On the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, Jyoti Bahl offers her gratitude for Mohanji by narrating this heart touching story of how Mohanji had fulfilled her mother’s each and every wish before she took her last breath.
Mohanji and my Mother
By Jyoti Bahl, India
A Guru is comparable to the Sun; he spreads the light of liberation. Anyone who comes into his presence can benefit from it. A Guru is the face of God. Your real Guru is always God Himself. He is the power who guides your spiritual efforts. He is always with you as your true self and your inner witness. To have Mohanji as our Sathguru is definitely because of good karma from previous lives. He does so much for all of us and we selfish humans forget everything. My life is full of Baba Sai’s and Mohanji’s experiences. It’s all because of Baba Sai that I have Mohanji as my Guru. Since Mohanji entered my life, I don’t feel lonely as I feel Him every moment. It’s not only a feeling, He actually proves His presence to me whenever I feel helpless, or when I’m in a bad situation. In my previous blogs, I have already mentioned how Mohanji saved the lives of my father, son, and even me! How can I define the glory of my Gurudev, who is like the vast ocean?
This year, i.e. 2019, Mohanji gave me many indications personally and through dreams about the problem which was coming up in my life. In March 2019, I was able to meet Mohanji. That meeting was truly blissful as I got the chance to listen to Bhaja Govindam by Sri Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya, in Mohanji’s powerful voice. Bhaja Govindam contains the essence of Vedanta, and implores man to think, why am I here in this life? Why am I gathering wealth and family, but have no peace? What is the truth? What is the purpose of life? The person who is awakened gets set on a path back to the God Principle. While listening to this bhajan in Mohanji’s voice, I was in tears. I didn’t want to come out of that blissful moment. The translation of every verse given by Mohanji was going into each cell of mine.
I later realised the reason why I was singing these verses. Actually, Mohanji told me about detachment through Bhaja Govindam. At the end of March, my mother was detected with fourth stage cancer, which was no less than a nightmare for all of us. Before this, I used to have dreams about Mohanji very often, in which He used to call Mother near Him to bless her. These dreams started in Jan 2019. For the last few months, Mother had wanted to meet Mohanji, but it hadn’t been possible due to some reason or the other.
I used to tell my Mother about my astral meeting with Him. I met Mohanji at the end of March and in the same month, got a chance to visit Shirdi as well. After I came back from Shirdi, I got to know about my Mother’s condition. And then I felt the power of Sathguru Mohanji, as He gave me so much strength to deal with a problem which was next to impossible for an ordinary person like me. With His motivation, I was prepared to give my Mother quality time as all the doctors told us that her fourth stage cancer was not curable.
Mohanji asked me to contact a particular doctor and also gave me Lord Dattatreya‘s healing mantra for my mother. From the very first day Mohanji sent Dr Harpreet Wasir into our lives, he guided us at every step related to my Mother’s health. Many doctors were suggesting chemo. But I didn’t want my Mother to go through it as she had always been a very lively person. One day in my prayers, I surrendered to Baba Sai and Mohanji completely and within a few minutes, I got a call from Dr Wasir saying that Mother need not go for chemo and he also added that let the doctors say anything. I was in such peace after listening to him. Just as I was praying to Mohanji for the same thing, Baba gave a message to one of my friends that my Mother’s life expectancy was very short, and we just have to give maximum love to the soul.
My Mother’s first amazing experience was when she went for a PET scan. She was a little scared during the test so she closed her eyes and called to Mohanji. Within seconds, Mohanji was standing in front of her along with Baba, and in the same blessing position which I used to see often in my dreams. After her PET scan, my Mother told me about her experience and asked me if Mohanji wears kurta and dhoti. She gave me the description of His footwear also. I was amazed to hear that as she had never met Mohanji personally, yet gave me His full description. When Mohanji physically came to give her His darshan, she told Him that He was wearing the same costume as when He gave her darshan astrally. Mohanji told her that He was going to wear a T-shirt with jeans, but just to make her realize that He actually came to bless her, He wore that. He told her that she has a heart to heart connection with Him. As her call for Him was so strong, He had to come to her to fulfil her main desire. When she told Him about Baba Sai and Mohanji coming together during her PET scan, Mohanji mentioned that a son can’t be separated from his father. All masters are one and it was actually proved to me when so many divine souls, Baba Sai, Mohanji and Mohanji’s family came to visit Mother.
