Mohanji And I ‘MET’

By Rekha Murali, Chennai, India

While contemplating on the various transformations happening within me and around me, there were some realisations on certain things, which I feel are very important. Each one of us has a deep connection with Mohanji but the way we accept it or sustain it is different. Some of us need His physical touch or presence while others feel Him within, being connected to His consciousness.


As we connect, we become one with Mohanji! Even in this state, I sometimes can see the mind taking control, bringing in some negative influences through thought or word. The negative thoughts often come out of expectations. The question that came up was – I am connected to Mohanji, and with Him beside me what happens when such expectations arise?

Reviewing some situations in which such negative thoughts occurred, I realised it was ownership of the situation that gave rise to the thought. At the same time, Mohanji also takes care of me in such situations. Whatever desire arose with the ownership, He fulfilled it. Why does He do that? He gently assures me that I am not wrong in thinking the way I did and that it is ok to feel so. I am not taken to task by Mohanji for having such a thought and feeling low because of it. By fulfilling the expectation, (if it doesn’t harm me or others) He helps me to forget and move on. He solves these expectations through experiences, messages, or any which way He thinks is right. All that I need to do is be aware and understand the way in which the situation has worked out. Thus, He removes the negativities, bringing in a sense of calm and emptiness inside. He then works His magic to fill me in with what is needed for my elevation.

Mohanji just accepts each of us so graciously, expecting nothing in return. So, being aware when such a thought rises is the first step. The second step is to surrender the thought/expectation to Him. Mohanji then hand holds us through our journey with love and compassion.

So, let us surrender with faith and gratitude to our beloved Master. Let us hold His extended hand and be confident that whatever He does is for our highest good.


One such incident where Mohanji lovingly took care of me and at the same time showed me how He did it was a huge lesson that I will cherish for ever.

Recently, I was initiated into becoming a medium for Mohanji Energy Transfer (MET). All charged up and excited, I was ready to act as a conduit for Mohanji in the weekly Power of Purity Meditation conducted every Sunday in Chennai, India. The POP that I planned to give energy transfer was to be held on December 2nd 2018, but of course, Mohanji had other and better plans for me. Here’s what happened.

Being a South Indian, I am fond of my morning filter coffee. However, as I strongly felt that the mind has to be controlled with immediate effect, I decided to stop the coffee overnight. It was also causing acidity in me. So on December 1st, I just didn’t have my morning cuppa!  All was well till lunch time, but developed a severe migraine at the back of my head and slowly the nausea and vomiting started. This continued for almost six to seven hours. The gross mind immediately told me it was the withdrawal symptoms of stopping my favourite black coffee. I silently prayed to Mohanji and I went to meet my family physician. But again, that was not to be. The doctor didn’t turn up. By then the vomiting stopped but the pounding in the head continued and I was exhausted. The head felt very heavy throughout!

As a regular Kriya practitioner, I somehow managed to do the 10 minute Kriya too (I had done one in the morning luckily) and hit the bed. My plan of going for the POP session the next day came crashing down. There was no way that I could attend the POP session and give Mohanji’s energy transfer, as I could barely stand up the next morning.  I listened to the craving of my mind and had a small cup of regular coffee in the morning thinking that was the cause for the headache. The gratification lasted for just about an hour. The pounding of the head commenced again (this time the side of the head) and I meekly climbed back into bed. I lay in that state the entire Sunday, praying to Mohanji and chanting the Mohanji Gayatri whenever I remembered. By evening, the pain subsided a little into a dull throb enabling me to complete my Kriya.

The pattern repeated itself again the next morning and I could not go to work. By now three full days had gone by. Gradually, I started feeling better. The only surprising thing was that I was able to keep up my Kriya practice. I continued taking half a cup of light coffee.  One thing I need to mention here is that I had very powerful dreams of Mohanji, snakes, blessings of Masters etc., in spite of the headache. Sleep was scarce but the dreams in the short spells were strange and powerful.

The 4th day finally dawned. The head felt so light, with just a slight headache remaining. I felt as if I had lifted a load off my head and put it down. I also felt unusually happy and with a skip in my step commenced my daily routine. I went to work and had a beautiful day. I thanked Mohanji sincerely and went about my work, having avoided medication. Little did I understand what My Guru in all His love and compassion had planned for me. In the meantime, there was severe pain in the left shoulder and the nape of my neck. I just ignored it, confident that Mohanji was working on me and continued with my routine.

