The waves I rode to reach my sacred bridge


By Deloshni Govender

“A guru is not a crutch; he is a bridge.”

A guru is not someone who comes to offer support, He is the golden bridge which transports you from a state of unconsciousness to sublime consciousness.

Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji!

I offer, at the lotus feet of my beloved Guru Mohanji, the experience of my very first encounter with Brahmarishi Mohanji and the Divine grace which entered my life.

Mohanji - Deloshni Govender

I have always been a “spiritual” seeker and have always been intrigued by Masters/Gurus but never had any urge to find one. I was in a very deep state of depression after I was forced to accept a job 600km away from my family owing to financial constraints. I had a lot of anger and stored emotions within me and truly felt that life owed me more than I was given.

In October 2013, my husband called to tell me that there was a “Guru” speaking at the Ganesha Chathurthi puja in Durban. I was uninterested. My husband was fortunate enough to meet the said Guru and told me that he was indeed a great man and I should meet him when he came to Gauteng. Again uninterested. The veil of negative fog surrounding me was indeed thick. My husband gave me the contact number of the person running the Guru’s programme and I called a few times with no success so I felt that this was really a sign that this was not for me.

A few weeks later, when I went home, my husband joyfully presented me with the book “The Power of Purity”. I accepted it with thoughts of it being “yet another book by yet another Guru!”. I opened the book and found the words “To Deloshni, With Love, M”. As I type this, waves of energy are pulsing through my body as I feel the sanctity of that moment. But at that time, I didn’t realise the grace which was being delivered. I was only later to understand the impact of what had happened. Mohanji had blessed my husband and GIFTED the book to him but autographed the book to ME!


I wasn’t fortunate to meet Mohanji during his visit to SA and the book lay in my flat for a few weeks unopened due to my depression and general disinterest in life. One afternoon, out of boredom I opened the book and started reading it. The words started stirring something within me. The crystal clear clarity of the messages was astounding! I was finally beginning to understand this existence! The meditation which came with the book was even more mind blowing and took me to an inner space of deep peace. I found myself more relaxed and accepting of myself and the life I have chosen. The book became my permanent companion. I never went anywhere without it. I would even have colleagues at work approach me and request me to open any page to see what lesson we could learn that day.

A few weeks later I met Mohanji for the first time but it was not a physical meeting. I now understand that we had an astral meeting. I had a very vivid “dream”. I awoke feeling every sensation like it had actually happened. I dreamed that I was in a battle of sorts with Mohanji and His followers. I dreamed that each time Mohanji would come close to me, I would run and my “friends” would help me escape. This was the type of experience which went on all night long but at the end of the dream I found myself alone. Mohanji was also finally alone. He was dressed in white and walking towards me, towering over me. I began running backwards in fear unable to take my eyes off Him. As He advanced, I slipped and fell onto my back and shouted “Bhagawan Shree Sathya Sai Baba ki Jai!!!” (Hail to the Divine Lord Sathya Sai Baba) and then “Om Shakthi, Parashakthi” (Divine Feminine energy). Mohanji reached out to me. He was just pure light. He picked me up, embraced me and called me affectionate names while holding me. He said to me “Why are you running from me? You are an enlightened being” and he continued to console and comfort me. He then took me to a room with a table in it and we both sat at the table and like a teacher he began teaching me. Up to this day, I have no idea what he taught me that night.


After the dream, I was in a daze for a few days and didn’t know what to think of it all. I researched this Guru online and tried to see how best I could contact Him. I did not know that He was on Facebook but I did find His profile on Speaking Tree. I sent Him a message about my encounter and to my utter delight I received the following message a few days later, “Dear Deloshni, I forwarded your message to Him, as Mohanji does not check this profile directly. He read your message and told you He is always with you and you are protected, there is nothing to worry about. Love Biljana Vozarevic, Mohanji Foundation.” My life changed drastically within those months. I was blessed to meet Mohanji in His physical aspect in December that year and He gave me Shaktipat at Arunachala. The growth, peace and love which I have since been graced with is evident in the smile I have on my face these days.


My Guru came to me as destined and at the time it was destined. As I now realise, the meeting with the Guru need not be a physical encounter. I rode many waves of despair, fatigue and anguish in life but I will ride them all over again if they take me to His feet. He appeared and provided a bridge for me between unconsciousness and sublime consciousness. I have never in my life felt this connected to the Divine despite the many rituals and japa I used to do. My Baba (Mohanji) bridged the gap and allowed me to constantly feel divine love. Even though gratitude is just a word, only my heart knows what I truly wish to express as gratitude. Love you always and over all lifetimes, Baba.

Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji Jai!!!!

Deloshni Govender


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6 thoughts on “The waves I rode to reach my sacred bridge”

  1. Shyama Jeyaseelan

    Dear team, Such a beautiful sharing. So happy for the writer to have found her Guru in Mohanji. Feeling so blessed to be under Mohanji’s love and protection as always. Lots of love,Shyama 

  2. Truly good feeling to read all these experiences… Can anyone tell how to contact Mohanji… Iam not in facebook or twitter….

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