Mohanji actually took very good care of my Mother and she didn’t even get to know that she had fourth stage cancer. It was a continuous prayer to Baba Sai and Mohanji and due to that, she was full of life till her last breath. To have a living Guru in our lives is the biggest asset and without letting us know even a bit, He does so much for us. And I started feeling Him more in my Mother as she had become complete love. I was seeing Divine Mother in her and more of Mohanji in her. In such a state, she was blessing and giving love to everyone, and Mohanji’s family was witness to it, as they often used to come to meet her. When my Mother started getting blood in her stools, it became a cause of worry, as she was feeling very weak. The doctor told us that she had a life expectancy of 6 to 12 weeks. But the most surprising thing was that she didn’t have any kind of pain. The people who used to visit her were surprised as she was always smiling, full of love and life without any pains.
When I saw her in this state, suddenly Mohanji’s voice started echoing in my ears.
“I’m doing what I can.”
One day I was shocked when I received a personal message from Neelu that Mohanji had taken on my Mother’s pain. It was shared in the global group by Preeti Di. But during that time, I was not checking my WhatsApp messages due to my busy schedule. As soon as I read about Mohanji’s condition, I was in tears as He was having problems in His lungs the same as my Mother. I couldn’t control myself and called up Preeti Di to know about Mohanji’s condition. The first thing she told me was about the blood in the stools, and I was speechless. My Mother had blood in her stools three times, and the exact same thing had happened with Mohanji too. I couldn’t stop crying. I hadn’t said anything to Mohanji and just by connecting to His consciousness, He got to know and took everything on Himself.
There is a big misconception that whosoever gets a chance to be with Mohanji physically is very fortunate. Indeed, they are very fortunate. But I really want to tell those souls that Mohanji actually works more in consciousness. From the beginning, He’s trying to tell each one of us to get connected to His consciousness, as we internalize through that process. As a true Guru, He always guides us to go within and become independent in every aspect.
Mohanj always stresses on doing our dharma properly. And I’m really grateful to Him that He gave me enough strength to serve my Mother until 20th May. Mohanji was supposed to come that morning to meet my Mother. And on the same day at 9 am, my Father fell in the market and my husband immediately took him to the doctor to get an X-ray done.

As Mohanji knows everything, He arrived at my place at 11:30 to meet my Mother. She did His aarati and sang bhajans for Him. And they had such a beautiful conversation related to Lord Krishna and Radha. Mohanji told her that death is not ugly, it’s beautiful. He made her laugh and consoled her as she was really worried about my Father, who was with the doctor for his X-ray. He gave us so much strength. There were so many things going on, but with His presence, we were feeling extremely light and were in a thoughtless state. My Mother was in an ultimate state of bliss as her last desire of meeting Mohanji was fulfilled.
My Father was also fortunate to meet Mohanji. Mohanji blessed him and told him in advance that it was a thigh bone fracture. My Father was admitted on the same day for surgery. The same evening, my Mother’s health started deteriorating and she was admitted in ICU for breathlessness on 22nd. My Father also had surgery on the same day. I told Mohanji about my Mother’s condition, which He already knew. He said He’s aware of my Mother’s condition. This is why He came and met her as a priority and told me not to worry as He’s with her. It was a very tough situation for us. Mohanji told me that He’s with both of them and He’s reducing the intensity as much as possible. If not for Mohanji’s grace, I would have collapsed in such a situation where I was feeling exhausted in every way.

