Mohanji’s Guru Purnima Message
“Dear Embodiments of love,
I wish you a very happy and fulfilling Guru Purnima. We have spoken about various aspects of existence over the year, so I don’t want to repeat quite a lot of the same stuff, but I would like to remind you about one important aspect as you walk the path of spirituality.
God as we perceive is pure consciousness – formless, pure energy, pure brightness. Your soul is pure brightness. It is the source of all elements, elements which have created the body i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space. All these elements have their source in the Soul or God which is the same. Soul is pure brightness, God is pure brightness, Guru who has attained, confirmed, merged or integrated into God is pure brightness. So Guru – Soul – God are more or less the same.
What do you see on Guru outside of you?
A reminder. A direction. A road map. That’s it. However, the more you connect with yourself, the brightness within you, the brightness which is your original state, that’s exactly when you actually connect to a Guru. And when you see that brightness in every being outside of you, then you see Guru in every being. So Guru is in every being. Guru is in everything.
Look at the source of all things. Even if it is anger, hatred, jealousy kind of thing or even if it is a feeling, a wind blowing, breeze, sounds… Look at the source of all things around you, you will understand that there is energy behind it. Without that energy, there is no movement, there is no aspect, there is no life.
This life is Guru. Energy behind all life is Guru. That’s the principle I would like you to remember today on Guru Purnima.”
Read the full Mohanji’s message, ponder and reflect on the details he gave here.
On this auspicious day, Mohanji was in Bangalore where he gave a satsang which was broadcasted live.
This is how we celebrated it all over the world:
Guru Purnima week was celebrated from 10th July – 17th July focusing primarily on Annadaan.
The cities spanned across Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Thiruvannamalai, Gurgaon, Shirdi, Jammu, Kerala, Hyderabad, Kanchrapara, Mohanpur, Chennai and Hosur.
Ammucare served 108 bags (2160 kg) fodder and 5 l of milk to the abandoned animals at Sanjay Gandhi Animal care centre.
Mohanji ka Aangan’s kids were taken to visit the Sanjay Gandhi animal centre which is a shelter to rescued and abandoned animals. The kids were taught the importance of kindness and compassion and living harmoniously with different kinds of beings.
The Ammucare team served food to 150 at Shirdi Sai Baba temple.
Also, groceries were distributed at Siddharth Welfare Home which houses around 45 boys from tribal families who have been sent there as their families have no means to look after them.
Annadaan was done at Roti Ghar.
300 beings were fed at Weavers Colony.
Tiruvannamalai, Arunachala:
Annadaan was done at an old age home called Samiyar madham which is a shelter to aged people who have been abandoned by their children.
Despite the rains, piping hot food was distributed throughout the week to close to 450 people.
Annadaan was done throughout the day on Guru Purnima, feeding 1000 people.
Also, a lunch consisting of dal khichi and lemon rice was distributed to 100 special kids.
The first of its kind yoga class was organized for the cancer patients and their families at the childrens’ ward at a cancer hospital.
Also, Annadaan was done for 500 street dwellers.
The team performed a noble deed on the occasion of Guru Purnima by supporting a family with medical treatment expenses. The family is in dire need of monetary support as two small boys, both under age of 12, are suffering from various fatal life threatening disease.
Also, Annadaan was done at a temple and groceries were distributed to the underprivileged.
The teams performed various activities as part of the seva throughout the day.
Orphanage: Food, books and shoes were distributed.
ZP school: Biscuits were distributed.
The volunteers visited a colony to encourage kids, who had dropped out from schools, to join back and continue their education.
Vanasthalipuram Ashram: Annadaan for 400 people.
Kanchrapara, West Bengal:
Annadaan was performed at a Sai Baba temple and a nearby slum wherein khichdi and laddoos were distributed to around 100+ people.
Annadaan was done for the villagers and a magic show was organized for everyone.
Also, a new Aangan was announce which will be operational soon.

Annadaan was organized for about 40 people – the factory workers, staff, and their families.
Pune Aangan: Annadaan was done for the kids and new sets of uniforms were distributed. The best part of the evening was the small skit enacted by the children on the importance of education in everyone’s lives.
Delhi Aangan:
Guru Purnima was celebrated by doing Annadaan, taking the Aangan children for a visit to the Sanjay Gandhi Animal centre and a tree plantation drive.
