by Christopher Greenwood
Day 111 Lesson – Paying the price
Good morning everybody. I hope that you’re doing well.
Yesterday I spoke about Tamas with the illustration that Mohanji shared of this big iron rod or iron jacket on our back and the bed being a magnet. It can take a lot of effort and help from somebody to even sit up before even standing and then walking.
I remember that conversation with Mohanji and wanted to know the benefit of service how that can help. Mohanji added that the size of the iron rod or the big iron jacket we’ve got on us is our karma. We have lots of heavy pending karma from previous actions – which means we’ve got a big and heavy iron jacket. It can be not easy to move or even to get up, but it becomes lighter through service.
Mohanji explained, “This is because everything which we’ve done in our life has a price.” For example, if we betray somebody, cheat somebody, talk bad about them, or gossip, we’re paying the price. Depending on the intensity of the activity, we have a corresponding price to pay. Betraying someone is a very high stake; there’s a huge price for this, and it can be high, depending on how that was done. It may take many lifetimes. And how will that display itself? Most likely, it will be continuously experiencing betrayals by many people repeatedly.

I asked Mohanji, “What’s the antidote then? How do you stop that?” He said, “Do a lot of good things, so that means the effect of any bad things is postponed, it’s not immediate. When the effect of the good things end, it comes back. It’s always waiting; it will come back, and it has to be gone through.”
This was interesting because I realized that I could never really know what was pending. It means that even if something has happened in the past, it still has to be paid for. But with the good things we’re doing, we are creating a postponement for that. It was interesting to hear this, so I asked more. Mohanji replied, “That’s exactly why I keep saying for people to feed the birds, feed the animals, feed the children, feed old people, feed sick people.” He keeps saying this, and if you want to do something for him, that’s what you can do. I realized that it’s not for his sake (as he doesn’t need any of that), but it’s for our sake because all those good things are helping us. If there’s something pending, that has to be paid at some point.
Mohanji said, “The first thing to do is – don’t betray, don’t cheat, don’t steal, and don’t talk bad. That’s the safest thing anybody can do because then people aren’t earning debts. That’s prevention, and prevention is always better than the cure. Do more selfless work as when we’re doing this; it benefits a lot of people, and grace flows.” That’s one of the beauties of the Mohanji platform; it’s producing a lot of grace for people.
He shared that if people have entered platforms, it means that it was permitted to enter. There must have been something good in our past that allowed us to come here and contribute. There are also people who came but weren’t able to stay. They had the opportunity, but then some things or obstacles came, which meant that they had to pay back something which was pending. That’s karma. So if something bad has been done in the past, it comes now and causes a situation.

We continued our conversation further, talking about using our lifetime effectively. We have this one life; how are we using it? We should use it for selfless service to come out of all our accrued debts. Everyone has their own free will to decide how they want to spend their life. There is no judgment here. But many people focus their life on looking for the usual mundane things, like jobs, house, children, and don’t spend much time settling any of their karmic agenda in their lifetime -which means it’s still pending.
Mohanji suggests that we use the lifetime well to settle all the karmic stuff. He is not against anything (we can do everything – marriage, children), but should also consider becoming lighter within our lifetime. It’s another reminder to be grateful for the Mohanji Platform that exists for me and many others to give back and repay. This way, even if we are lying on the magnet bed, our iron rod/jacket back (a reference to the previous lesson) will be much less in weight and lighter in life.
Automatically, that connection brings alignment to focus on positive actions and the negative actions you’re not interested in. Even if somebody says something, they will be avoided, and the path is given to follow and to move in the right direction.
I hope you have a good day and I will speak to you soon.

