Machu Picchu – The Call from Universe

By Ruby Nair, USA

Machu Picchu, unlike Kailash, wasn’t a calling at first sight, but instead, it took over me by surprise and became a feeling which went deep inside that I must go there for whatever reason.  There was a lack of enthusiasm, and at times I wondered why I was even embarking on this journey. But I was going with the gut feeling that I needed to go there, and I must go despite all the apprehensions. Later on, I find out that many on this journey felt the same. It was a test I suppose.

One thing stood out to me was that in retrospect this trip was already a call from the universe which was put into motion last year.  Mohanji came to Virginia, the USA in 2017 and I briefly met him with the Peru organizer (Hugo).  Hugo mentioned “come to Peru, you will love it,” and my response was “Oh, they are planning the trip during school time so it will be impossible for me to come”.  All this happened within an earshot of Mohanji.

This year 2018, when the dates came out, I was surprised to see it aligned perfectly with the kids’ school time off, so there was a possibility for me to take the journey.  However, the cost factor after undertaking two Kailash pilgrimages was too much, so I again put off the idea.  As the months got closer and closer to the departure date, I spoke to a number of people and they all questioned me about going to Machu Picchu.  There was some mysterious force that just constantly nudging me to apply for the trip.  The cost was the number one factor for me, however, in the end, the funds came through somehow by the grace of the universe.


Machu Picchu was unlike Kailash in so many ways. Kailash is enigmatic, quiet, huge and masculine in nature.  Machu Picchu was more of a gentle beautiful feminine energy, however dynamic in every way.  The beauty and the strength of the place are palpable if you are subtle enough to feel it, and in the presence of Mohanji, it was enhanced even more.  There was a time in my journey where I was sick all night due to having loose motions. The discomfort and pain left me to cry and worry all night. I felt as though I came all the way to Peru and now, I will not be able to complete the journey. However, as always with Mohanji everything is possible! Next morning with two hours of sleep, I managed to get up with the help of oral hydration and medicine was ready to leave.  I saw Mohanji and he looked at me as if he already knew what was happening.  He said not to worry he is taking care.  I knew what he meant because in a regular situation it would have been impossible for me to even move or even leave the bed.  However, here I was walking, talking, eating, and laughing, it was a miracle on every level.  Later in our conversation, Mohanji said that when certain memories or karma leave the system, the trillions of cells in our bodies let go and it must go through the body and come out.  I realized later that this was cleansing on a very deep level since I had received Mai-Tri healing from Devi the night before.

With two hours of sleep, I managed the climb to Machu Picchu and then walked down to the city of Machu Picchu all by foot without even using the bathroom facilities.  It was all due to his grace and love since I chanted Mohanji Gayatri Mantra all day to keep me safe.


There were times during the journey where everyone was absorbed in having fun, laughing, giggling. It was unlike any trip I had taken with him. I only realized after coming back home that Mohanji had told one of the participants that it was his tactic to keep us relaxed so he can work on us quietly (distracting us).  His ways are so unique and subtle just like a box of chocolates, we never know what we are going to get.  For these reasons we embark on these journeys to spend quality time with him and shed the weight of many lifetimes. These moments are to be truly cherished! It’s always a mystery why we have the thought of such travels, but whatever the cause of the desire to do these things we should submit to it. 

Machu Picchu was a very relaxed journey and it felt like a dream where everyone was engrossed in Mohanji’s love and he was available for us.  Machu Picchu holds a special place in my heart from the people, food, tour guides, natural beauty and above all time spent with Father. 


Upon returning, I spoke to another pilgrim and was informed that each person was handpicked by Guru Mandala and we were tested a lot before the trip.  In this confusion, some or most didn’t feel the desire to even embark on the journey as I mentioned earlier.  It feels surreal to look back at the time when I was contemplating on all the hesitations about going.  I am happy and forever grateful that I listened to my inner self and went.  Every step in the path of liberation is a test of faith and we may not even be aware of it.

Also, since returning, I have felt a tremendous shift in my energy which can only be felt and can’t be pinned down. The dynamic powerful motherly energy of Machu Picchu along with the blessing of father and grace of Guru Mandala it was an unexpected and blissful journey of a lifetime for me. 

Ruby Nair


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