanamalai – to Delhi – to Jammu – to Nivruthi Sangam! Along with the Pontiff, Mohanji had to inaugurate the auspicious Bhima Pushkar festival, keeping up the tradition set by Vittal Babaji! Hence, physical stress or discomfort did not bother Him!


An innocent wish of a devotee, Krishna Murthy:

While telling me excitedly, about how Mohanji despite His busy schedules had accepted the invitation to come and inaugurate Bhima Pushkar, Krishna Murthyji also shared a very emotional story, which proves how God (in the form of Mohanji), does every possible thing to fulfil a true disciple’s wish! Krishnaji said that he couldn’t attend the Kumbh Mela in Nasik (2014) with Mohanji at that time even though he was invited. He also envisaged that he will not be able to join Mohanji again in the February 2019 Kumbh Mela. With a heavy heart, he had prayed, “If I cannot go to Kumbh Mela with Mohanji, why can’t Mohanji come to Pushkar which is the same as Kumbh Mela?” Bhagawan had to bow down to the sincere and innocent devotee’s wish!

Mohanji dip 1

Mohanji at Nivruthi Sangam, 12th October 2018:

As per the plan, Mohanji left for Nivruthi Sangam at 4:30 am on 12th October, reaching there on time for the event to start at about 6:00 am. The Pontiff Swami Ramaprasannanda Saraswati, Mataji Niranjananda Saraswati, Swamy Sarveswarananda and Swamy Shraddhananda of Shri Datta Peetham, very fondly received Mohanji.


With a sacred ceremony to invoke the glorious and pious rivers, Pontiff Swami Ramaprasannanda Saraswati and Mohanji inaugurated the event.

puja puja1


Then followed the ritual of floating various offerings in the river water. Shining with the crimson red rays of the rising Sun, the river was showing its satisfaction and receiving the offerings gladly and promising to purify all beings (in form or without a form) who takes the dip for the next 12 days!

river_offering river_offering2


The sacrosanct process of the dip in the river, commenced with Mohanji holding the sacred and powerful Datta statue in His hand. Amidst mantra chanting and praises to Lord Datta, Mohanji gave a dip to the statue, thus symbolising that with the Guru Datta, the entire Datta tradition, The Guru Mandala, disciples, devotees, everyone who is connected to the Datta tradition, took the Pushkara dip!


Then Pontiff Swami Ramaprasannanda, Mohanji and other swamis took the dip. This is when the water of the holy river became even more glorified. This was the invisible grace of Swayam Datta !

Mohanji dip 5

As Shiva explained to Devi Parvati in the Gurugita, even the most sacred rivers wait eagerly for the feet of the Guru to touch them and make their water glorified which then can purify every being.

This is what was exactly happening. The joy of the rivers Bhima & Krishna were seen through the shining glory of the water, by receiving the touch of Mohanji and the divine Datta Peetha Swamis.

With this dip, Mohanji was not just purifying the rivers but He was also purifying all the beings who travelled with Him, spiritually too, thus removing their blockages of life times, giving them moksha.

Mohanji dip 2 Mohanji dip 3

This is the reason, while Mohanji was taking dip; the Pontiff did abhishekam to Mohanji (Pouring water on Mohanji’s head). Mohanji also did abhishekam to Pontiff. The devotees and pilgrims, who were taking dips there at that moment, also did abhishekam to Pontiff and Mohanji. This was as if all devatas were doing abhishek to Lord Dattatreya thus making the river even more pious!


After dip 1

After this ritual was finished, Pontiff, Mohanji and others came out of the water and after getting back into dried clothes, they carried out a circumambulation of a special structure where there were sahasra (1008) Shiva Lingas arranged in a the shape of a pyramid.


After dip 5

This special structure was constructed by one of the Datta Swamis with the instruction of His Holiness Sripada Srivallabha. This structure with thousand Shiva lingas indicates infinity. So any rituals, ceremonies carried out at this place gives infinite result.

After dip 7

Mohanji and all the Swamis participated in the Calendar release function in the name of Vittal Babaji. Presence of Babaji throughout the ceremonies was very much evident.

Bitthal babaji_calendar


To energize this event more, Pontiff had arranged annadanam (food donation). Mohanji commenced this ceremony too and He himself served the people who were eagerly waiting for the prasadam. Many may not be even aware, that by receiving food from Mohanji, their life times’ of karma are cleared. They will never have any more hunger at any level, physical, mental or spiritual. All their hunger was fulfilled with Mohanji’s one serving! Mohanji standing and serving food there gave a feeling as if Swayam Vittal Babaji was standing there and serving food to everyone with a loving smile on His face.

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After all the events were accomplished by 10:00 am; Mohanji took His leave with the Pontiff’s blessings.


Mohanji then started His 5 hour’s journey back to Hyderabad. He had to reach Bangalore the same day, so that He could be present for the Ammucare Volunteers meet commencing the next day, on 13th October in Bangalore!

However, before travelling to Bangalore, He had one more job to finish, which no one would have even envisaged!

Please read the continuation of this journey in the Part 2 of this blog.




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2 thoughts on “Bhima Pushkar 2018 at Nivruthi Sangam with Mohanji”

  1. Pingback: Bhima Pushkar 2018 at Nivruthi Sangam with Mohanji – Part 2 | Experiences With Mohanji

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