Grace through Faith & Surrender

Real life experience shared by Devotees


Dr. Harpreet Wasir, Preeti Duggal, Ekaterina Nestorovska and Reena Kumar share their experiences that show the presence of Mohanji’s protection and grace at every moment, regardless of His physical presence. If we have a strong connection to our beloved Guru, not only does He taken care of us but also those who are connected to us.

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Dr. Harpreet’s Experience Sharing:

We begin with Dr Harpreet’s recent experience of grace and protection.


“I had three difficult cases to operate upon. A heart valve replacement surgery followed by two heart bypass surgeries. The first two patients were from Iraq who had come to us because they could not afford surgery there. Before I start my surgery, I always dedicate it to Mohanji  and also leave the results to Him after I finish.

At a critical juncture when the heart was beating in my hand during the surgery, I got a call that my mother, who is aged 80 yet an active gynaecologist, had slipped and fallen. In the middle of the surgery, I somehow managed the decision to get her to the emergency department. With Mohanji’s grace, she reached the X-ray room of the emergency department around the same time as I was leaving the operating room.


When my mother was on the X-ray table, all the doctors who examined her were sure that they would find hip fractures or a spinal fracture. When I reached the emergency department, I realized that I was carrying Mohanji’s eye card in my chest pocket which was highly unusual. I realized that I badly needed His presence for my cases today and, hence, had kept it. I kept the eye card in my mother’s hand before her five X-rays were due. I told her to hold it and just remember Mohanji whom she has met only once.


I stood in utter breathlessness and in complete surrender to Mohanji. I just put my mother in His care. I was in a state of utter silence and thoughtlessness, simply connected to Him. Most astonishingly, despite the doctors being sure of a fracture, all the X-rays were normal and I was able to take her home for pain management.

On reflection, I realised that I carried His card not just for the patients who came to me for surgery, but most unexpectedly for my mother too. It feels like Mohanji, being a Guru, pre-emptively knew about this event. He gave me serious patients so that I would keep His card in my pocket so that it could be given later to my mother for her protection, thus ensuring all her X-rays were normal.


As a doctor, I work with people’s lives. But I always feel that it is He who does it through me. He pre-empted all events as He always does for those who have utmost faith and surrender. It is for all of us to know that Mohanji not only takes care of the present but also of the future. Our faith is always answered.”

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Jai Mohanji,

Dr. Harpreet Wasir, Delhi

Preeti Duggal’s Experience Sharing:


Preeti Duggal shares here how Mohanji’s grace was evident at a time of crisis, enabling Preeti to embark on a sacred pilgrimage as planned.  When we surrender, grace flows…

“I would like to share the rays of grace which Father always showers on us unconditionally. To attend the Bosnian pyramids pilgrimage, Preethi Gopalarathnam and I were flying from Mumbai to Frankfurt en route to Zagreb. When we reached the airport, the airline staff informed me that my ticket for the journey had not been booked. It was booked only for Preethi Gopalarathnam. The travel agent had forgotten to block the seat for me and, hence, the ticket was not booked.

It was a moment of panic for a few minutes, but as always Mohanji was our saviour. At the last moment, we had to buy a ticket which was luckily available though at twice the price. The flight from Frankfurt to Zagreb was full, but with His blessings, we found a seat in a flight a few hours later. Seated alone at Frankfurt airport, I realised how with very little difficulty, Mohanji had arranged my trip. At 2:30am in the night, He checked with me if everything was fine.  I have no words but only gratitude and love for Him. Thank you Father for always being there for me at times of crisis. I learnt a big lesson too. Never take things for granted.”


Madhusudan Rajagopalan, who was a witness to this incident, added his views on this incident as below:

“This incident happened between 12:45 to 1:15am for a flight scheduled to leave at 2:55am. Look at how grace worked – they were very coolly dealing with the situation (acceptance) and planning alternatives instantly (practicality). How amazing that the tickets were available at such short notice for both legs – onward and return. Mind you, their return was from Belgrade to Mumbai, so it was a multi-city itinerary, not a plain return ticket.

Due to all this drama, they were able to reach immigration only by 2.30am and amazingly, the flight was delayed! As Mohanji always says “Big problems are solved through minor hardships” and that’s what had happened here; eagerly laid plans were not disrupted and valuable lessons were learnt about extra diligence while planning a journey;  and of course ample demonstration of how He works silently to protect us. I don’t think we even fathom how lucky we are!”

fire of awareness

Jai Mohanji,

Preeti Duggal, Bangalore

Ekaterina Nestorovska‘s Experience Sharing:


Ekaterina Nestorovska states how she experienced  the protection of  Mohanji at a time when she felt vulnerable. As with many of us, this is just one of many such incidences in her life. Ekaterina’s connection and faith in Mohanji and His unconditional love and protection towards us all is shared beautifully here.