In ICU, my Mother was pouring unconditional love and blessings on everyone around her. My friends were meeting her on a daily basis as they wanted to take blessings from her. They felt Mohanji’s immense energies in her. Her wish to meet Dr Wasir also got fulfilled when he came to meet her in ICU. During her last breath, she got a chance to listen to Mohanji Gayatri on the phone in Preeti Di’s blissful voice. That was the last thing she heard. Mohanji didn’t leave even a single desire of her’s unfulfilled. When Mother left her body, I was at peace as I knew that my Baba Sai and Mohanji were standing beside her. Mohanji told me that I only concentrate on the rituals and to not forget to feed the sick, children, old women, animals and birds in her name. Rest He’s taking care and she’s fine. So I need not worry.
Immediately after this message, I started thinking about feeding the sick, old women and children. To my surprise, I found a number of a lady in my phone list who runs an NGO and she guided me to go to cancer patients at AIIMS. When I went there, I found children, women and old people altogether. How masters help us can’t be defined in words. I didn’t know anything and Mohanji guided me at every step for a smooth transition for my mother, as that was my biggest concern, and which Mohanji was already doing. Whatever I’m writing is not even an inch of praise for my Gurudev. What countless merits of previous births have given us this wonderful opportunity to be in the shadow of such an Avadhoota.
There was another amazing experience which I want to mention here. Before my Mother’s body arrived at the cremation ground, my son took the ambulance to a Gurdwara which is near to our house. As he reached there, he saw Sri Guru Nanak standing at the gate and he saw a big light coming from him and merging into my Mother’s body! My Mother used to follow the Sikh religion completely and was a great follower of Sri Guru Nanak. In the end, just by connecting to Mohanji, she reached the ultimate.
On the 13th day after her death, which is the time for the soul’s transition, my Sister organized Mohanji’s satsang at my place. When the playing list was on, Mohanji’s Nirvana Shatakam also started playing automatically side by side. As before, through this obvious episode, I first strongly felt Mohanji’s presence. We were surprised as Nirvana Shatakam is one of the rare verses written by Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada, identifying himself as Lord Shiva and clearly explaining his theory of non-dualism. I was at peace to know that my Mother was with Mohanji forever through this amazing experience. By chanting His name in her last days, my Mother’s soul merged into Guru’s consciousness forever. The Guru does become the linking factor, a channel for putting the wandering lost soul back into contact with its source.
Mohanji, you were the light for me in the dark. You were always an inspiration and an aspiration. You made me come out of my ignorance. I learned to deal with the issue, all due to you. Please keep me at Your lotus feet always. I am nothing but the dust of your feet, my Gurudev. Guru is like Shiva, without the Trisul in his hand. Guru is like Vishnu without the Chakra in His hand. Guru is like Brahma without the four heads. So now you can conclude that Guru is the Supreme Power on the Earth.
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th July 2019
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3 thoughts on “Mohanji and my Mother”
Tears rolled down my cheeks while reading this blog dearest Jyoti bahl. Flash back of my life came in front of me and couldn’t control my tears for some time. I remembered my Guru Matha Sulochana Devi, who showered love and protected my family by many ways. Almost similar to yours, Guru came to see my father on his last days and guided us over phone and lots of friends and devotees also came to get fathers blessings as he was doing that unconditionally. As for my mother, Guru guided me through my thoughts ( since Guru had taken samadhi), GURU was seen guiding me by another devotee who had direct vision. Moreover, when I went for healing without knowing what healing is during one Mohanji Consciousness day, the healer could see my Guru full of smile in me. What else people like us need in our life. All of us are very lucky to get Mohanji in this life. Gurus are full of unconditional love and the only thing we need is to have gratitude. Jai Mohanji. Jai all Satgurus.
Reading made my heart swell in love and tears rolled down my cheeks. So much loving darshan for mum and your entire family beloved Jyoti💛 Our beloved Mohanji says death is not the end and Consciousness has no distance. We love listening to your beautiful songs so full of bhaav that we too get transported to bliss state. Living hug to you and the family 🙏
In tears reading this blog. Your mother was truly a blessed Soul 😇
Your son also saw Guru Nanak Ji. He is also blessed.
Having Para Brahma Mohan Ji 🙏as your Guru, what else do you need? He is blessing everyone 🙏