We also had arrangements for planting trees at a near by Nagar Nigam school and mandir by children… They were really happy doing all activities and spread their smiles and shines at every place.
Jammu and Bangalore Aangan:
Annadaan was organized for the kids.
Guru Purnima 2019 was celebrated in many parts of South Africa with chanting, meditations, Seva and much joy. The opportunity to celebrate our Guru is a priceless gift and whilst many devotees observed the day privately due to it being a work day, these are the highlights of all group activities observed.
Reported by Molly Brigelal
On this special Guru Purima we did Seva at Inqolobane children’s home in Newguelderland, Stanger.
Rice and veg stew was served. Potatoes and Butternut were also donated. Thank u Babaji.
Dattatapovan Ashram Durban – Reported by Prathiba Singh
Jai Mohanji. The auspiciousness of Guru Purnima was celebrated with deepest Gratitude to Babaji with 12 hours of puja from 18h00 to 06h00.
As always attention to detail for the Love offerings on the Padukas was so beautifully done by Swaami Bhakthananda.
The recital of the Pooja was done by Swamiji, together with the trainee Pujaris. It was incredibly powerful. They chanted and beautifully adorned the Padukas with various items. Thereafter while chanting of the Padam Pooja mantra, devotees offered flowers which were placed in miniature conches to the Padukas.
We then did the Arthi. Thereafter continuous chanting of Mohanjis Gayatri Mantra and Homa was done until 6 am the following morning. It was a Blissful celebration.
We were surrounded by waves Divine Bliss and precious and vibrant energy. All our Gratitude for an amazing celebration. Jai Mohanji.
Pretoria East centre – Reported by Reshmika Chaithram
Jai Mohanji, Pretoria East centre celebrated GuruPoornima today in honour of Our Beloved Brahmarishi Mohanji. We began with Guru Puja while offering white rice onto Baba’s paduka’s. After the Guru Puja, we chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri mantra.
In 2016, my Mosie passed away. She would have celebrated another birthday on July 16th. The days leading to the 13th day after her passing was spent listening to the normal Gayatri mantra which played continuously. After we did Mohanji’s Aarti, we were astounded as the Gayatri mantra started to play, and it wasn’t even next on the playlist.
Thank you Mohanji for always taking care. The energy from the puja and the chanting was amazing and left us feeling embodied in Mohanji’s love and light. Love you Mohanji, you hear us even when we say nothing.
Mohanji Centre Centurion – Reported by Roshini Naidoo
Guru Poornima was observed by the Mohanji family members on Tuesday 16th July from 06h to 18h with 12 hours of chanting.
Our respective family members/teams started the day by chanting the Mohanji Gayatri Mantra (some at home and some at work), in one hour sessions respectively from 06h to 16h. The final two sessions (16h to 18h) were observed at the Centurion Centre and then concluded with Aarti. Padam Pooja was done, offering white rice to Mohanji’s Paduka’s while Chanting the 108 mantras.
Seva was done between 13h and 14h with street feeding. A warm meal together with a fruit and a beanie was given to all loving souls.
The day was filled with Bliss and Divine energy by giving Gratitude and Love to our Guru “Brahmarishi Mohanji”.
Thank you our FATHER, our MASTER and our GURU🙏🙏🙏
Jai Mohanji
Mohanji Centre Newcastle – Reported by Ishwar Singh
Mohanji Family Newcastle purchased blankets for distribution to the poor and needy in honour of Gurupurnima. After invocation, we chanted the Mohanji Gayathri Mantra 108 times and we thereafter chanted the Maha Mritjunjaya Mantra 108 times. We concluded with Arti.
Mohanji Centre Randburg – Reported by Ami Hughes
Mohanji Centre – Randburg (MC-R) also observed Guru Poornima.
Due to this auspicious occasion falling on a work day for most of us, our programme was set for 6 pm.
What a magnificent blessing it was to participate in the sacred event, saturated in our Beloved Mohanji’s Grace and Love.
Six people attended, including hosts Mr and Mrs Oliver and Julie Reddy, Surika, Priscilla and Megan.
As we settled in and became quieter, we could feel the unmistakable Presence of Love hugging us, so silk smooth soft.
Everyone there was beautifully present.
