We bring to you the sixth story in the Mohanji Satcharita series – Chapter 9. Deepali Bais narrates one of her innumerable experiences in which she has felt Mohanji’s loving presence.
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Divine umbrella of love and care
By Deepali Bais
Spirituality is a very interesting journey and for us, it has unfolded many tales which are embedded deep in our hearts. Since the time we have been associated with Mohanji i.e. since 2012, there have been innumerable experiences showing His loving presence in our lives. We always thought of cherishing it in our hearts, but of late the need for sharing has become important as our loving Mohanji never expects anything in return.
The experience I share here is special in many ways.
Life puts us through seemingly difficult phases to check our preparation for the next phase and to gauge our reaction through these testing times. A situation unfolded with us recently when our son came back from playing on the evening of 31st Jan 2019.
Generally, we don’t expect many visitors in the evening, hence when the doorbell rang in three quick successions, we were alarmed. Before my husband (Anurag) could reach the door, my son could not wait any longer and turned the latch and gave one big push to the door and it sprang open. During the next few seconds, I could hear a conversation between Anurag and my son. Anurag announced that we have to take him immediately to the hospital as it appeared to be a fracture in his arm. Then I noticed my son holding his left arm with his right hand and writhing in pain. He told that whilst taking a turn, he had slipped and fallen from his bicycle and one bhaiya (elder boy) dropped him home by carrying his bicycle. He was gasping for breath. Anurag washed his face and gave him a glass of water to drink while I got ready.
The moment I saw him crying with pain, tears rolled down my cheeks and I broke down. Without any reminder, I started chanting the mantra given to me by Mohanji in 2012. This mantra has become a part of my life since 2012 and for a long time. I have never felt the need to chant it consciously and loudly as it would repeat itself within me in auto mode effortlessly, very much similar to our breath.
I was continuously chanting the mantra and remembering our beloved Mohanji. We all know we need not tell Him or ask help from Him. He is protecting us 24×7, but the mother in me was worried about seeing my child in pain.
Various thoughts crossed my mind as we were getting ready to go to the hospital. Since his exams were near, our worries started compounding. Anurag put a cloth under my son’s arm and tied it up carefully around his neck to give him some comfort.
As Mohanji says,
I am always around you and you need to just “SWITCH ON”.
Within a span of 10 minutes during our drive to the hospital, I started feeling strong vibrations on my forehead along with a mild circular motion on the third eye. I am sure many can relate to this feeling/sensation. This is how I have felt Mohanji’s energy from the time we have been connected with Him. My eyes became really heavy. I felt strong vibrations and shivers in the whole body and I knew He was around, protecting us. During all this, I continued chanting.
The moment we reached the hospital, it was 20:00 and hence only the Duty Doctor was available. The doctor called the radiology department duty person and asked him to take an X-Ray. I was sitting in the waiting room chanting and my husband took my son for an X-ray.
The first X-Ray showed some signs of a fracture and when Anurag announced it to me, my heart sank. Somehow I felt that something was not convincing but looking at the X-Ray, I didn’t raise any queries. During all this, I continuously felt Mohanji’s presence around me and also the assurance that all is fine.
The doctor then sent the photo of the X-Ray to the Orthopedic specialist to seek his opinion. The specialist asked him to take an X-Ray of the right hand too along with the X-Ray of the left hand from other angles.
As we were waiting for the specialist’s opinion, we were mentally prepared for the cast being put on the left arm and the possible consequences in the near future due to final exams just around the corner. Anurag had also taken an appointment for renewal of passport for my son a day prior and had already paid the fee. He and my son were to appear at the Passport Office the next day i.e. on 01 Feb 2019. So he was thinking of cancelling the appointment and was mentally making plans for a future appointment which would be possible only after the exams. He was worried since taking an appointment is really difficult and to cancel the appointment, he has to go through all the procedures again.
As the photos of subsequent X-rays were also relayed to the specialist we waited for his opinion. Suddenly the news came that it was not a fracture, but only a tissue or muscle damage. A sense of relief and euphoria engulfed me although a requirement to put a cast was still there to allow the tissue some time to heal. It felt as though a heavy load was lifted from my head as soon as I got to hear this. Additionally, it was a slab for minor support to the hand and not a complete cast.
Within a span of 30 minutes, things changing from a fracture to tissue damage WAS SO MAGICAL. Though the healing and treatment took some time, the way Mohanji had reduced the impact is difficult to put in words. We have no words to explain the feeling. This is how masters operate and protect you in difficult times. We are indebted by the unconditional love showered by Mohanji.
After the cast was put, the doctor asked us to take an appointment with the specialist for the next day and then we left the hospital. Next day, Anurag took our son to the Orthopaedic specialist where he reiterated his stand that it was not a fracture and instructed us to continue with the cast for the next three weeks. Anurag mentioned to me later that when they left the hospital at around 10:30 hrs, he thought of giving a try at the passport office for his appointment as well. An appointment was scheduled at 11:15 hrs.

Though slightly late, they started at around 11:00 hrs and reached the venue at around 11:30 hrs. They both managed to enter the office. Then an interesting thing happened. As they were waiting to show the documents, a token had to be generated. This token is your identity as one goes through various phases of verification. Hence, after checking the documents at the first counter, the token was generated which showed in big bold letters “108” thus signifying Mohanji’s presence throughout the ordeal. All the necessary paperwork was completed and his application was accepted.
Anurag mentioned to me that since the morning, he was mentally remembering Mohanji, both at the hospital and also during the appointment at the passport office. The entire sequence of events is proof that Mohanji’s grace is always available waiting to be tapped. Life generally goes through various ups and downs in a cyclic manner with few spikes (signifying testing times). These spikes have an inherent tendency to test your mental toughness so that you witness your every move as you tide over the situation. This situation reminds me of the scene from the movie “Life of Pi” where the main character in the middle of a cyclone, pleads with God to test him more. During these testing times, one’s connection with Mohanji is the only real and unbreakable connection which helps one to sail through.
So when the number 108 appeared on the sheet of paper, it brought tears in Anurag’s eyes. He was spellbound. He stood motionless for a moment in that crowded room as if time had stopped. A gush of fresh air filled his lungs and assured him of Mohanji’s presence which ultimately led to the completion of this complicated paper action. Such is the grace of Mohanji that we cannot comprehend. I bow down to Mohanji and the universal energy which is manifesting through Him.
Words are less to encompass Mohanji’s grace and stature. We are blessed to have Him in our lives.
Pranaams at His lotus feet!
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th July 2019
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