Nature is the art of God

Mohanji says, “My beloved children, my whole body consists of rivers, oceans, mountains and many expressions of life. There is a spirit in everything. Do not think that the tree outside your house is separate from you. The tree inhales what you exhale. And what the tree exhales is what you inhale. Can you see this subtle collaboration and deep love? You are inseparably connected, with the trees, plants, flowers and nature. You are existentially connected to all of them.”

Pooja’s experiences are a reminder to us all of how closely we are connected to Mother Nature and how fragile nature is. Her beautiful words describe the joy of being in nature and how she felt and saw the presence of her beloved Guru Mohanji in nature.

by Pooja Sheth, Canada

With Mohanji’s grace, I took a mini-vacation this month. This was a long-awaited trip. We travelled through the west coast of Canada to Banff, Jasper and Vancouver.  I did not have many expectations from this trip; I was only looking forward to a break. I had seen several pictures of the places I was going to visit but, was not prepared for what I saw.

We arrived in Calgary late at night. We had dinner and slept early as we had a long day the next day. We were doing the drive from Calgary to Banff. Words fail to express how beautiful Banff was. I am still not over it. On the drive, there are several ‘viewpoints’ for tourists to stop the car and enjoy the view.  We stopped at a location which had an amazing view. As I sat there, tears started flowing as I could not wrap my mind around how beautiful this place was. I felt so grateful to be there and witness its beauty.

As I sat there, I had a strong desire to do meditation. I wanted to play Devi Kavacham on my phone (my way to express gratitude to Mother Nature) – however, when I was looking at my playlist, instead of Devi Kavacham I clicked on Shivoham. I took this as a sign from Mohanji and sat there meditating on Shivoham. My fellow travellers (my brother and friend) were embarrassed by my listening to anything religious and asked me to stop playing. I told them to pretend that they don’t know me and let me be.

As I was listening to Shivoham, tears kept rolling down as I could not believe the beauty of Prakruti (Mother Nature). I kept saying, “You are me, and I am you”. I felt so deeply connected to nature.   In the evening when we returned to our Airbnb, I sat on my bed to chant the Mohanji Gayatri mantra 108 times. As I was chanting the mantra with my eyes closed, I saw myself in a transparent body and noticed that the entire nature I visited during the day was within me. I clearly saw a river flowing within me. I have read others’ experiences on this, but have never experienced it myself, and I thought this should be shared with all of you. It was truly amazing and I know that I will never be the same again. I feel such a shift within me that I cannot explain it in words.


The following two days were spent travelling to Jasper and I noticed again that I was deeply connecting with nature. Any place I went to – whether the mountains, rivers or any viewpoints – I kept saying, “You are me, and I am you”. I just felt one with my surroundings.

During this trip, I read the experience of a devotee who saw Mohanji in the clouds. I said to Mohanji, “I know you are with me, but why can’t I find you in the clouds?” The next moment I felt silly for asking him for this experience. I said, “Why should I ask him for these temporary experiences?” Mohanji knows what experience I need and will give me accordingly.  I noticed that the thought of seeing Mohanji in the clouds kept coming up now and then. I tried to ignore it – arguing with myself, why ask for this?

Mohanji sky

But Mohanji is so kind and compassionate, he fulfilled my loving wish. I was at one of the most beautiful locations I have ever visited – Moose Lake, Jasper. Similar to the other experience, tears naturally started flowing as I could not believe what I was witnessing. I told Mother Nature, “How did I get so lucky to witness this?” I was filled with gratitude. Then my attention went to a particular patch of clouds and I noticed it changing shape. Usually my eyes would not fix on one point but in this case, I just could not move my eyes (almost frozen) from that patch of clouds. Lo and behold, I noticed the clouds taking the shape of Mohanji’s face! I thought it was my imagination, so I blinked a couple of times, but the shape stayed. The next moment I thought of taking a picture to share with my M family and I asked Mohanji to stay so I could take a picture, but I noticed the clouds moving again. He came just for me as I had secretly desired to see him in the clouds. There were tears of gratitude as I experienced this.

PC: Tapan Patel

Our next stop was Vancouver, and we visited the Capilano Suspension Bridge.  I am extremely afraid of heights. When I say extremely….I mean extremely! It is a phobia. It was so difficult for me to walk the bridge considering that it is not fixed and moves with the movement of people on it. Plus, the bridge can hold a large number of people on it. That made it super scary for me – to see so many people on a ‘moving’ bridge. What I did not know before crossing the bridge was that if you want to exit the park, you have to walk back on the bridge.

Quote 1

The place also had treetop adventures and cliff walking (exactly as it sounds) on a transparent structure below and on both sides. I always like to face my fears – so I signed up for all the activities. Crossing the suspension bridge was extremely difficult. I did not look at either side and concentrated on just getting to the other side. Then I started the treetop adventure – it was 110 feet above the forest floor. As I was carefully crossing it, I said to Mohanji, “This fear needs to go… I need to let it go…” and I noticed suddenly that I could cross the bridge without much fear. In fact, I got on the middle of one of the bridges and started jumping on it. After that, I successfully did the cliff walk and walked back on the Capilano Suspension Bridge to the exit point of the park.  I don’t think the fear has completely gone but this was a great improvement from where I started. I also could cross the bridge while looking on both the sides and looking down without fear gripping me.



As I have returned from my trip, I can surely say that I have returned as a different person. There is also a stronger sense of wanting to protect the environment. During our trip, we visited the Vancouver Aquarium and they had exhibits of how humans are destroying the ocean. We even sat down for a documentary and I could not hold my tears when I saw what we are doing to nature. It scares me to think that all the beautiful locations I visited on this trip may not exist for the future generations to witness unless we start protecting our resources.

“Your choice is to be love or to be fear. Fear is darkness. Fear is ignorance. Be love. It is worth it.” – Mohanji


Gratitude is such a small word for what I feel, and I can never thank Mohanji enough for this trip and what it did to me. At your lotus feet always Mohanji.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th October 2019


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