“At work today I was asked to stay late and it was dark by the time I had left. To get to the bus stop, one has to walk through a deserted road which has no lights, houses or people. It’s a well known unsafe area. As I was leaving, I felt an impulse to listen to a protection chant  sung by Mohanji and played it through my headphones. As I was hurrying to reach the bus stop, I noticed a man on the other side of the road who passed me by, walking in the opposite direction. He suddenly turned around and started following me. As it was so dark and lonely, anything could have happened and no one would have known. As he started whistling, I started repeating Mohanji’s name. I didn’t have any fear and had faith that I was protected. I, of course, had the urge to walk faster to get to the main road and to the bus stop. Once I got there, the danger was gone.

When I got home, I saw a huge dog lying at my front door. I felt as if it was a sign of protection. I went in quickly to get some food to feed it. Everything happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to think much. But it truly felt like I just have to be in the hands of Mohanji and flow with whatever comes. There is nothing else to do!

Jai Mohanji,

Ekaterina Nestorovska, Skopje, Macedonia

Reena Kumar’s Experience Sharing:


Reena Kumar narrates her experience of how Mohanji’s divine protection ensured that her son Ronit was able to sit for his exam and do well, despite a serious accident.

For me, Mohanji is sakshat bhagwaan (God incarnate). He is so compassionate and listens to his devotees. My son Ronit is very careless and casual as one tends to be during adolescence. During his tenth grade, he rarely studied. I used to be worried about his attitude. Before the exams, Ronit was able to meet Mohanji. Mohanji looked into his eyes and said “Don’t worry.” A few days later, Ronit met with an accident before his last exam. By Mohanji’s grace, his eyes and brain were fine. However, he had severe injuries to the hands, shoulders, legs and feet. Usually, no one waits for an accident victim in Gurgaon, but 18 people waited with Ronit and called us. His scooter was in a terrible condition. It couldn’t be moved but people helped me park it as my husband took Ronit to the hospital in his car. By Mohanji’s grace, I was offered water and someone dropped me home.

My son wasn’t able to study for his Maths exam as he had severe pain and went for the exam on a wheelchair. When the results were about to be declared, we were very stressed as Ronit had sat for the exam without any preparation. He got 70 marks in maths. That could be possible only with Mohanji’s grace. Mohanji had saved his year of work. Ronit told me, “Mohanji had said ‘Don’t worry’ before the accident. He was with me, Mumma.”

Mohanji’s grace was evident again on the day of the results helping Ronit with what he wanted to study further – science. In his school, admission into the science stream was impossible with Ronit’s result (71 percent). Because of Ronit’s casual attitude, the principal was reluctant to allow him to take science and said that it was impossible. My husband prayed to Mohanji and wrote to Him. Ronit and my husband waited for three hours and Mohanji’s reply came. He said “I am proud of Ronit.” At the same moment, the principal rang the bell and agreed to give admit Ronit into the science stream. She told him, “You are exceptional to get science at 71 percent.”

Such is the grace of our Master that we can neither understand nor express enough gratitude. He is infinitely kind, loving and caring. We must recognise His leelas (divine play) and follow His teachings. We should try on our part to be humble and good representatives of our Guruji. Wherever we go and whatever we do, Mohanji’s name should rise higher and higher and spread around the globe.

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Jai Mohanji.

Reena Kumar, Gurgaon.

The real life experience shared above, reiterates the following.

Faith can move mountains and create miracles. The divine grace and protection of Mohanji towards those who love Him is always evident. No matter what the situation or which part of the world we are in, when we ask for help, He’s always there to protect and guide us.

sign of surrender


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2 thoughts on “Grace through Faith & Surrender”

  1. Mohanji, my husband met with an accident and tomorrow there is a scheduled operation for a complex knee leg surgery…the surgery is too complex and gods grace only can make it 100% success..i want the operation to be 100% success and he should get back to his normal walking style , cycling and his day to day as before the accident and his leg should be back to perfect and normal as it was before the accident..please mohanji i need a miracle in his leg and his leg should be fixed 100% and recover soon.

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