by Christopher Greenwood
Day 173 – Demolish to Recreate
Demolish to recreate is the topic of the lesson today. This is related to our own transformation, and for me, the transformation that I’ve experienced by spending more time, intensely, with Mohanji. I’ve shared before in messages that patterns and comfort zones are what we’re used to; our usual day-to-day life is driven by these patterns. It’s familiar. It’s what we’d like to do. But since being with Mohanji, I’ve had all of these pushed, pulled, tested, squeezed, broken, and challenged, and it has been incredibly painful and difficult at times. But what I feel now and have experienced now is a sense of renewal, much more freedom, and lightness. If I look back to life as it was years ago, it’s a distant memory, it seems like lifetimes ago. I can only take from that, that now, it’s almost like a new life.
I’ve been able to do many things that I never would have expected, faced many fears, and been involved in many activities, which have been great contributions. Each day, there’s more and more satisfaction. Back in December, we had the Mohanji boot camp, led by Invest in Awareness, wherein Mohanji conducted a program that was designed to completely reinvent everybody who participated. He said that, come the new year, we would all be new people, and I certainly feel like this now, although it’s an ever-evolving process. Very soon, that boot camp is going to be available to the public; Preethi Gopalarathnam and Aditi Sahai have done a great job pulling that together and it will be announced very shortly, for everybody to attend.
Yesterday, in a spontaneous conversation with Mohanji, he spoke about the need to reconstruct and reinvent oneself. He said that this requires demolition. There’s no other way. Demolishing past patterns is essential for rejuvenation and reconstruction. When we’re looking to rebuild something, reinvent ourselves, it requires the space and clarity on what’s actually going to be in that space, before we can do anything.
Now that I’m doing many things on the land, I can see that in a different way as well, physically with the space that we have. For me personally, the intention has always been to refill that space with more effectiveness in serving: “How can I do more?”
As we spoke, Mohanji shared again that in order to rebuild ourselves, we have to be prepared to demolish all the usual patterns and comfort zones that we hold, and when we cling on to them, to memories and past patterns, pain can be experienced. I’ve certainly had my fair share of that over this past year. But what I can say from my personal and ever-changing experience is that it has been worth it, a positive transformation, and as Mohanji says, he’s always there and he’s definitely always been there with me throughout this process.

Day 174 – Is it your limitation?
One of the great things for me about working with Mohanji directly is that you’re never short of opportunities and tasks to push you beyond mind-made limits. He has an incredible ability to understand what each person requires to take them forward – the next step. Looking back, everything that he has provided, or guided me to do, has created fast-track progress. I see him doing this with everybody close to him. It helps them grow and evolve.
Being part of his office has been just such a fast-track way to transform, grow, and deeply experience life with all troubles and joys. In this time, I would say that I’ve learned well, or more accurately, become more aware that it can be very easy to acquire the limitations, mind blocks, and frames of others. We all have our walking space, which is our patterns, frames, or opinions. You can maybe include karma in there; all the experiences that we’ve had in the past, everything which makes us, which we then express into the world.
What I’ve experienced with some of the tasks, and also just in life with family and friends, is that people can put their limitations onto you. When I’ve set out to complete a task, people have provided their opinions, “You can’t do this… I’ve tried this and it doesn’t work… This is not possible… Life isn’t easy…” It could be anything like this. But essentially, you could condense it down to some negativity. Not that a person is bad, but that they’re expressing something, which is their view of the situation.
In the past, I’d give quite a lot of respect to people’s experiences and take that on myself. Now I still give respect, but more critically, I’m assessing it with a different awareness. When somebody says, “Okay, this can’t be done”, I first think, “Okay, is this their limitation or is this my limitation? Do I have that same limitation? Do I have the belief that I could do it?” This is something that Mohanji has pointed out to me in previous conversations when I’ve come to him and said, “I don’t think this can be done”. If anyone has experienced that, it gets hit out of the park, like a home run, quite quickly; he really doesn’t accept these limitations, because he says, “People will tell you all these things you can’t do, but can they share one thing which you can?”
Now I also think a bit more deeply as well, because from what I’ve experienced… Does Mohanji have that limitation? Then when I surrender something completely, if I feel I don’t have the resource, I surrender it, surprises happen. People putting their limitations can really bog down and derail. I feel it’s good to acknowledge them, but now I also feel more confident that I can take steps, and even if there is failure, there’ll be lessons, there’ll be growth and an experience would have happened in the process and this adds richness to life.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th November 2022
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