We opened with invocation, and flowed into the 108 chants of Mohanji Gayathri.
It was a Heart and Soul slow rhythmic chant which steadily built up a vortex of swirling sacred Energy. It blanketed the whole shrine. The whole atmosphere began to pulse with the heightening frequencies of the chanting. We were in the Powerful Arms of our Guru and the mighty Datta Tradition He represents.
Our Pada Puja followed – led by Mohanji Acharya Ami.
All of us made offerings of rice grains – soaked in Gratitude, and our Thanks and Love – to the Holy Lotus Feet of our Beloved Guru – Mohanji.
Ami also chanted the Mohanji Saranam Ashtakam and read the English meaning to add impetus, and ended our Pada Puja with the chanting of the Mohanji Kavacham.
Now we were ready for the Freedom Meditation.
What a sweet experience it was – a taste of Celestial Nectar – in the heart-melting voice of our Mohanji.
It was a deeply moving experience, touching each one to the core.
We were literally flying as we did Aarthi in conclusion of our Guru Poornima celebration.
All Praise and Thanks to You Mohanji – our Beloved SadhGuru.
We know Your physical form, but can only guess at Your operating levels beyond form – and still we would fall far, far short in our imaginings of just Who and What You are.
Happy Guru Poornima Mohanji – from MC-R
Reported by Milica Bulatovic
Guru Purnima in Johannesburg spent cooking and distributing food for homeless.
As it is winter a home cooked meal was really wholeheartedly appreciated by people that haven’t got a home.
Food packets were given too of bread, cakes, fruit and water and can of food.
Reported by Salona and Sholane Surjoo
In celebration of Guru Purnima and gratitude to Guru Brahmarishi Mohanji, Megatude Education Centre in Ladysmith hosted a kids art session and Freedom meditation. 16 little ones joined in for a combination of art and meditation for kids has been in my heart and thoughts for a little while now so what a better day to start than on Guru Purnima. The kids were first asked to draw a picture from their imagination followed by Freedom meditation and then again afterwards drew another picture. There were distinct differences in the art work before and after meditation. The use of more colour, bigger brighter drawings and more creative pictures were made after the meditation. The kids had more confidence and peer interaction afterwards. Most of these kids experienced meditation for the first time, yet they were able to sit the entire ten minutes of the Freedom meditation.
With the theme, “warmth this winter” the Ladysmith Centre bought warm blankets for the children and adults at a children’s home.
21 warmth blankets and vegan hot dogs, sweets and cupcakes where handed out to these kiddies and mothers on the afternoon of Guru Purnima, before starting the evening aarti and celebrations to Guru.
Meditation, Chanting, and Pure Bliss
Reena lovingly opened her home to celebrate this beautiful occasion of Guru Purnima.
After seva, we all joined in to commence with aarti at 6pm.
Invocation chants followed by 108 chants of Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra. The Freedom Meditation followed and all soaked into deep gratitude and an over flow of emotions while we meditated on the sound track of “Aum Shree Bhagwan, Shree Brahmarishi Mohanji, Namah Aum”, sang by Natesh.
This left everyone in the room feeling so blessed and in gratitude to Mohanji, to Guru for everything.
We then continued by singing along to a beauty version of the Hanuman Chalisa and concluded with aarti.
Everyone part took in the prasad and meals prepared by Reena before leaving.
Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji
Jai Gurudev
Jai Gurudev Datta
Oceans of Gratitude to the Master
Guru Purnima in Ethiopia was spent cooking and distributing food for 70 homeless people.
A cooked meal of local food Injara and mesir was distributed to the homeless.
A special kind of bread which is eaten here first thing before lunch on special holy days was also distributed.People flocked up in numbers to have it and it was so heartwarming to see their happy faces.
In Delhi, GURUPOORNIMA started with Mohanji’s Aarti at 6:00am followed by chanting, Guru paduka stotram at 6:00pm and Satsang. It was a great day for all the participants as they felt immense peace after being in Mohanji’s Consciousness during the Satsang and the Paduka Pooja. There was great excitement when everyone witnessed Holy water oozing out from Mohanji’s (photo) forehead and drops of it were seen on his beard and White kurta (on the photo) also.
Guru Purnima at the Mohanji Sadhna Centre was celebrated starting with Mohanji Gayatri mantra chanting, followed by Guru paduka pooja, Mohanji Arati and a small satsang among the participants.
