By Pramod Nair, UK
Interface and interaction with numinous souls in diverse physical forms is indeed the feat of fate or destiny or, of course, our Karma. Either way, it is BLISS.
I, being an ordinary mortal plunged in family life, had but no thoughts except for the daily rat race of my life. The light of my inner soul dawned after I met my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagwan in 1998 who incited my spiritual quest and philosophical qualms. Henceforth, I had no looking back and the consciousness that this Guru has been known to me since eons left me spellbound. Every physical form must go into oblivion as is the law of nature and my Guru attained Samadhi on 15th August 2017 leaving me and my family in an abyss of grief. This preface is indispensable when I narrate my acquaintance with Mohanji on the 17th of September 2017. Behold, I perceived the same feel of vibrations I experienced with my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagwan, the soul bond and my inner call to meet him surged another infinite accord in my life with Mohanji.
Nityananda Swami of Ganeshpuri had blessed my maternal grandfather and grand-uncle in the course of their numerous visits to his ashram and I used to watch on YouTube the aarti going on there. It was by prospect, or by providence that my eyes fell on a discourse by Mohanji on Swami Nityananada and this enticed my instantaneous interest. This led me to view another talk of Mohanji on Shirdi Sai Baba.
My inquisitiveness to know more grew without bounds and I set on a trail to find the means and ways to meet Mohanji.
The first thought was to spot if he had a Facebook account and to my surprise he had and he was visiting the UK. My yearning to meet him augmented by time and my thoughts frantically set on informing about him to my consort and better half, Aroma! On informing and briefing on Mohanji, I enquired if she was interested to meet him as he was visiting the UK. Ignorant of who Mohanji was, Aroma expounded on his picture that he appeared like a CEO of some company. To my surprise, he used to be one, and this intrigued me further to reach him. Mr. Vijay gave in sequence that he would be in Bath on the 17th September 2017 and we started our journey along with our friends Rohit Phillip and Sue Tasher to Bath, from Penarth.

Certain meetings spark imperative kinship from the past, not explicable to ordinary mortals. Such was our meeting with Mohanji. Memories imprinted in our brain shape as dreams and there, I found myself entangled in the spiritual aura of Mohanji leading us both down a pleasing panorama.
5th January 2018
Visions are a supernatural apparition or a spectre of events which can define certain spiritual encounters and I experienced one, after my usual chanting. It goes thus…
I was physically in front of an idol and that idol to my bewilderment was Mohanji and accolades were accorded as Jai Mohanji and Om Namah Shivaya many a time by the devotees amassed around.
The aarati focused towards the deity in the sanctum sanctorum threw light on two shivalingas ingrained by silver plating and arrayed by exquisite flowers.
The bliss I endured was unfathomable and I spanned over to my substantial entity chanting Om Namah Shivaya wide awake.
4th Feb 2018
Any unprecedented event spoiling our tranquillity initiates us to think about the position of our stars – a typical Indian Hindu mind. I being no exception was in the same path due to lack of a good job which compelled me to pilot my celestial stars and their positions. Lo and behold, the divination I acquired was that I was engulfed in SHANI DASHA. The burden of filling up many job applications took its toll on me and as my last resort for my chaotic mind, I approached my benefactor and saviour, Mohanji.
As usual the serene reply from him, “Don’t worry,” ascertained me to adopt an unwavering mind to subsist life as it comes with the equivalent momentum as if I had a job. The shani mantra of “Om Sham Shanishwaraaya Namah” came to my salvage and I supposed all would be resolved. The feel was akin to the one I would cognize when my Guru was with me.
The impediment in implementing my job offer in London impelled me to mention this to my friend who took up the issue and started punching numbers on his phone in the process of contacting someone. Caught unawares of what was happening behind him, he declared that a job has been set for me in a care home in Wales. Meanwhile hidden in the backdrop was a familiar face smiling at me and I jolted to comprehend that it was Mohanji’s face which was showing up at all glory in front of me. My friend was in no frame of mind to stop praising the new job I was offered. Amidst all this cacophony I felt I was hallucinating, but inevitably was not and perceiving Mohanji nod at me in complete agreement to take up the Job, I knew it was no dream and my eyes could not betray me.
As an arid land absorbs every tiny drop of water, this job offered solace to my scorched mind and the affirmation Mohanji transmitted through his smile and nod goes beyond rationalization. The job was undeniably a stability pill for me and added to that, caring for the elderly was a spiritual endeavour.
Eventually, I was gratified because I would be with my dear ones in London itself. What more does a human need? Indeed, a family package!
9th Feb 2018
The craving of the soul is unfathomable. It leads us to supernatural situations and places. One such hunger in my inner self was Shiva Kavacham by Mohanji which haunted me day and night. I resolved to explore the usual online source YouTube, but in vain. My thoughts started speculating on why I was deprived of understanding this Shiva Kavacham by Mohanji. Later, it was made clear by Mohanji himself who appeared to me as a 3D image and elucidated the power of this Kavacha and explained why it was covert.
The inner quest materialized when I got a copy of Shiva Kavacham from Subhasree and I solicited permission from Mohanji to listen and chant this. I was very glad in return to tender her a pdf copy of Shani Mahtmyam in English which my Guru used to read daily.
