Dear friends,
it did feel so lovely to experience BTW back in Muscat, after all the travels and adventures. I was so happy to see the familiar loving faces.
As soon as Mohanji entered the room, he brought the mighty vibrations with him – I noticed that the intensity of his sheer presence has increased lately.

While awaiting one new comer who had a problem with finding the venue, we enjoyed a casual conversation with Mohanji and the glow on his face as he spoke briefly about some of our experiences during the last two trips to India.
We started the meditation as soon as our first timer Kala entered the room. We went very deep at no time – the intensity of energy flow during Shaktipat was way beyond average. I could feel that something profound was happening in the recipients of Shaktipat. Whether I was giving the Shaktipat, standing or walking, the powerful energy flow through the palms was happening continuously, as if it gained the required momentum and now it took off!
During experience sharing, Kamlesh said that he always experienced something during BTW, but this time he REALLY felt it. At one point the energy was almost unbearable. Feroz shared with me his experience the following day and said that he also felt it to be almost too strong for him, but held on because he knew that heat was burning the negativities in him. He was amazed how long and how deeply he slept that night – he was knocked off! I told him not to worry and to flow with the experience – I am a veteran in getting knocked off due to Mohanji’s high energy :-).
Kala was the last to arrive and first to leave (had another appointment). She just told us briefly that her Mum is her Guru as well, that she is a musician and never meditated, but that this was something truly profound. Throughout the meditation she felt some unusually intense pain in her leg, which came out of nowhere and really surprized her. As she struggled with that pain and kept shifting her position, at one point she clearly felt that pain leaving her body, as if it was some kind of entity. She then experienced amazing lightness and deep fulfillment. Mohanji said that a major samskara was removed from her system and that she’ll experience a big change in her life now.
We enjoyed the remaining part of the evening so much – like one big happy family :-). I experienced the magic of a pressure cooker, gifted by dear Deepali, and was so happy that lots of my time spent in the kitchen will now be saved (what a brilliant healthy version of ‘fast food’ – and the food was yammy!).
BTW Muscat-eers, see you this Friday, March 5th at the same venue, 6.30pm. Samskaras – you are toasted! 🙂
With love,