The Mohanji family of Pune commenced their Guru Poornima celebration at Mohanji ka Aangan with prayers and chanting. The tiny tots enraptured everyone with their fluently spoken Sanskrit words. We also cut a cale baked in our very own Saima bakery. The best part of the evening was the small skit enacted by the children on the importance of education in everyone’s lives.
On this auspicious day, we distributed to all the children, their second set of uniforms. After that, food sewa was done in the slum.
A group chanting ensued Shiva Kavacham and Aarti.
It was a blissful and a blessed day.
Love and gratitude to all the members and especially the volunteers who are teaching the children so beautifully.
Thank you Mohanji for making us eligible to walk this path and spread your teachings and love.
Gurupoornima was celebrated at Chennai on Tuesday, 16th July 2019. The program started with Power of Purity Meditation, followed by reading some chapters of the books, GuruLeela, Power of Purity and Sreepada Srivallabha Charitra. Mohanji Gayatri mantra was chanted after that. Arati was performed in the morning, noon and also in the evening. All of the participants shared their experiences at the end.
Gurupurnima celebrations in Kolkata on 16th July 2019 were started with MOHANJI Arathi and SAI Arathi.This was followed by Guru stotram. And after that a beautiful homa was performed during which, Mohanji Gayatri Mantra was chanted108 times. This was followed by Guru Paduka stotram and then Mohanji Ashtottari was chanted.
In the noon, Power of Purity Meditation was conducted, and after that participants shared their experiences and the blissful program concluded with Arati to MOHANJI and Shirdi SAI.
It was an eventful day and a fruitful one. The homa raised the energy of everyone in the room and the same happened with the power of purity meditation. The participants all soaked in the energy of the Gurus and many felt expansion of the heart chakra.
Kolkata Gurupurnima celebrations was followed by annadaan at an orphanage. Ration was provided with 50 kg of rice, 10 kg of dal, 10 litres of oil, biscuits and chocolates.
At Mohanpur near Jamshedpur, Goorupoornima celebrations started with the Power of Purity Meditation in Bangla. This was followed by MOHANJI Arati.
Gurupurnima was celebrated on Tuesday 16th July, 2019 in Palakkad, Kerala, starting with Arati at 6 am followed by Power of Purity Meditation, reading Gurucharithra book, Noon Arati, Satsang, Mohanji Gayatri chanting and was concluded with the evening Arati.
On Tuesday, 16th July Gurupurnima was celebrated in the Mohanji Sadhna Centre Gurugram. Om Namah Shivaya Chant, Shiva Kavach recital were performed. After that all the participants shared their experiences. The program also consisted of Arati in the morning, noon and in the evening.
On Sunday 14 July 2019, a group of us from Mohanji family, Satya Sai Baba , Shirdi Baba and Agasthiar followers gathered in Kuala Lumpur to celebrate Guru Purnima, a day to pay homage to our gurus who have given us so much and continue to give and love us unconditionally, guiding and protecting us in our soul journey.
The day started with Aarti performed by the owner of the house. Each took turns to perform abishegam on the padukas of Mohanji and Shirdi Babas murthy. It was a beautiful sight to behold as each person lovingly poured milk (vegan) and offered flowers.
Mohanji’s presence was felt very strongly and two persons had also felt the presence of Satya Sai Baba as the abishegam on Shirdi Baba’s murthy was performed with the gayari mantra chanted by Satya Sai Baba in the background.
The owner of the house was so happy this day as he had long harboured the desire of us holding a celebration at his new house. It so happened that our centre was being used for some work project and we had to find another location for the celebration. Mohanji hears us all the time and grants us our deepest desires.
In Novi Sad, on the day of light when we express gratitude and respect to spiritual teachers, Guru principle in us and to the Tradition, Guru Purnima was celebrated in Datta Tapovan centre.
We listened to Mohanji’s Guru Purnima message and afterwards we dived into “Power of Purity” meditation. We changed Mohanji Gayatri mantru 108 times and during the sacred song of gratitude (aratija) we opened our heart and expressed our deep gratitude towards Mohanji as well as all masters of Datta tradition, for their guidance on the path towards liberation, for their sontinuous presence, protection and immeasurable love they give us.
