By Bhumika Arvind, Canada
Mohanji’s retreat in Canada is just over. I don’t even know how fast the time went. Just the other day, Mohanji was here…There is so much that happened. It was nothing that I had imagined. From day one, a lot of stuff started coming up to the surface, such as comparisons, jealousy, and self-doubt. I felt I had made peace with some of these things, but I guess it was an illusion. Mohanji is really good at popping my illusion bubble, and I am grateful to him for that.
On the first day of the retreat, a lesson was learnt. I looked at Mohanji’s picture at home and spoke to him. I told Mohanji that this was not me. I am trying to be someone else to fit in, to please, but this is not me. I can’t do this. I will not indulge in such affairs, and the rest I surrender at your lotus feet; please take care. The following day, I felt much better. I also spoke briefly to Pooja, Mohanji Acharya, and that helped clarify certain things. But all those personality traits surfacing were not hovering over me. I could breathe and not feel suffocated.
On the second day of retreat during abhishek of Sai Baba, I was the second one in line to pour water on Baba. It was a bit unnatural for me as I knew it was live-streamed. There were so many people, and Mohanji was watching. Additionally, my ego was at its best. I was gently reminded to be quick when doing the abhishek, and my instant response was, “Tell others too”.
Mohanji had specifically given instructions, “Make sure the pot (kalash) does not touch Baba. Give bath to Baba as if you are giving bath to a child.” I made several mistakes while pouring water on Baba. My kalash touched Baba at least 2-3 times.
Mohanji got up from his spot and reiterated the message again. When he sat down, I apologized to him. Mohanji patiently spoke to me, “You have to pour water with deep respect, humility, and complete surrender.” I sat at his feet, pressing his feet; memories of the times my own kids had gotten hurt or fallen sick started to resurface, and tears started to roll.

When the abhishek was over, I approached Mohanji again and said sorry. Mohanji being so kind and gentle, just said, “It’s okay, you say sorry to Baba.” And then he casually said, “Tomorrow”. I didn’t understand what he meant. In the evening, there was a satsang. When the satsang was over, and as Mohanji was leaving, I approached him and requested him to grant me the experience of doing the abhishek to Baba.
I know this deep within that without the grace of a Guru, any experience is not possible. Mohanji knew what I had requested, and yet he started giving instructions to everyone on how we should give abhishek to Baba. I went home and spoke to Mohanji’s picture again. I had an honest chat with him. I told him I didn’t understand at all what he meant when he says do abhishek as if you are giving a bath to your own child. I said to Mohanji, “Because it is Baba, I am being so gentle. If it’s my own kids, I would be over and done with.” So what did he really mean….
I further said, “Mohanji, if I had received the love of parents, boyfriend, and husband, I would know what you are talking about. I have never experienced the love you are describing. So what am I supposed to do, how am I supposed to do?” The next morning at 4 am, before starting for the ashram, I sat again in front of Mohanji’s picture, surrendering all these thoughts in my mind at his lotus feet.
I reached the ashram, and the abhishek commenced. Today I was almost the last one to do the abhishek. While doing the abhishek, something miraculous happened. Nobody mattered, nothing mattered…everything ceased to exist. The only thing that was present was me and Mohanji, and Baba.

I visualized Mohanji in Baba, pouring the water with love and gentleness that was unfamiliar to me. I felt so much love for Baba. I was pampering Baba like a baby. He was the baby Krishna, and I rubbed his hands, legs, and face, holding his chin. I gave a bath to Baba that day to my heart’s content. When the abhishek was over, and Mohanji was about to leave, I ran like a child towards him, I couldn’t control myself, and I told him, “Mohanji, this is what you meant; I didn’t know, didn’t understand; now I know. I feel so content and happy.”
It is really hard to explain how happy I felt at that moment. My heart was filled with love, so much love. Mohanji, I know that this was only possible because you granted me the experience out of your kindness and compassion. So casually, you said, “Tomorrow,” but gave me such a profound and deeply satisfying experience. It is just you who can do this. Mohanji, you are magic, my magic!
I would like to share what specific guidelines Mohanji gave us when doing the abhishek; maybe you will find it helpful.
Mohanji shared that you can pour water on the head, but washing both hands and legs is very important. He said one should start from the top and then move towards the feet. He also suggested that instead of using the kalash, if we pour water into one hand and then pour it on Baba and rub him, we will use less water and will be able to do it better.
When drying Baba, Mohanji was very particular about the towel once used for feet and legs should not be used for the face and head or upper body. So again, start from the head and upper body, and come down towards the legs and feet. Most importantly, don’t be in a rush, do it gently.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th May 2022
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