Jyoti Bahl
I met Mohanji in 2014 when I was going through a bad phase. I know that it is my continuous prayer to Shirdi Sai Baba that graced me with the ultimate Guru, Mohanji. In my very first meeting, I felt a strong connection with Him like I was meeting a living God. I didn’t immediately realize that He is my Guru not only in this life but over many lives past. This I began to understand this when I started to experience Him astrally, and then I had a dream that proved Mohanji is and has been my Guru. The connection grew immensely with every meeting. There are many more experiences of this time which I will write later.
In 2016 I was quite unaware of the continuous problems that lay in wait for me. That March my father had critical open surgery for a hernia. When I messaged Mohanji about the surgery He said that He would be there and that I need not worry. He asked me to chant the Maha Mritunjay Mantra during the surgery. The surgery was successful, with His blessings. Post-surgery, however, my father was in a lot of pain, and for that Mohanji told me to do Aum Shree Bhagwan Shree Rajayogi Mohanji Namaha Aum. And, wonder of wonders, within 20 minutes my father’s pain vanished, never to return. When he came home he told us that he felt some divine energy in OT after which he felt an immense strength. I knew that my father had felt the divine energy of Mohanji.
In May of the same year, my Guru inspired me to do Sadhna and I took permission from my Master and began. After few days of Sadhna, I contracted severe bronchitis which made it very difficult for me to breathe and even sleep. When I told Mohanji about my problem He asked me to continue my Sadhna and renewed my hope through His messages. My bronchitis worsened and I was to be hospitalized when Mohanji provided the solution to my problem. For the next few months, I was on medication and was on a simple diet that did not include onion and garlic.
My troubles continued and in July 2016 my mother-in-law was critical and put on the ventilator for ten days. Since I spent a lot of time at the hospital, I worried that I would fall sick again but Mohanji’s grace kept me well for the next few crucial days. The doctors gave up on my mother-in-law and we brought her home. She was with us for a full day, though kept on oxygen. As soon as she arrived we started chanting and kept the mantra on for the entire day. The next morning (26th July) I was pained to see her in a bad state and I contacted Mohanji who asked me to do the Maha Mritunjay Mantra ceaselessly. Mohanji showed His presence through the manifestation of holy water on His picture which I placed on her heart. I applied the jal on her forehead and within few minutes she left her body with ease. My mother-in-law had been bedridden for five years and in spite of having so many health problems she left her body very peacefully and it was all due to Mohanji’s grace.
On 23rd July when I was going through all this, I became a little upset as my Kriya Initiation was to take place on 28th July and I knew that I may not be able to attend. In my conversation with Mohanji, I explained the whole situation, expressing my helplessness and inability. Mohanji told me not to worry, that Kriya is precious and sacred and that if I miss this initiation, the Kriya team may not approve another time unless there is a really good reason for cancellation. He told me to have a strong desire and determination otherwise various things will keep overlapping. Then when my mother-in-law expired on 26th July, I was able to attend the initiation and, I was initiated by Mohanji! And in September, with Mohanji’s grace, I was able to complete my sadhana too.
Each cell of mine takes the name of Guruji – he has given so much to me and every devotee who loves Him with faith and surrender. After Kriya initiation, Mohanji asked me to contact Taiji (who has written 1008 names of Mohanji) as she has experienced Him in different forms. This way Mohanji gave me the opportunity to sing his Naamavali and Ashtottari, and His Aarti.
The Aarti was released on Gurupoornima during Mohanji’s London retreat. This was no easy achievement. Whenever I practiced the Naamavali my breathing problem would trouble me. During the practice, lots of cleansing happened. Along with breathing problem came Chikungunya fever and I was really sad when my son also caught the fever. After recovering from Chikungunya I again had a high fever (during which I was practicing the Naamavali) that turned out to be Dengue. It was the last straw. It took a few days to recover but soon when my son and husband were both detected with dengue fever, I was miserable, and feeling physically and mentally weak.