While reading the key messages from “SHri Sai Satcharithra” about Shirdi Sai Baba, through tears we were reminded what a blessing it is to meet Guru in this life, as well as to be in Mohanji’s physical presence, Master in his physical body.

In Belgrade about 20 of us gathered. The evening was opened by Nikolina Dragojevic, Mohanji Acharya, who has spent this year in India.
As grateful for the blessing that Mohanji is our Guru, as for all other masters, we started “Bliss of Silence meditation”. After the meditation, we received Mohanji energy transfer and went on to chant Mohanji Gayatri mantra 108 times. During the chanting, we breathed as One.
Throughout the evening, Mohanji’s presence could be felt. It was the most tangible during the energy transfer when tears of bliss, deep gratitude and laughter occurred.
We left after Aarati, bathed in love and energised.
Mohanji Macedonia celebrated Gurupurnima with Anadaan for the homeless, Mohanji Gayatri x108 chanting, Bliss of Silence meditation and Aarati.
In Solin we celebrated Guru Purnima with chanting Mohanji Gayatri 108 times, followed by Power of Purity meditation with Mohanji energy transfer. We rounded it all with Aarati.
16th July 2019. Guru Poornima. A much awaited auspicious day for all disciples to express their gratitude to their Guru.
This was a day filled with devotion and love for Mohanji and spent in utmost joy in the consciousness of Mohanji by Mohanji UK family. Many devotees participated all day, half day or even for sometime during the day at the venue in Pinner where the special event was being celebrated.
The day begun with M UK family gathering up from 5:30 am onwards, setting up the altar and commencing the auspicious ritual with Aarati at 6 am.
Then everyone presented, offered their gratitude to Mohanji through Paaduka puja amidst the chant of Guru Paaduka Shloka sung by devotees, followed by Mohanji Ashtottari (108) name chanting.
All present devotees were Kriya initiates! Doing Kriya together after such powerful chanting and Paaduka puja was a powerhouse experience! With UK Summer morning Sunshine brightening up the room, it felt like “Sata Sahasra Surya” (100 thousand Sun) Mohanji’s power gracing all.
After scrumptious homemade vegan South Indian breakfast, the programme continued with Bhajan singing.
One after another after another, all devotees were completely merged into the ocean of devotion through the bhajan singing, which soon turned into the act of merging into Guru’s raasa leela, everyone getting up on their feet, deep into Conscious Dancing. Needless to say that everyone felt Mohanji sitting in the chair laughing with them, cheering them and being with everyone in every moment. Mohanji’s fragrance had completely mesmerised everyone.
Immediately after the noon Arati, everyone’s joy knew know limit to watch the Live telecast of Mohanji’s satsang straight from Bangalore. During this time more people kept joining us.
After vegan lunch, the satsang amongst the devotees continued. Experience sharing was so powerful that all had tears, laughters, all shades of emotions showing their gratitude and love for Mohanji who has brought so much joy in everyone’s life.
It was heartening to see a particular family turning up with their specially-abled child currently going through even challenging serious condition. Mohanji’s grace on this family have been so immense. They have physically never met, but through Consciousness and through Mai Tri the family has come in the shield of protection of Mohanji. When the family walked in and the child was put on the sofa, which was right in front of Mohanji’s chair, no one sitting in between. The powerful grace and healing power from Mohanji was flowing to the child, a silent but powerful communion happening between them.
As we progressed towards afternoon, going for the evening Aarati, more people kept coming in to be part of this celebration. More singing, more dancing, just joy all around!
Mohanji’s presence without His physical presence was so strong, everyone felt as if Mohanji is physically sitting with us. More than 13 hours passed like 13 seconds! It was a day of heightened spirit in the consciousness of Mohanji.
Everyone’s face, their body language showed the eternal joy in unconditional love for Mohanji.
It’s actually beyond comprehension to express how Mohanji showered His love to all His devotees in the whole time!
The pictures may be able to express a tiny bit.
The Guru Poornima celebration at the Mohanji USA center in Virginia started early morning with Guru Pooja – offering of flowers at padukas to the chanting of Mohanji Ashtotri (108 names), followed by aarati at 6.00 am. We then offered pooja to Shirdi Sai Moorti and padukas with chanting of Sai Potrigal, a beautiful set of 108 names of Sai Baba in Tamil. The morning worship ended just in time for our group to join the Satsang with Mohanji which was relayed live from Bangalore.