Day 112 Lesson – Experiencing the contentment factor
Good morning everybody. I hope that you’re doing well.
Yesterday I was invited to speak at the International Forum to promote homeopathy. I know very little about homeopathy, only that I take it myself and have experienced benefits from it. The forum was a group of doctors from across the world, some with 30-40 years of experience. I presented my talk “Awareness – A key to well-being” based on the Invest in Awareness program, which aims to bring people to a level of stability to have well-being and contentment in their lives. The byproduct of this is that when people are stable, well, and content, they’re more resourceful, creative, innovative, and energetic. They give significant contributions to their companies and become more productively efficient.
I wanted to focus on this because there is the alignment of bringing people to a good place of well-being with homeopathy and what we’re trying to do through raising people to a new awareness. I focused it on one of the major lessons from Mohanji that has enriched my life and which I practice here at the house all the time. That lesson is, ‘The real wealth we can experience in life is the contentment factor’, which means being contented with all situations that come.

Mohanji has shared in many satsangs, podcasts, and interviews that the real wealth we can experience is the moment-to-moment contentment factor – being contented with all we have in our lives, experiences, and relations. The experience of contentment is happiness which is our birthright. Mohanji has spoken many times that the basis for contentment is acceptance.
The first and the most important thing we can do in our lives is to accept ourselves. There’s no one else like us; we are unique. We are composite beings with strengths, weaknesses, and a mixture of the good, bad, and ugly. Many people in life (as I was explaining in the presentation) are in a hurry to present only their strengths to the world; they project, pretend, and try to prove. In reality, however, many people struggle with many other things inside that aren’t visible.

For me, this past year has been an ongoing practice to experience this contentment factor that no matter what is happening in the outside world – I’m fine, happy. I wondered if it was possible. What I’ve experienced is that it required me to take a hard look at myself, which at times was uncomfortable.
Living with Mohanji is like living with an intense mirror that continually shows me all aspects of myself, which keeps me from experiencing contentment. Situations have given me intense experiences where I would judge myself, doubt, criticize and see my impact on others – about which I wouldn’t be happy.
Since the boot camp, it’s been an intense period of reconciliation. The boot camp was the program that Mohanji took us through during December for all the heads of the organization. We’ve based the Invest in Awareness course mainly on that content. Mohanji said, “At the start of the New Year, you’ll be reinvented”, and there has certainly been an understanding taking place (with all this churning happening), and I can see myself with more clarity.
Understanding what is playing out has been Mohanji’s teaching. We are projecting into the world what is inside us; this understanding has bestowed great stability and contentment – no comparisons, criticisms or competition. I’ve found this year has given me more mental space or peace. I can’t say more time because time is already used to the maximum from working with Mohanji. Capacity is relentlessly pushed and stretched. But definitely, practising this awareness and reconciliation has brought clarity of mind.
I looked back through some of my notes about what Mohanji had said about contentment. He shared that contentment can always be set as a goal for everybody. Every moment of acceptance in our life can bring this. It’s actually is a choice.
The challenge we face is that our ideas of contentment are very wide. We have many varieties, needs, or requirements. Some of those can be binding or based on other people’s ideas of what we should be or on society. I found the COVID situation as helpful because I’ve been able to completely strip back all my pre-made ideas of what life needed to be or what it was going to be.

Coming back and connecting to the basics in life, grounding in having the essentials – such as food, a good place to stay, good company, friendships, so the contentment stays with the essentials, and anything else is a bonus. I wouldn’t be as bold to say that I’m always contented, and I never lose that factor of having contentment.
Normally, consciously or unconsciously, what happens is that I’m setting expectations for certain things, maybe certain tasks or certain people. No matter how small or unconscious these are, these can always create disappointments (when they happen), which affects me. But again, what I’m practising more, is acceptance and being flexible. This way, the turbulence created when expectations aren’t met is very short-lived. The disturbances that would usually last a long time a few years ago are now much shorter.
For now, to explore what wealth exists when I set contentment for life’s day to day experiences as a goal is an ongoing lesson and practice. I can’t say I’ve reached anywhere, but I have noticed a positive difference.
I hope you have a great day ahead, and we will speak soon.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th March 2022
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