BTW Serbia – All FOR LOVE!

Dear BTW family members,

I do miss the perfect warm winter in Oman, but am happy to be in a position to share with all of you a few loving experiences and images from Serbia – as long as heart is warm with Love, the outside temperature does not matter. 🙂

Danube river and the cute seagull photographers

It just so happened that on the very day of my arrival to Belgrade, Serbia (Feb 3rd), Marija was conducting the Power of Purity meditation in Belgrade. I was deeply touched by the pure energy of the meditation venue, amazing group energy (there were 15+ meditators who did the intro breathing with a 100%  perfect syncronisation) and humbleness of Toma, the owner of the apartment (who arrived late and spent 30 min. in front of his own door, in the freezing cold weather, in order not to disturb the meditation). I’ve never seen such piety and was literally speechless!

BTW meditators in Novi Sad

Last three Thursdays were marked by 3 truly wonderful Power of Purity meditations in Novi Sad, at our regular venue – the Homeopathy Centre on the Boulevard of Liberation (amazing how Masters take care even of the minutest details such as this street name –  perfect for the Path of Pathlessness) :-).

Not only did our dear Spomenka and Vlada from the Homeopathy Centre allow us to use the venue and their electronic equipment free of cost, but always make us feel truly welcome and so at home – just like in Belgrade, this venue too has become a real Love nest :-). All of our meditators are very sincere and have been enjoying the meditation thoroughly. One man with severe back pain witnessed the healing after only one session, some always feel very strong energy and look forward to remaining in silence and going home to sleep blissfully, some meditators with previous training in other methods for the first time experienced a great breakthrough in their practice, some felt deep cleansing happening and witnessed their deepest fears disappearing, some were amazed to see Sai Baba during the meditation and basked in the bliss of His presence – the list goes on…

BTW expressions of unmistakable BLISS & Purity...

Last Thursday was truly memorable – I somehow managed to arrive to the meditation venue despite of the heavy snow outside and complete chaos on the streets. Honestly, considering the weather conditions, I did not expect to see more than 2-3 people along with Klara (who performs Shaktipat) at the meditation venue. However, when I walked in, a dozen of loving faces welcomed me and I was simply overwhelmed! 🙂 After the meditation, I shared with them a video clipping from one of our post-meditation Satsangs with Mohanji in Muscat, and also shared some of our deeper experiences with Mohanji and the Masters. The atmosphere was that of deep love and intimate sharing – we didn’t feel like leaving the place… And when we stepped outside, big snowflakes welcomed us  and further added to our joy – after such a deep inner cleansing, everything looked so magically beautiful… 🙂

Ceca, Biba & Klara - The post-BTW bliss, snowflakes and orbs!

The Seva on Mohanji’s Birthday

What really filled me with great joy was the first ever ACT Seva activity in Serbia – conducted at the Shelter for Abandoned Children called ‘The Safe House’ on Mohanji’s birthday, Feb 23rd. It miraculously happened  irregardless of the weather conditions, transportation problems and people’s busy schedules. During the last week’s meditation, I announced this event, explained about the tenets of the Ammucare Charitable Trust (ACT) and how  there is no better way of celebrating Mohanji’s birthday than through expressing Unconditional Love and serving the helpless.

I would like to thank all those who donated the funds for this Seva, but especially our amazing Bilja, Klara, Spomenka, Hana & Marijana (as well as my Dad!), who made it a point to join me at the Safe House personally, no matter what. 

Our loving team at the Safe House

Since the Safe House offers the shelter to children of all age groups, from little babies abandoned at birth, to 18 year old young adults, we donated clothes and shoes for all the age groups, as well as toys, cartoon DVDs, various sweets and two cakes – all to make the children happy, all for Love… The ladies who work at the Safe House had a tough time trying to keep the children quiet – they were just too excited! My Mom wrote on one of the cakes “ZA LJUBAV”, which means “For Love” – the cake was meant for Mohanji, i.e. the Love that operates through him and reaches the hearts of these children… And I know they felt it…

Sweets and the cake For Love...