My son was admitted to the ICU because his platelet count fell and I immediately called DB to convey my state to Mohanji (who was busy in the Serbia retreat). Mohanji kept himself constantly informed about Shivinder’s platelet count. He asked Shivinder to follow a vegetarian diet and, it was a miracle to see my son, who loved his meat, become a vegetarian, with Mohanji’s blessings. Shivinder felt Mohanji’s presence every moment in the hospital. When Shivinder was admitted to the hospital I gave him a picture of Sai Baba and Mohanji’s eye card which he kept under his pillow and the divine energy gave him lots of strength. Mohanji sent His dear souls to the hospital and they gave him healing and prayed for him wholeheartedly. Shivinder was back home on 25th October, his birthday, and he was given a new life by my Guru Mohanji.

I am in tears as I write this as I know our Guru works for us selflessly. After this incident, I decided to dedicate my life to Mohanji. My husband became well too and all of us celebrated Shivinder’s birthday with gratitude and love for our beloved Master. Shivinder has surrendered to Mohanji and whenever I have to leave him alone he feels some divine energy is taking care of him 24×7.Mohanji is with me and my family always.
After this ordeal, I was finally prepared to do recordings in the studio. And His presence made it possible in two days. Taiji patiently made me practice each name over the phone; I bow to such pious souls who are extremely dedicated and surrendered to their Guru. Taiji told me that my bronchial problem happened for a reason as 1008 names are recited for God and for that one has to stop eating onion and garlic, in other words, one needs to eat totally sattvic food. On 11th December Mohanji’s Naamavali and Ashtottari CDs were released in Shirdi.

Guruji doesn’t have a scarcity of true devotees and singers to sing His leelas and yet I got a chance to sing His Aarti, Naamavali, and Ashtottari. Whenever I call out to Sai Baba due to devotion or difficulty Mohanji comes in my dream and gives me the solution.
Initially, I was a form-oriented person but Mohanji has raised my awareness from form to ultimate light. Whenever God comes on earth as an avatar, people are not able to understand the reality and by the time the realization dawns, it becomes too late. Mohanji says,”Destiny gets the Guru in our life and the mind takes it away.”
How to define the glory of my Guru? He is my God who transformed me in and gave His grace in so many ways. Mohanji is a silent and humble master who loves every soul unconditionally. We are extremely fortunate to have a living Guru in the form of Mohanji and I am truly blessed to have Mohanji in my life. Whatever I went through was really worth taking otherwise I wouldn’t have got the beautiful things in my life which I am experiencing today. Problems as per our karma keep on coming in our life and it is the Guru’s grace that gives us the power to bear them. This is the importance of a living Guru in our life.
7 thoughts on “Mohanji – My Guru Over Many Lifetimes”
Wow, Jyothi. This is a beautiful honest experience. Thank you for sharing!
hi , i am kannan , i read with great interest. i am one of the greatest follower of Mohanji staying in Mumbai and had met with him recently. I think yoiu are really blessed
Meanwhile can you advise me his contact no on my mail id at vk.kannan@sojitz.com
i would be greatly obliged
You and your family are Truly Blessed Souls dearest Jyoti <3 <3 <3
Your beautiful Heart-share is an amplifying testimony of the profound and all-pervading Grace of Mohanji.
Thank you for the blog.
Didi your love for Babaji resonates deep within me. Always love. Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji Ki Jai 🙏
Thank you for posting your experience. We all have to face our share of trials and tribulations which our own Karma has created. Guru ‘s grace helps us walk through them with much ease.
Jai Baba
I love so much your humility and honesty! As I just came home from the hospital where Mohanji miraculously took this horrid virus that everyone is getting for two weeks – I was blessed with 24 hours – and my knee blown!
Coming home I had to get from the car, up the stairs, freezing cold, no coat, and it started to snow. My pants leg was cut open to allow the cast on so the cold wind blew against my bare legs.
I thought I would never go to Kailash. But, last night, Mohanji gave me my Kailash. When It started to snow, I was sure. I determinedly put one foot in front of the other as I dragged myself forward with the walker. Then I came up the stairs backwards on my derriere!
By the grace of Mohanji, I passed out in the bed into a deep sleep. And, God bless all the beautiful people who have helped me! And, thank you for your very lovely comments Joyti! <3 I look forward to the day we meet!
Jai Mohanji!
Amazing testimonial JyotiJi.