Conscious Walking – 1 Year Anniversary


This 21st June 2016 we celebrate 1 year of launching of dynamic meditation technique Conscious Walking created by Mohanji. As we look back at the past year we feel so much gratitude for the blessing that Mohanji has showered upon us by gifting this powerful technique to the world. We feel immense gratitude towards all who participated in the conscious walks, in organizing them and spreading the word far and wide so many more can benefit.

What started as a small conscious step on International Yoga Day, became a big step on a worldwide scale spreading to many cities and countries globally. Conscious Walking events have been and still are organized regularly in USA, CANADA, UK, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, SERBIA, CROATIA, MACEDONIA, UAE, QATAR, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA, MAURITIUS, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND.



We celebrate and rejoice in this anniversary, and look forward to see many more benefitted from practicing Conscious Walking in the world. We cordially invite you to read through the selection of many testimonials of practitioners from around the globe.


Experience sharing from Yohan, UK:

“After being inspired by yesterday’s Satsang, waking up to a wonderful fresh sunny morning, with a headache, I thought, why not go for CW in West Harrow Park? Set the alarm for 30 minutes time and off I went. The cool breeze and warm sunlight was magical. Then the alarm went and needed to hurry back home for work as I was already late. The inner voice commanded stop and chant the Gayatri and Surya Mantras. I duly obeyed and the chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra. Love was pouring through and I could feel the presence of Sathya Sai, Shirdi Sai and many archangels. When I opened my eyes I could see the golden white prana throughout the entire park. No headache. Just gratitude and divine love. Mohanji has given us an amazing gift, with practice, it will transform us.”


Experience sharing from Daniela, Croatia:

“Before any kind of sound was created, silence must have existed. Without silence, there is no sound. Silence is the foundation. Sound is an upgrade. Silence is form, sound is content. Silence is absolute, sound is relative. When we walk consciously, focus is on silence between inhalation and exhalation. In fact, focus isn’t on the silence itself, but on something in us which existed as the absolute foundation before there was any kind of content. Focus on silence isn’t just Silence, but a true encounter with ourselves.”


Experience sharing from Ágnes Horányi, Hungary:

“I was feeling as if I had done it a lot of times before. When I started, after a while I felt my body was so heavy that I didn’t know how to move. Then I let my body be moved by everpresent force, as I couldn’t feel myself as a mover of my body any more. Such a beautiful feeling.”


Experience sharing from Kristina, Croatia:

“As I gradually became aware of the gaps between breathing in and breathing out the breathing itself became slower and the gaps became longer. At one point I started to feel I could cease breathing. After Walking I sat in a meditation, breathing through my spine up and down, facing towards the sun. I love Conscious Walking and the feeling of lightness after.”


Experience sharing from Ljiljana Stojsic, Serbia:

“After today’s Conscious Walking in our beautiful park, 
which since this morning was shrouded again in tender white, snow cover, I felt wonderful and holistically regenerated, energized, happy and enthusiastic. During the walk I felt a deep joy, gratitude and love and the precious unity among us all, for which I’m so thankful. That profound and already confirmed realization of the unbreakable bond between everything and all of us and the knowing that we are all connected in such a powerful, beautiful way, is for me the greatest divine gift received so far. 
I’m eternally grateful.”


Experience sharing from Seema, South Africa:

“When you worship the ground you walk on and the people that make your life worthwhile, you realise that life is so simple. We just complicate it. CW has helped me be calmer, more focused and happy.”


Experience sharing from Jelena, Serbia:

“I felt like walking lasted for hours, but I wanted more. Supported, grounded, conscious of everything happening inside, but all around me as well. I felt the connection and Oneness with Mohanji presence as always.”


Experience sharing from Zoran, Macedonia:

“When I started the meditation I had so many thoughts racing one after another…I was sure it will be a struggle to meditate effectively… but half way through the momentum of consistent practicing of CW got the gears and pulled me through in the clear space of witnessing and centering in the spine. It was yet another wonderful CW experience.”


Experience sharing from Daniela, Croatia:

“When we walk consciously, we walk as quickly as it suits us, mostly it’s a average speed – neither too fast, nor too slow (in my case). Focus is on the spine. Walking happens automatically, as well as looking downwards. Focusing on the spine also comes automatically at one point. Nevertheless, there is a moment in Conscious Walking which doesn’t come automatically. It requires our full attention. When we walk consciously, we direct our attention towards the small break which comes in between inhalation and exhalation. I’ll name it SILENCE (that’s what it is actually).

In between that two fragments of Silence, there’s an inhalation or an exhalation. Inhalation is a path from point A to point B, while exhalation is a path from the point B back to the point A. That’s how we’ve got a feeling that there’s time needed to get from the point A to B, and than back to the point A.
 A and B points are those small fragments of Silence which comes in between inhalation and exhalation. The whole process can also be depicted as a circle – a path which leads us back to that starting point again.

As breathing comes naturally and continuously without stopping, there’s no way for us to overstay in that point of Silence. It seems that it constantly escapes us and that our attention keeps going to the inhalation or exhalation while it stops briefly in that very same point of Silence. In Conscious Walking by Mohanji, we have to be aware of that small break between inhalation and exhalation. We have to be aware of the Silence. It is impossible to study that point, it’s impossible to stay in it, because it’s situated in a gap.

The problem is probably in the very same perception of what is going on in the process. What if there exists only that point of Silence and nothing else? What if there’s no longitude, not even a circle, nothing but that very same point?

Distance is actually a path which a point takes through time. There’s the Point, there’s Time, and there’s the Path. But in fact, there’s nothing but that very same Point – everything else is just a manifestation of that Point. These different manifestations create the illusion that the Point seems to vanish and time is needed to go back to that Point.