Before we started with the cake and gifts, I explained to the children who Ammu was & how Mohanji decided to found the Ammucare Charitable Trust. All in all, I explained that it is through the unconditional love, which we came to share with them, that Ammu lives on. I invited them to, irregardless of their age and financial situation, always do their best to express love unconditionally towards all the living beings, and to help the helpless in any way possible. The children clearly enjoyed the story and, in the end, all spontaneosly exclaimed “happy birthday” to Mohanji. 🙂

ACT of Love at the Safe House, Novi Sad

Even though the children had their lunch less than an  hour ago, they were overwhelmed with the cakes and finished both of them in no time – I was so happy to see that :-). I was surprized when the little boy who held Mohanji’s photo while we were posing for the group photo, asked me whether he can keep it.  His eyes were sad but there was something so sweet about him – I honored his wish and allowed him to keep the photo, recognizing that this must be Mohanji’s magic at work…

"Can I keep this photo...?"

The joy I felt while watching these children eat their cake so innocently was indescribable. One of them had a very short haircut which made me mistake her for a boy. She looked at me and replied confidently: “I am a girl.” I apologized immediately and felt like hugging her when I saw those big, sad eyes.

"I am a girl!"

I can only imagine what these children went through… The ladies who work at the Safe House told me that some of them were abandoned, some had no parents, while others did, but were not safe with them (due to their violence, addiction problems, or mental illnesses). I did not want to ask about the individual children’s background because we wanted to focus on love and joy…

Spomenka and the little boy

Spomenka became especially fond of one little boy. He agreed to sit in her lap but we noticed that he would not smile at all. All of us did our best, making all kinds of funny sounds, to make him smile. Finally, it worked! 🙂

A priceless smile!

There was another excitement that we had in store for the children – Marijana, one of the renowned hair dressers in Novi Sad, offered to do free hair cuts/styling for the Safe House children. After the cake part was over, we went to another room and this new adventure started. At first, children were shy to do it. Finally, one boy agreed to be the first one.

Marijana and the chidren from the Safe House

The others were watching carefully, curious to see how their friend will end up looking with this new hairstyle. When Marijana was done with him, he couldn’t believe his eyes 🙂 – he was so excited to see his new, COOL hairstyle that he literally screamed out of joy!

Whoa! I look SO COOL!

At this point, other children got very excited and finding another one to agree to have a haircut was definitely no longer a problem.

Quiet but not shy to ask for a haircut

As the haircuts went on, jokes and other expressions of joy were flying left and right, and other children were joining in to be a part of the joy wave that was created. It was so beautiful to see how little children need to be truly happy…

The Joy Overflowing!

Since we already stayed too long, in the end, Marijana suggested to come to the Safe House every Monday to do free haircuts for them. I was deeply touched by her offer, since I know that she is a single Mom struggling to make  her ends meet. But I also know that this act of selflessness will invite great blessings into her life…

Similarly, Spomenka from the Homeopathy Centre offered to do free medical treatments for the children. The women who take care of the children at the Safe House were visibly touched and thanked us profusely. I was happy knowing that children were yet to open our main gifts –  all the bags with clothes and shoes that we brought. We left the place with an expanded heart… 🙂

Donated with Love

All in all, I was really happy that this first ever ACT seva took place in my country, that too on Mohanji’s birthday, irregardless of the heavy snow outside (I guess the snow marked Mohanji’s birthday in its own way)… Am still smiling while thinking of this event… 🙂

The snow - Nature's gift of Purity on Feb 23rd, 2011

With endless love and warm winter smiles :-),


9 thoughts on “BTW Serbia – All FOR LOVE!”

  1. Dear Biba:

    Namaste! Thank you for sharing the wonderful happenings in Serbia. It is wonderful to see such in the faces of the people meditating as well as the wonderful children!

    Ganesh V

  2. very touching Biba…thank u ….may this love spread like wild fire…touching all hearts…and burning away all differences…..uniting all of us In Love..

  3. Dear Biba, Thanks so much for sharing this inspiring account. The photos speak volumes!
    This cold world of ours is so much in need of such expressions of love and warmth.
    Deep thanks and respects to all those involved.

  4. Pingback: Selfless Birthday Celebration! « Mohans World Blog

  5. Dear Biba, it was a pleasure to see you and the whole event that you have photographed and captured. You have done amazing job of getting people together in such a short period of time and bringing out best in them- their generosity and spirituality. God bless you and the lil’s one witnessing it all from inside! take care and please rest as time permits!

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