It was indeed a wonderful blessing that Mohanji appeared along with Devi Amma to bless all of us far and wide around the globe. The Divya Jyoti or effulgence from the Guru has no boundaries of time and space and permeates all over emanating bliss and joy and grace!
At our altar in Virginia, a pale orb of hazy light appeared on one of Mohanji’s photos. With a variety of images showing up on the photo, we could only think that it was a symbol of Shiva-Shakti manifestation, with the right side near the forehead reflecting vibhuti (holy ash) and the left side reflecting yellowish hue representing turmeric used in the worship of the supreme mother Goddess. The picture is shared below (The first one was taken in the morning after aarti when the images appeared, and the second one taken later in the evening which appears clear of any hue. We had not wiped the surface of the frame!)
After the Satsang, all those who had gathered in the celebration earlier, joined together to cook meals to take to a nearby homeless shelter. We prepared vegetable rice and mixed lentil soup and carried with us some water bottles and fruits. As I walked out of the house carrying the tray of rice pulao, it slipped and just fell from my hands. It was a moment where I was stunned at what just happened, however; it was indeed a blessing because the tray hit the floor in such a way that some grains fell out just enough for the birds to feed upon, and rest of the tray was intact. It was truly an amazing moment.
As it was getting late for us, I just left the dropped food on the pavement and drove to the shelter, thinking I can move it to the grass area when I get back because the pavement in the area is always clean.
The Lamb Center in Fairfax, Virginia, is a daytime drop-in for the poor and the homeless in the area. We had expected to just drop off the food which is normally served by the organization’s volunteers. However, when we arrived, the staff from the center welcomed us and showed us around the center about the various activities that they offer to the needy in the local community. This opened an opportunity for us to talk about Mohanji Foundation and all our activities that can benefit the community as well. Mohanji was present throughout the program because we ended up with a detailed discussion and the lovely lady who spent quite a bit of time with us, promised to organize a meeting with other members of their board to find ways for us to collaborate with them. Another sign of Mohanji’s presence without presence.
After we left the shelter, my mind went back to the pavement and the rice that had fallen earlier. I was thinking, I must clean up the pavement and remove the vegetable rice fallen on the pavement to the front yard grassy area. Upon reaching back home, lo and behold, there was not a grain of rice or vegetable on the ground. The birds and squirrels had wiped them clean. With deep gratitude to the acceptance of the annadhan (food offering), we all came home and sat together and had a quick lunch to allow at least 2 hours before the start of the eclipse, even though it was not visible here.
After lunch, we once again sat together and listened to Mohanji’s Guru Poornima message and soaked in the energy of Devi Amma’s beautiful chants which segued smoothly into our chanting session at the start of the eclipse. We started with the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for an hour followed by Sai Nama and Mohanji Gayatri. The impalpable energy that emanated from this group chanting was extraordinary.
As the program progressed, more people joined. We also connected the event on zoom for people out of state to tune in. The chanting was followed by bhajans. In addition to our usual Sanskrit bhajans, Lauren rendered a soul-stirring native American prayer which touched all our hearts.
We concluded the day with group Consciousness Kriya and followed it with the Power of Purity Meditation. Mohanji’s energy transfer during POP meditation was extremely intense. Everyone who received it was overwhelmed with the intensity of the grace.
My mother who is visiting from Chennai prepared all the prasadam – offering to the Guru – during the day for each of the offerings before aarathi at 6 am, 12 pm and 6 pm.
Dhyaana moolam guror murtih; Pooja moolam guror padam;
Mantra moolam guror vakyam; Moksha moolam guror kripa.
(The basis of meditation is the form of the Guru, real worship is of the feet of the Guru, the basis of mantra is the word of the Guru and the bestowal of liberation is only through the Grace of the Guru) – Guru Stotram, Skanda Puran.
With MohanJi’s Grace, MohanJi Canada Family celebrated Guru Purnima on 16th & 21st July at MohanJi DattaTapovan.
On 16th, we did MohanJi’s Paduka Puja with 108 Names, Hawan (Homa) with Shirdi Babaji’s 108 Names and 108 MohanJi Gayatri. It was Full of Energy that MohanJi and Devi MohanJi’s presence was experienced ! Thank You Father Thank You DeviJi.