On February 23rd (Mohanji’s birthday), my inner self boomed with the yearning to render Mohanji my deepest and inner feeling in the form of a stuthi or poem and it poured out from me frenziedly, the medium of expression being Sanskrit. Will share it when the destined time approaches
10th March 2018
This day was very propitious to me as it happened to be my Poojya Sree Bhagawan’s birthday. If in physical form he would have turned 93. Darshan of Avadhoota Nandandaji was soul gratifying followed by the sight of Mohanji standing and praying in a hall which was veraciously bedecked with tables and chairs set like in a fine dine restaurant.
My thoughts raced to connect this vision with the current job offered to me, that I had accepted in a fine dine restaurant in Cheltenham. Same day I could visualize oil dripping from the photo of my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagawan, which emanated the fragrance of sandalwood.
16th March 2018
My association of the soul which was connected to Mohanji persevered. I dreamt away to glory, perceiving Mohanji as my mentor or spiritual guide. We strolled into serene places and it was bliss. Out of the blue! Mohanji handed me a silver paper with Sanskrit inscriptions of the chant Om Ram Ramaya Namah. Surprises persisted, yet again Mohanji took out another article, which was inscribed in Tamil, and it delineated on Shirdi Sai Baba and Keno Upanishad. Since the language of Tamil was Greek and Latin to me, my friend was asked to read out the inscriptions to me. Mohanji presumed my dilemma on the Tamil language and proposed that it would all be clear and the inner meaning will be revealed. Soon, I was handed a golden hued watch by Mohanji seeking me to adorn it and with the words of utmost importance and divinity he held: ‘LET YOUR SERVICE TO HUMANITY BEGIN’. My inner thoughts revealed that the watch was a reminder of how precious time is and the goal is to live in the present, serving as a tool to enforce service to humanity. As all holy books and teachings preach ‘MANAV SEVA MADHAV SEVA – SERVING HUMANITY IS TO SERVE GOD’.
The mantra entrusted to me was to be included in my daily chant and then I realized that Rama Navami was on the 25th March. In addition to the chants, I also had the opportunity to read the English version of Kena Upanishad which precisely depicts Brahman with attributes and without attributes, and for being a treatise on “purely conceptual knowledge”. It reaffirms the idea of “Spiritual Man”, “Soul is a wonderful being that even gods worship”, “Atman (Soul) exists”, and “knowledge and spirituality are the goals and intense longing of all creatures”.
16th March 2018
After my Sharana Mantra and Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra, I felt an inner urge to peer out of my window and gaze at the Sky. I felt the clouds impinging on each other to conform a silhouette. I contemplated more closely at the shape formed by the clouds and could view that it was Kalyan my younger son’s face and it emanated pain. I looked again and it was the same. Disturbed, I sat down in meditation and was in the process of sending healing vibes to him, in case he was in pain. Kalyan had gone for a night out with other children from the school on the 15th of March. He was all thrilled and robust the previous day. At the defined moment, the landline rang and it was from the school reception asking me to instantly collect back Kalyan from his camp place. He was ill and had been vomiting. Mysterious are the ways of the divine masters, enigmatic and it’s with awe we realize how they render a helping hand and guard us in our troubled times. I surrender to the divine, bow to the supreme masters and my faith in the Guru is impeccable.
3rd April 2018
My visions sustained and this time I was in a Satsang where Mohanji was encircled by many people who came to see him and get blessings, after his Latin American visit. I remained a witness and was imbibing the scene, when Mohanji spotted me and asked me to sit beside him and placed his hands on my shoulder lovingly. After few moments Mohanji got into a trance sort and his bhaav (expression) changed followed by the presence of Vibhuti on his right palm. He applied it on my forehead and blessed me by placing his hands on my head. The flow of energy from his hands to my body surged in and I was in total ecstasy. The divine energy was activated in me. The vibhuti which I tasted did have the divine fragrance as well.
Meanwhile, Mohanji started giving vibhuti to people around him and many thanked me, because they felt I was the reason behind Mohanji giving vibhuti and I personally thanked Mohanji for this amazing experience.
I have been chanting the Sharana Mantra given by my Sadguru Rama Devi, who was my Guru, Poojya Sreee Bhagawan’s Guru. Before departing the earthly abode, she imparted this mantra to his disciples, Poojya Sree Bagawan and his consort Tara Devi on 1st November 1978. This universal Mahamantra is:
Charanam means holy feet, Sharanam means Surrender, Ramambike means the one who gives material and spiritual wealth. Trayambake means the one who knows my past, present and future.
It literally means “I surrender to that supreme source or power which gives me material and spiritual wealth, I surrender to that supreme power who knows my past, present and future.”
My Guru used to say it is a mystical formula. It only asks the spiritual seeker to surrender. One has to chant from 5.30am to 5.45 am every day for it to give the desired result quickly. I have been doing this since 1998.
In reality, when you surrender your ego at the feet of the Guru/God, the Guru/God takes heed of all your trouble. You are no longer carrying the “I” sense, it is renunciated to the absolute Guru.
If one understands the Guru tattva, the source is the same, the form changes. This can be understood if you love your Guru, you see him in everyone and everything. I see my Guru through and in Mohanji. The love, care and presence which my Guru gave me is what I see in him.
My Guru used to tell me,“Pramod, I am always with you”
When I met Mohanji he said the same thing, “Pramod, I am always with you”.
Incredible are the ways of true masters.
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