Interestingly enough, all others except Dr. Deepali and family could not make it this time (some wanted to come but were prevented by whatever obstacle in the last moment, some were out of country, and one person even came, but late, and then somehow felt he should leave – so strange…).

Having assimilated all this in the past, you can imagine how surprized I was last Friday when my right palm landed on top of his head while he was in his fully expanded state. I knew for sure that he will still have to contain himself a lot in order to enable me to withstand it, but the very fact that I was allowed to do so meant a lot to me…

There certainly weren’t any thoughts and no analytical ability at that time – mind’s labeling of the experience (like Kundalini rising etc.) happened only much later.

After the meditation I could not gather myself for quite some time and the effect of expanded heart chakra would not leave me – I was constantly on the edge of crying out of love, was so deeply touched, became so subtle, that no movement suited me. The pull was strong to close the eyes again.
I was shy initially, but soon became comfortable. What I felt inside was entirely different experience. Mohanji was completely hollow from inside. His body formed a papery thin boundary. I have given a few Shaktipats till today, but never felt anything like this before.
I felt a huge volcano inside, churning, full of energy and sometimes erupting out. I kept experiencing. His Sahasrara was extremely soft, like butter. Churning went on for some time, settled for some time, and then again, that energy oozed out through his Sahasrara and entered into my full body through my Sahasrara. It formed a continuous flow of energy between that divine volcano-his Sahasrara-to my Sahasrara. It appeared that there were no two individuals. That was complete merging. Duality disappeared. He then indicated to stop. His beautiful Namaskar after that melted me. I felt like crying but I had to complete giving Shaktipat to remaining people.
Though I have seen Mohanji in his real form, this experience proved that his existence is beyond that. He is not the way we see him. This experience reminded me of the story of Lord Krishna and Yashoda where He gave ‘darshan’ of complete universe in His mouth to Yashoda!
The sentence ‘Mohanji, I am grateful to you for this experience’ does not actually convey my true feelings because, with this experience, he took me beyond words and questions.”

What to say my dear friends – surprizes and blessings never cease…
3 thoughts on “BTW in Muscat on April 30th – the ‘volcano eruption’!”
Thank You Biba!
Only one word…beautiful!
Dear Biba
Reading this experience itself is a blessing for us… Thanks a lot…
Add this into your upcoming book 😉