Today’s Celebration was Amazing, Powerful And with Miracles! We started with MohanJi’s Paduka Pujan with Guru Paduka Strotram, Followed by Homa with MohanJi’s Ashtothari-MohanJi’s 108 Names. The Homa was Very Powerful, we all experienced Divine Presence of Mohanji.
Then we also enjoyed Conscious Walking in the Ashram. Two people, including a 75 years old man, had CW for the first time. Both were speechless after the Walk!
Program ended with MohanJi’s Aarti and Baba Sai’s noon Aarti. During the Sai Aarti, Mahesh was sitting besides Father’s Chair And Praying Father to accept all we did. Suddenly a bunch of 5 Bananas felt down from table on which we have kept Father’s Life size Picture! Not only that, at the same time, Father’s food plate also turned at least 30 degrees! This happened during Sai’s Noon Aarti! We all witnessed Divine Presence of our Beloved Guru God Datta Prabhu MohanJi. Specially after Father’s recent visit to DattaTapovan-Canada, we are experiencing Divine Cow Dung Fragrance, MohanJi’s Left Lotus Feet Impression on a pillow, Devi Shakti’s Energy And now literally Physical-Visible Leela of Father…..You are are Welcome to Mohanji DattaTapovan, Canada
Our M-Family in Sydney performed a powerful fire ceremony (Havan) by making her humble offering to Mohanji, all masters of our tradition and to the entire lineage. Interestingly, there were 3 Cockatoo birds sitting throughout the fire ceremony as if a confirmation of divine’s presence as she offered materials to the holy fire.
Our M-Family in Melbourne performed abhishekam (holy bath) to Shirdi Sai Baba and Mohanji’s Padhuka by reciting various Mantras. Abhishekam (holy bath) was performed with Milk, Yoghurt, Fruit Juice, Honey, Sandalhood, Viboothi (holy ash) and finally water collected from various rivers across India. This was followed by recital of Mohanji’s Ashtothari and summed it up with Mohanji Aarti.
- With surrender to Mohanji, Testimonials team would like to share this link inviting you all to join this group “Awareness” where we will all read Mohanji’s Satcharita- the current time true testimonials of Mohanji’s followers, devotees, disciples across the globe.Every testimonial shows a divine Leela “Guru Leela” of Mohanji.Please join the group by clicking the link below and we will discuss the rest on that group.
2. A video created on the Natesh Ramsell’s composition “Om Sai Sharanam Mama”:
3. Maheshwari Mohanji
A few years ago, before meeting my beloved Guru Mohanji, I did not understand the true meaning of Guru Purnima. And although one can never fully understand Guru or the auspiciousness of such a day, i am truly grateful to Mohanji for walking into our lives and switching on the light.
Before meeting Mohanji, spiritual Masters were only known to me in scriptures. I could not imagine what it would be like to meet a living master, one who walks with you, loves you unconditionally, has no ego, pride, jealousy or any negative quality. One who lives for the world, selflessly, and asks nothing from anyone.
To me, the only One who has these qualities is my beloved Shiva. But to see Him, walk with Him in a human form was something out of this world.
Before meeting Mohanji, i have never met any human being who was so selfless, God-like, divine and especially anyone who really didn’t expect or ask anything from me.
So, the auspiciousness of Guru Purnima was not something I celebrated. I could not understand how any human being could make such a positive, selfless impact on another and that too, without asking anything in return, no money, “guru fees”, nothing. As I mentioned before, only Lord Shiva had these qualities. He is my ultimate Master, my God and my Guru. So on days like this when people revered their Gurus, i would just give thanks to Shiva.
I can not describe nor explain the gratitude in my heart to even know such a being as Mohanji. And on this day and always, i give utter most thanks and gratitude to Guru for His presence in my life, for so much positive change, for emptying me of so much of negative stored emotions, for so much that i am not even aware of. And that too, He showed me that Yes, a real Guru can walk into your life, as a normal human being and help you(not only in scriptures).
Jai Jai Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji
Jai Gurudev Datta
Happy Guru Purnima
4. A bhajan by Arti Paranjpe
5. A bhajan by Smriti Mathur
6. A video by Elham from USA
7. A video made from the poem by Ulla Bernholdt
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