Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji

Author: Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia

“I am the source. I am the powerhouse. I do not become tired or depleted, ever. I am just like the candle that can light many candles and still maintain the same glow and glory.” Mohanji

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 1, experience
Apart from the visits to the pyramid of the Sun, the pyramid of the Moon and other pyramids as well as spending time in the amazing Tunnel Ravne, our 5-day pilgrimage to Bosnian Pyramids in 2016 included a visit to the Vratnica Tumulus. It was a spring sunny day, suitable for such an endeavour. It had been raining for several days before our visit. So this sunny day was like a gift.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 2, experience
Day 1 before climbing the pyramid of the Sun

Vratnica means “gate” – a gate to the pyramids. It is an artificially made, conically shaped hill, which is why it is called tumulus. It happens to be one of the biggest tumulus in the Balkan region. This place was discovered in 2010. A team of Croatian physicists detected electromagnetic phenomenon – an energy beam of 28 kHz on top of it.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 3,4 experience
Climbing to Vratnica Tumulus

We were very interested in this phenomenon. It is a frequency which defies gravitational force and allows levitation. This explains how they moved such huge concrete blocks up so high. Our primary and loving guide, Ajdin, who had been there with us for the first few  days of the pilgrimage wasn’t available. The guide who accompanied us was quieter and provided less information. Mohanji had suggested that we should FEEL more along the way rather than talk, drink, smoke, check messages on Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, etc. To be mindful with our mind present with each breath, thought and action. To eat mindfully with our mind present with each bite and sip. Following Mohanji’s instructions, we really did FEEL the pyramids the last few days. Now we were looking forward to feeling the Vratnica Tumulus. We wanted to experience what the energy of the place would be like. This very place called the “Archeological Park – Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” works on you and transforms you as much as you are receptive. We were also eager to hear more about it.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 5,6 experience

We first walked past the faded blocks whose colour was diminished by exposure to water, storms, etc. After that, we went up to the tumulus which is a huge megalithic terrace, built alternately from clay and concrete blocks. Our group meditated and did Consciousness Kriya at the top of it. My heart danced in joy for being given the chance to do Consciousness Kriya so close to Him physically, in His aura.

Next, we moved to the other side of the tumulus. Mohanji felt energy radiating from several hills around the tumulus. On the first one, He said that the energy was very subtle and it was not easy to feel it unless you had developed great subtlety. We tried to feel it. However, there were a few houses around where people lived and were in the midst of activity. We were distracted by what sounded like a lawnmower, a drill, or a chainsaw coming from the valley, at the bottom of the hill. Hmmm. Looked like someone was working in their garden. But we needed silence not for our satisfaction, but for our elevation. We couldn’t  properly hear the beginning of the guide’s talk either. Mohanji was silent. Suddenly, the noise stopped. “Oh, what a relief,” we thought. We could feel the place and hear the guide. We enjoyed these precious moments in higher energy. For a short but good amount of time that we could tune in and listen to the tumulus. Later, somebody asked, ”What happened?” Mohanji just smiled and said, ”He went to the toilet.” We laughed. He said it like it was a joke. But we knew it wasn’t.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 10, experience

Mohanji is one with all. He was also one with the man with the chainsaw. He knows my, yours or his heart, thoughts and aspirations. That is why He could direct his actions. The same way as He directs the actions of whoever is connected to Him. For the one who is one with everything and everyone, with absolute stability in oneness and unconditional love, timelessness and ever presence, it is simple to guide disciples away from distractions and wrong choices, while making them go in the directions which turn them to themselves, pulling them from the inside and pushing them from the outside.

Removing this noise, a small distraction on our pilgrimage may look like a trifle, and it went unnoticed by a lot of pilgrims. But it made me ask myself, ”Why am ‘I’ me? And not something or somebody else?” The body is like a shell, and we occupy it for some time, for several decades. At the same time, why wouldn’t we expand to everything, everywhere while still alive? Like Mohanji? The power of the spirit is immeasurable and intangible. To be liberated from our own body while still alive. Keep living in it, but not be bound by it. Be liberated from birth and death and have eternal life, i.e. immortality.

In Song of the Soul, Mohanji writes about an avadhoota who illustrates exactly this. Furthermore, Avadhoota Nadananda told Him that He is also an avadhoota Himself, so these words are valid for Mohanji, too,

Just like one sun gets reflected in many objects without losing its intensity and energy, through the cycle of generation, I exist. I am the string that kept the generations together. I am the only imperishable entity in this highly perishable earthly existence. Sun, moon and stars are formed out of me. Galaxies are within me. All forms of deities are formed out of me. Darkness is non-existence of light. Being me is non–existence of Maya or illusion. I am everything. I am the in-dweller of all beings. There is no hierarchy or supremacy. I exist with the same intensity in all beings. Beings are different, in looks, in feel, in characteristics. I am the same. I am changeless. I am everywhere. I am Oneness.

I have no form. I assume the form of the vessel that contains me. I assume the characteristics of the being that encases me. Even though I remain neutral always, I empower actions, words and thoughts. No one can touch or feel me. One can only realize me. One has to become me, reach my subtlety, to realize me. One has to shed a lot of grossness to reach me, recognize me and understand me. I have no agenda. I assume the agenda of the being and, like a faithful and non-interfering servant, serve the embodied entity till the end. I allow myself to be trapped in the body. I assume the body. I allow myself to be called the body. I even pretend I am the limited body. I never interfere. I liberate myself at will.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramids with Mohanji 11, experience


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