The headache was like wearing a crown, with slight heaviness around the head. In spite of this, my Kriya sessions were very powerful, and my entire body would pulsate with energy while doing Kriya. The region of the forehead, eyes and face would throb and I could sense the pulse in every part of my body. It was as though the region around the Ajna chakra and above were activated. I still didn’t realise the impact of what Mohanji was doing for me. I loved the sensations, thanked the Masters and stuck to my practice. This continued the whole of the previous week. A lot of pent up emotions were also surfacing and I would be in tears while doing Kriya and the breathing would  accelerate.

Soon, my friend Revathy asked me about our plan for doing a 360 degree meditation together. We decided to conduct it on 7th December and I quickly posted an invite in the Chennai group. Before I knew it, seven of us met at my place for the meditation including two new comers.  By then I felt it was the right time to do Mohanji’s Energy Transfer for the participants and surrendered the intention to Mohanji. I did the Gayathri, sought His blessings, and we commenced the meditation at the appointed time.

The entire meditation session was highly charged and the room was filled with Mohanji’s energy. Quietly, I commenced the Energy Transfer, all the time fully conscious of the fact that Mohanji was working through me and I was just a conduit. I felt such a deep connection as though I had just merged into His consciousness. Tears rolled down my cheeks, drenching me as I moved from one person to another. My whole being was throbbing with Mohanji’s energy but there was a feeling of calmness and bliss within me. My heart overflowed with unconditional love and compassion towards each participant. In an instant, I realised that this is what Mohanji feels when He looks at us  – He showers us with His unconditional love and blissful energy that makes us feel so safe and happy in His aura.  I could sense the energy flowing through my hands and out of me into the other person.   As though on autopilot, I moved from one person to another, not knowing what I was doing. I was aware of just one fact, I was the medium and Para Brahma was working through me.  The sense of doer-ship fell off completely as I stood overwhelmed, immersed in His energy. Once the Energy Transfer was completed, I sat down quietly and joined the meditation. My entire body was throbbing and felt so vibrant, but tears flowed ceaselessly and the breath began coming out in gasps. I realised I was also being showered with His energy and cleansing was happening. At the end of the session, each one shared their beautiful and powerful experiences and we wrapped up the satsang with the Shiva Kavacham.


The story does not end here. I was blissfully unaware of the reason why things had unfolded as they did. The next morning (Saturday), I listened to the audio testimonial of Sujatha on my way to work. I was so overwhelmed and mesmerised by her narration and the sincere power of her words washed over me. Once it was over, I switched off all sounds for the rest of my drive, just contemplating on what she shared. It was then the moment of understanding hit me. Everything clicked into place. Tears of gratitude flowed and I really don’t know how I reached my destination that day. All the events of the past week came rushing back and they unfolded step by step. The reason for the delay in giving Mohanji’s Energy Transfer, my so called sickness and the final meditation session were all orchestrated by dear Mohanji! I was not totally empty as a channel for His energy to flow. Mohanji had to work on me overtime to clear and cleanse me, and prepare me to receive His energy. The migraine, the vomiting, the heaviness, all these were part of the cleansing process. I also realised that once the headache left me, I had a feeling of emptiness within me. I had just carried on with my daily activities with a sense of acceptance and calm. What kept me going were my sadhana practices of Mohanji Gayatri, aarati and Kriya. Mohanji kept me in that state – a state of emptiness so that I could carry out my seva activities too! He had kept me empty and connected with Him. I just flowed through the day not even aware that He was working on me! The pain around the head was also a clearing of the various chakras enhanced by Kriya practice. No wish is left unfulfilled by Him. All that is required is complete surrender to Him. He takes care of each one of us and does everything in a thorough manner. Every job to completion! Mohanji was DOING HIS JOB!

I am eternally grateful to you dear Mohanji. You are an ocean of love and compassion! Thank you for each and every blessing that you have showered on me and for being by my side every moment.



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7 thoughts on “Mohanji And I ‘MET’”

  1. Pingback: Faith Heals – The Mai-Tri Method

  2. Pingback: Surrendered faith  – Experiences With Mohanji


  4. Pingback: Living with Awareness – Mohanji Acharyas

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