In Remembrance of Guru Purnima 2020

“This is the day for respecting the masters. This is the day that we remember to respect them because most of the days we take them for granted; we take their teachings for granted. We take Gurus for granted. We take ourselves for granted. Hence, this is the beautiful day to remember who we are, who they are; and eventually, how we are together.

There is no Guru outside of you apart from the Guru inside of you. If you are eligible for a Master, the Master has to happen; you will create that Master. The Master manifests by itself because you deserved a Master. If you’re ready for an information, that information must reach you. This is the law of nature.”

Read or watch full Mohanji’s Guru Purnima message

Satsang for Guru Purnima

How to find your inner Guru, Mohanji’s talk on Healing Our Earth Facebook page on the occasion of Guru Purnima

Enjoy going through the collection of Guru Purnima wishes to Mohanji:

Alida Kovacevic from Bosnia and Herzegovina🔸🔸🔸Anjali Bappoo from Mauritius

Anonymous from Croatia

From Nikita Naredi

Verses of Faith

‘Grace’ was just another  word
Till You came into our lives;
Be it personal, professional or spiritual, Every aspect could feel its vibes.

‘Gratitude’ was just a thank you word
Till You taught us what it means;
For life, for breath, for food, for family
To  express every moment; has got into our  genes.

‘Surrender’ we never comprehended this word,
Till we did this to you and saw the  change;
The persona transformed
So did every  speck within our range.

‘Purity’ could be such a meaningful word,
Did not we ever realise ;
It should be in thoughts, words and actions
Your teachings made us to imbibe and prioritise.

‘God’ we knew the word,
‘Guru’ we comprehended the word;
But little did we fathom their vastness
Till your presence guided us to light from darkness.

Verses of Faith

Anurag, Deepali from INdia                                 🔸🔸🔸     

Bhartte Kapoor from India

Bhumika from Canada


Biljana Lukic from Bosnia&H

“My life was a room with no walls ( missing existence of soul ) I met you in  2012, gradually you showed me the path to build the walls my soul, Mohanji you are so simple sweet and bighearted your heart is like a sky, I always feel a tremendous shift in me when I meet you , aspire for your presence, you are  always there through some message so here is my small and magical experience…
The night I was sharing  rainbow story with all our children during compassion during corona days. I asked father looking at the lit lamp in front of Him – I wish you could be here and I told the rainbow story and it so happened that I checked my Facebook , to my surprise there was a post shared by Mohanji on spectrum of  rainbow colors In the form of pyramid. Mohanji‘s message through this was so strong that he is always connected to me. I just want to walk your principles. I am so blessed to have given me opportunity to chant your name, Mohanji Mohanji Mohanji my Krishna Bhagwan.”
Payal Kaul from India

Cathy from UK


Chitra from India


Dheena from South Africa

From Subhashree Thottungal

My deepest reverence and gratitude to my eternal Guru Mohanji.

On this auspicious day, I offer this expression of love through the singing the eternal Mantra by Adi Shanakaracharya – *Guru Paduka Stotram*.

Thank you dear *Natesh Ramsell* for making this possible.

Dr Harpeet from India


Easwaramurthy from India


Ekaterina from Macedonia

From Nirupma Chowdhary

Changed the whole perspective of my life
Go move on, he said, ” I am with you.”
And I moved never ever as before
He guided, all through
Journey with kids transformed me
No Gospels, no preaching
Simple words, encouraging
Motivated us to innovate
Add dreams to little lives
Give them wings to fly
And when you gave me wings to fly
I just don’t know
Oh! Mohan ji. My Guru
You then let the seed of reality
Residing within me to flourish.
I surrender my being
In Gratitude
To merge with Thee.

Oh! Mohanji My Guru

Ivana Surya from Croatia


Jasmina from Bosnia&H


Ketan from Canada

From Radha Subramanian:

Extremely blessed and privileged to offer a small series of three dance videos at the lotus feet of our peerless master on Guru Poornima. May His grace fill up the world, our nation and the entire Mohanji family.
With pranams

Thanks to Biljana for staying up late in the night to create the videos


Lea Kosovac from Bosnia &H


Livia from Other countries

Mala from India


Mary Rose from Philippines

From Biljana Vozarevic

𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝑮𝒖𝒓𝒖, a poem of gratitude which I dedicated to Mohanji. I wrote it in 2018, but now I feel inspired to say it to you in a video for this Guru Purnima… I hope you‘ll enjoy it 🙏

Moushumi Patankar from UK


Nirupma from INdia


Pravani from South Africa

A nice poem by Namrata D. Prabhakar:


The Guru, the guide,  the father

Gently showering the light

Brightening our lives

Not binding nor bound

Neither preaching nor expecting

Just holding our hand

In our Joys and sorrows

Giving us strength to Accept

Our todays and tomorrows

With courage and conviction

              Residing deep within

             HE is never far

            Connect with ME

            Do not get attached to me

            LOVE ME unconditional

          Do not expect Miracles from me

          Simply live in NOW

          To find the PEACE

          Is HIS message for all


Since I connected with YOU

My daily life is the same

The ups and downs

The worldly activities

Nothing has changed

Only  I have

Fearless, peaceful and serene

Trending slowly on your Mantra

The path of pathlessness

I am trying to SIMPLY BE


Please accept my humbke gratitude

For finding me

Being with me ALWAYS


Pravin from UK


Ramya S from India


Ramya Sunil Kumar from India


Ravindran from Malaysia

From Sulosh Pillay:

Not everyone is blessed enough to find a guru in life who can guide them through life’s many twists and turns but I am the most fortunate one to have You Guruji, A solid ROCK that safely leads me through! Most times not a word is exchanged and yet all the time You are there for me. Without you, many aspects of my life would have been unexplored. Thanks for taking me as your disciple. Thank You for giving me wings to fly on autopilot most of the time, but oh so securely where I need to be! Our seva starting from today is in Your honour Guruji! Happy Guru Purnima weekend Guruji. I pray for Your Shelter always, Always at Your Feet Guruji!

Happy Guru Purnima from Sulosh

Jyothi, student of Shri Prakash Yadagudde offers these dances on the occasion of Guru Purnima:


From Reva Gupta

From Bavani from Australia

I wish you love I wish you happiness papa Mohanji on this special Guru Purnima day  Mohanji you are the light that represents God in human form you are the  living christ the living Buddha the master that lights up the galaxies and the cosmos father you awaken us  from the deep slumber of our minds into true awareness your love for humanity has touched the very core my heart I see that ocean of love in your heart  dear father you are  love personified a true master.indeed that gives unconditional love that boundless selfless love that’s ever overflowing into our hearts today
I wish I could sit by your feet one day to thank you father for all your kindness to me today my heart thanks you for this graceful opportunity to wish you  on this auspicious day  I bow down  to you out of gratitude love and great admiration and I  hug you father in my thoughts  for that has been my wish  I hope to see you one day in New Zealand that will be in my memories forever.
All my love to you
Jai Jai Mohanji

Ruchika Gandhi from India


Sara Sydney from Canada


Shambhavi Agrawal

Shivani from India


Suryasujan from India


Vanita from Mauritius


Varanasi Krishna Murthy from India


Compiled by Mohanji Team

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