Grace of Mohanji – Beyond Science

Author: Dr. Nikita Naredi, Pune, India

Mohanji - experience by Dr Nikita Naredi, Pune

A flickering flame ignited five years back has now expanded into a crackling fire, creating a warm and wholesome hearth in my soul, that illuminates the path to my destination – my Guru, Mohanji. As you must have guessed, the duration of my association with Mohanji is nearing 5 years. The transformation He has brought in me, my life and my overall persona is beyond words. This is the change I perceive in myself and my nearest family (my daughter, my husband, my parents and siblings) can overtly see in me. I don’t need not to put this testimony in words to prove their veracity as everyone connected to Mohanji (I call him lovingly as “Father”) can vouch for the truth of their experiences. If He says, “I am with you”, then He is always with us walking by our side, helping us in our day to day dharma, removing all our impediments and facilitating our growth both spiritually and as human beings.

All of us who are positively connected to Mohanji have had super experiences of Him touching our lives. It behooves us to pen them down these experiences so that, during our moments of darkness, they serve as a guiding light for us to dispel negativity and reaffirm faith by showing us the immense grace that has been showered by the Master in our lives. It also helps show the beacon of light to other people including our M family members to repose trust in the Divine that is always earnestly working for our well being.

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I am a gynaecologist specialising in IVF (in vitro-fertilisation) – medical speak for what is commonly known as making test tube babies for couples who are unable to conceive. The success rate of this procedure is low with the best of centres across the globe hovering around 45-50% i.e. in the best of the best, 1 in 2 couples succeed in conceiving. The results in my clinic are very good with Mohanji’s grace. Mostly, it is 45% and in certain months, it goes up to 55%. I take no credit for that because I know He is facilitating every procedure that I am doing. Earlier, I used to feel sad for couples getting negative reports. During one of my meetings with Him, He said, “Surrender it to me, irrespective of whether good or bad, and believe Mohanji is performing it.” Since, I have stopped taking ownership for anything that happens in my clinic and react neutrally.

I want to share one of my experiences which is beyond the realms of science and will be difficult to comprehend for a normal person who is working only with the narrow domains of mind and reasoning. This particular couple, married for 8 years with no children, reported to my clinic for fulfilling their dreams of parenthood. They were very anxious as they had two failed attempts of IVF performed earlier elsewhere. We started their evaluation and, after counselling and explaining the existing problem, I recommended IVF treatment for them. Soon we commenced the IVF treatment for the couple. IVF treatment, in short the eggs of the women are taken out of the body under anaesthesia and fused with husband’s sperms outside the body and once the embryo (baby) is formed, it is put into the woman’s uterus. For this, the lady has to take lots of injections for almost a month which can be both physically and psychologically very challenging. The worst is the uncertainty of the outcome.

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When we started the procedure for the couple, I told them to get connected to Mohanji and they started attending the Power of Purity meditations regularly. The husband started feeling at peace and he started participating in all our service activities too.  Soon, he became an ardent devotee of Mohanji. After the first failed cycle, we started the third cycle with complete surrender to Mohanji. The husband was teaching the kids from slums at ‘Mohanji Kaa Aangan’ in Pune with full sincerity, love and devotion. I knew Mohanji was taking care. I started the third cycle of IVF and after a tumultuous month of injections and procedures, the final procedure was done and the time for results approached. I had no expectations this time. Lo and behold! The result was positive and she had conceived twins. It might seem very obvious this time but this is not what I wanted to share. The journey of Mohanji’s blessings in their lives had just begun with pregnancy.

After around 4½ months of pregnancy, the lady started having very high blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy is a very severe disorder, especially if it happens during early months. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be fatal for the mother if not treated in a timely manner. If the blood pressure can’t be controlled and the pregnancy is very early, the only cure is to remove the pregnancy to save the life of the mother. For this particular lady, her first blood pressure recording was very high at 180/120 (normal is 120/80). We admitted her and started her on medication to control the blood pressure. I was anxious and apprehensive. An uncomfortable  thought had come to consider the possibility of aborting her pregnancy if the blood pressure could not be controlled. Then again, who was I to decide the course when Mohanji was taking care?

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It was a happy moment for us when her pressure was controlled soon enough but we knew we would have to monitor her very closely. Such cases would require high doses of drugs or, in some cases, a combination of two or more medicines to control the blood pressure. I called the couple and told them that we have a long way to go to finally reach the stage of having a successful pregnancy outcome without any harm to the mother and the babies. Only one thing was required: complete surrender to Mohanji. They started chanting daily and continued the POP meditation daily, while I and my team were looking after the lady’s medical condition. It is a miracle that, till 8½ months of pregnancy, her blood pressure remained under control with a minuscule dose of medicines. The babies were growing adequately with no complications.

Blood pressure during pregnancy is associated with many complications – fits and liver failure being some of them. This lady had no such problems as well as no increase in number and dosage of drugs. It was only in the end (about 8½ months of pregnancy) when the babies were mature enough that the blood pressure started increasing again despite the medicines. At that point, we decided to carry out her delivery for the safety of the mother and the babies. She underwent a Caesarean section and delivered two beautiful, cute daughters who they subsequently named Nitya (Eternal) and Niyati (Destiny).

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It’s beyond our scientific knowledge to explain this miraculous protection throughout the pregnancy. In cases of high blood pressure in early parts of pregnancy, we have generally had to sacrifice the babies for the safety of the mother. In this couple’s case, not only did we avoid abortion, but the healthy babies were also delivered against all odds. Surely, this lady and her beautiful daughters were completely under the protection of Mohanji! Their surrender, utmost faith and Mohanji’s blessings gave us a successful and fruitful outcome. Lucky are the two angels who were blessed by Mohanji in person when He visited Pune. Divinity, grace, compassion and unconditional love was exuding when they were in His arms.

Another lady who is also a Mohanji devotee as well as my patient had a failed first IVF cycle. She was very composed when she heard the report. When she met Mohanji subsequently, He said “It was not meant to happen this time”. He suggested her to visit Kukke Subrahmanya temple in Karnataka before going through the next cycle. She expressed her desire to have twins and Mohanji smiled as if to say Tathasthu (So be it). Subsequently, when we carried out her second cycle, the Divine was with her. Guess what! She had twins – a boy and a girl!

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This is just a drop of the ocean of blessings from Mohanji in my patients lives and mine. I feel His presence in my clinic which is officially called the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Centre. For me, it’s my temple since He remarked, “I stay here” on one of His visits to the centre. Since the month, He visited and blessed the place the success rates have just boomeranged to 63% from the usual 45-50%. We are only a channel for the Divine to carry out it’s work. The grace and blessings of the Master help us sail through.

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Science and technology have definitely helped us progress and help these anxious couples but the role of the Divine and the grace always reigns more supreme. During one of my conversations with Mohanji, He had mentioned “The devotee’s surrender forces Me to cut down their karmas to such a great extent that it is unfathomable”. Every moment, I thank Mohanji for guiding me, blessing me and spreading His love and grace so that I am able to bring happiness in people’s lives.

Jai Mohanji

Dr. Nikita Naredi


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5 thoughts on “Grace of Mohanji – Beyond Science”

  1. Nikita di.. His Grace and ur surrender both makes our faith stronger on the divine power… Stay blessed.

    Thank you for penning it so beautifully.. Lots of love

  2. Lavanya shrivadtava

    How do I join this philosophy n be in his presence…where do I listen to him n seek his blessings…listen to him

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience with Father. It increases our faith in Him everyday when we hear such Divine Experiences

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