by Aditya Nagpal

Today, I was walking on the streets of Shirdi wearing a Mohanji t-shirt. A monk stopped while crossing me and bowed down to Mohanji’s photo on my t-shirt. I asked the monk if he knew Mohanji. He said yes and added,
“He (Mohanji) is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”
As Mohanji usually does when encountering strangers, especially monks, I asked him if I could offer him food or if he needed anything. He declined to say he wasn’t hungry but asked me to buy him medicines for pain relief. I took him to a nearby pharmacy, got the medicines and opened my phone to pay using a wallet app. Seeing Mohanji’s photo on my phone screen, he asked to see it. For a long time, he looked at Mohanji’s picture with awe. Then he reverentially bowed down to Mohanji’s picture and said,
“He (Mohanji) is God.”

Finally, he took the medicines and asked to leave. I bade him goodbye with the customary salutation in Shirdi, “Om Sai Ram”. He looked at me and said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram'”. Looking at Mohanji’s face on my t shirt, he said,
“What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.”
As he left, I stood mesmerised at what had just transpired. Since Mohanji’s accident, this message has been reiterated again and again, “You have no idea who you are with” Probably a direct and strong message from Sai Baba to drive home that point in Shirdi.
Especially what he said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram’. What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.” As if to say, stop focusing on dead Masters’ frames on the wall and miss the One (Mohanji) they sent for us to connect as a living Avatar. Soon Mohanji will also join them on the wall. A warning to ensure that should that happen, we have no regrets and have made the most of that huge blessing of association.
I received a confirmation of this experience when I read the following experience of a Mohanji follower. I had no communication with this person who wrote the post (either before or after). Their experience follows:
This morning at 3am. I was reading Aditya Nagpal’s post of his experience in Shirdi of meeting with a monk who bowed down t Mohanji’s picture on his t-shirt and told him,
“Mohanji is God. You don’t need to look for other Gurus anymore. Mohanji is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”
I’ve been sharing this post with friends on my messenger. I then messaged S. C., a new Mohanji follower from the Philippines, whom I got connected on FB very recently. I excitedly asked him if he had read Aditya’s post about Mohanji. He told me he woke up just a minute ago and had a dream of Mohanji. The dream was shockingly connected to Aditya Nagpal’s post!
I was in a car with Mohanji and another person that looks like a sannyasi (a renunciate) as he was wearing saffron robes typically worn by renunciates. It seemed like we were going to a supermarket and I was asked by Mohanji to accompany him to buy some groceries. When we arrived at the supermarket parking lot, I grabbed my wallet and took a hundred peso bill from it and gave it to Mohanji as an offering. He smiled and accepted the bill. Then, I took his right hand and did a pagmamano gesture (a Filipino gesture of grace intended to give honor to the elder and ask for their blessing), At first, he seemed hesitant of the gesture. I probably guess because I was already in His presence which is a blessing in itself! He then smiled. As we exited the car, I heard a voice (probably from the accompanying sannyasi) that said: “You are blessed and fortunate to be in the presence of a Brahmamurti (a living image/Idol of God). He is a walking God! You are graced with His darshan (holy sighting).”As we closed the car doors, the dream ended. Exactly when I opened my eyes, I received a chat from Joanna that very minute asking me about Aditya Nagpal’s post on Facebook. Such an incredible synchronicity! I humbly thank Mohanji for granting me his darshan, even if it be a dream… Thank you
In closing, this was a confirmation for me of what Mohanji has always reiterated, “One should spend a lot of time to find the Master that is right for them and is connected to the Source. But once they find the Master, they should stop their searching and focus on deepening their connection with the One they found. Further search, comparisons or lingering doubts will render their efforts futile.” I have always followed that dictum. Alll my altars have only one Master – Mohanji.

Mohanji has summed it up beautifully in the phrase,
“One Master, One Path, One Sytem, One Goal (Liberation).
‘Om Sai Ram’ to all from Shirdi! But wait I have just been told, “What I have here is beyond everything. He is God.” I better stick to ‘Jai Mohanji’!
Note: Mohanji will be in Shirdi this December 2022. Experience His grace in-person or live online. More details on the Mohanji website
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th November 2022
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