By Krishnan G. alias Vivek, Kozhikode, Kerala
The Grace of Brahmarishi Mohanji, available to one and all, is indescribable.
I hail from Kozhikode, Kerala. I have been a spiritual seeker since my youth. I was always keen to know about enlightened Masters and used to read biographies of various spiritual Masters. I had to face a challenging situation in my office in 2020, during the start of this pandemic. Being an HR (Human Resources) professional, I was forced to lay off many employees due to the financial crunch my company faced because of the Covid situation. Losing a job is the worst thing that can happen to a person, and imagine the plight of the person who has to forcefully remove the employees?. Needless to say, the sad faces of the people who had lost their jobs haunted me like anything.
I was desperately searching for peace of mind, and that’s when I came across the Mohanji Foundation’s website, and I immediately contacted the officials for techniques to calm my turbulent mind. That very evening, I received a call from Devadas of Palakkad that an online meditation session called ‘Power of Purity‘ was to be held through Zoom, and he asked me to connect to Kishore, who was going to conduct the same if I so wished. The meditation session had a profound impact on my life and my state of mind. I became calmer and was able to face challenges with more clarity and focus, and became a devotee of Mohanji.
“Peace is our very nature and the nature of all beings. Acceptance helps peace. Awareness stabilizes it. Restlessness rests only in the mind.”
Mai-Tri Session
On 20th January 2022, I was down with a high fever and was tested positive for Covid. Unfortunately, within two days, my two-and-a-half-year-old son, wife, father, and mother were all down with Covid. I desperately needed Mai-Tri sessions. So I contacted Devadas for the same but found out that he and his family members, all of whom are Mai-Tri Practitioners, had been affected by Covid. He gave me another person’s number, whom I called and found that he too was down with Covid. I did not know what to do in that situation. I prayed to Mohanji for help, and suddenly, Chitra came to my memory. I called her up and explained my situation, for which she readily agreed to do a three-day Covid Mai-Tri Sessions. We recovered soon, and so did my father and mother.
Chitra said Mohanji’s grace is protecting us like a kavacham (armour), and the impact of Covid was very low because of that. While doing the session for me, she said that she’d had a vision of a royal divine cow, which was fully satisfied, and she asked me whether we own cows or have a farm. I said, “No”. But then, suddenly, I remembered one of my bedtime stories told by my grandfather about the cattle he’d owned in his village in Kannur district and how he lovingly used to milk the cows. My grandfather had also been fond of a particular cow. This struck me like a thunderbolt; the appearance of a royal cow during my Mai-Tri session and my grandfather having a farm all seemed connected.
We don’t know or understand the spiritual messages and the grace that animals shower for generations. Chitra told me that the vision indicated that it would be good for me to feed cows.
I was in confusion about whom to contact and how to do the same because I did not know anybody who had cows in my city. Not everybody would be interested in giving permission for cow feeding during this pandemic. I discussed this with Chitra, and she told me she would enquire and get back.
The next day, she messaged me with the mobile number of Dr. Madhuraj and told me that he had cows in his house. He is the brother of Dr. Jyothirmayi, who is active in the Mohanji Foundation, and added that his home was located in my area as per the landmark. Another surprise was waiting for me as I called him and understood that I had known him since my childhood. I had noted him as a spiritual person since my childhood days. His home was only a kilometre away from my house, but I did not know that he owned cows. I really became excited to meet the person I admire after a long time. I thanked Mohanji for connecting me to him again after such a big gap.
I was bewildered and happy at the same time. I was searching everywhere, but Mohanji gave me this surprise near my house. What should I call this? Grace? Love? Compassion? I don’t have words to describe the happiness I experienced. I went to Dr. Madhu’s (Madhu Ettan) house. He was really happy to let me feed the cows, hug them and be with them. This was absolutely a magical event that happened in my life. I’m forever indebted to Brahmarishi Mohanji for showering so much compassion and grace on me.
I understood that if we make ourselves available with utmost humility, he will be there with us always, holding our hands tightly.

Manisha Patel, Canada
When you walk with a master like Mohanji, it’s not about having everything good in life. It’s about self-transformation while heading on your journey towards your merger with the Master. It’s not about gaining materialistic things; it’s about achieving and experiencing oneness with the Master. It’s not about fulfilling desires; it’s about awareness of contentment with what we have. It’s not about securing your future, but it’s about being in the present and accepting the moment we have now.
Life was very different before Covid started in early 2020. I had many plans and desires to live life as per my plan. I was thinking of quitting my job, having a break from work for six months and being semi-retired to be more available for Mohanji foundation work. Then Covid happened; my husband’s business closed down because of lockdown, which never came back to normal, and since then, I have been working six days a week.
As per our family plan, my husband and I should be at ease after working for 13 years in Canada. We should have relished the fruit of our hard work in Canada. At the moment, my husband does not have any business income; hence I’m working six days a week. We are extremely grateful to Mohanji for giving us the richness of awareness and understanding that he has a better plan for our journey with him. He has helped us develop unshakable faith and awareness. He made our family richer with his blessings and love in our hearts and lives. Lots of shedding happened. Faith increased instead of ego, and doingness transformed into beingness.
Earlier, I used to cry and worry about the future and old age. Now I have only the current moment to live. I don’t know if I will be alive tomorrow, whether the business will get sold or not, and what we will do if our business gets sold. We know only one truth in our life: “The biggest asset in our life is Mohanji.”
He brought more stability during this uncertain and turbulent time. He brought awareness of acceptance and contentment. He brought awareness that his presence in your journey is more important than any materialistic thing when your journey is with him.
I am always grateful for your presence and uncountable blessings, dear Mohanji!
At your lotus feet!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th March 2022
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