If I’m focused on that point of Silence, I never even come out of it, neither I come back to it, because it’s present in every moment as a Foundation. The foundation which allows those inhalations and exhalations to flourish


Experience sharing from Caroline, Australia:

“Before the Conscious Walk, I connected to Mohanji’s consciousness through the eye card and listened to/mentally chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra on my phone. I find that connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness prior to the Conscious Walking meditation enhances the effect of my practice. During the Conscious Walk, I was watching the frenzy of thoughts arising and falling in the choppy sea of my untamed mind. Quite honestly, I was also skeptically thinking that today’s meditative walk was not really effective for me in my preoccupied state of mind. Finally we reached the end point of our Conscious Walking circuit, where we usually sit and meditate a while longer under a big, beautiful tree. I finally unlocked my eyes, and raised my head, only to find that I could hardly move. I felt quasi-paralyzed by such a feeling of deep peace, that all I could do was sit and bask in profound silence and bliss for the next ten or so minutes. The inverted pyramid meditation that we practiced next provoked an incredibly strong tingling sensation in my lower body, especially while chanting on the root chakra and meditating on my connection with Mother Earth. I felt so connected, grateful, at peace, loved by and in love with Mother Earth and all of Creation. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of universal consciousness, oneness, unconditional love or the unfathomable nature of the Supreme that I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Mohanji for guiding me to this glimpse of a greater glory. With deep gratitude and love, from Caroline in North Queensland, Australia.”


Experience sharing from Shivani, UK:

“Conscious Walk today… I have been practicing this since its launch in June. Everyday (nearly) for about 15-20 minutes, I do conscious walk barefoot. Apart from the profound silence that engulfs me suddenly, it also helps to totally connect with Mother Earth. As I place each foot forward, its like kissing the ground with my feet. I have felt totally grounded and the energy from the earth leaves me refreshed for the whole day. Practicing walking consciously has greatly facilitated the development of mindfulness in ordinary daily life. Learning to establish awareness during walking, when I am physically moving with my eyes open has helped me to arouse that same wakeful quality during other activities, such as practicing yoga, eating, washing dishes, or driving. It is easier to arouse mindfulness while walking to the shop, through the park, or during any other time. Meditation has begun to permeate my entire life. 
Sai Ram.”


Experience sharing from Sanja, Croatia:

“We had beautiful autumn morning, perfect for walk. When we have just started walking, lot of thoughts was running through my mind and I thought that it will ruin my conscious walking because I cannot focus. All of a sudden, my legs became really heavy, as if it weighed 100 kilo, it made me to walk even more slowly, and as I walked very very slow- my mind simply went off. I realised that even if I wasn’t walk fast in the beginning, my mind was in the fifth gear, so when I slowed down my physical movement, mind went off and I enjoyed all of benefits of conscious walking.”


Experience sharing from Ana, Macedonia:

“Same as every Sunday, it was wonderful…

I felt as if I am one head above myself

I had a feeling that I am taller, bigger

I was merged with nature, light as air…


But, what amazed me the most was our devotion and conviction 🙂

As young aspirants with huge faith, we gathered under the rain to walk consciously.

Lazar didn’t even bring an umbrella with him 🙂

And I wonder

at is that energy, what is that force?

What is that which guides us and drives us to renounce it all?

And what is that which makes me so devoted to Mohanji’s Path?

My devotion is getting bigger and bigger, and no bad weather can stop me from practicing the technique

I even ask myself?

What if the Guru tells me to jump in the river?

Would I do it?

I think that I would 🙂

Because I would know that it is good for me 🙂

Because that is the way you love ones Guru


And mine… already belongs to MOHANJI”


Experience sharing from Neha Pareh, Canada:

“Ever since Mohanji has introduced Conscious Walk in our lives I have experienced that 30 mins of conscious walk each day since the past few days during my lunch hour is bringing in unbelievable stillness in my train of thoughts. I am actually smelling the breeze, hearing the birds chirp, seeing small insects that might come beneath my feet….🙁 which I have many times been so unconscious about in the mad rush of this current life style. I am more conscious of each word that is let out, each thought that happens within the mind and each action that displays an expression. My food habits have changed remarkably. Each portion taken is consciously thought for. I am getting more aware of my emotions, like my anger, fatigue that the body experiences and the frustration of not getting what we believe is correct. I see clearly The meaning of Life, why have we come here and where are we going. Unconditional Love and Service is the only means and way to serve The Divine and Liberate. This technique aides us in realizing our main purpose of Liberation . Its an amazing tool to get back to oneself. With time we have become more and more dispersed…spreading far and wide in all directions, with Mohanji’s Grace and teachings, we are now becoming more aware of where we belong and what is our true nature. He showed us the way to get to the roots, He teaches us to be Love..which is our true nature….. Ananda is our nature and we must work hard to reach it by getting close to our inner self. Thank You Mohanji for imparting this very Priceless and simple method to realize our PurposeThank You Mohanji for being so generous and loving. All Your hard work …and we are getting the techniques ready on a platter……….still we at times are inconsiderate of what we receive and end up comparing with others…….
Love is Myself, Love is Thyself, Love is everywhere…………..we fail to recognize that
Recognize Him He is That, dive within, You Will find That
Mohanji is That……..We are That….
its a long and Conscious walk ahead to realize That. 
But if we Consciously Walk with Divine’s Graceful hand in hand 
than …….. nothing can stop us from reaching That 🙂
Awaken Thyself and Consciously Walk along this Path,
There maybe unknown turns and pot holes deep down this Path,
But Do not assume You are left all alone by your side.
Cause,,,,, HE is ALWAYS Walking along Your side,
HE is walking Your steps , HE is clearing Your Path….
He is the Light that is beaming gradually and Consciously within your heart.
Experience Thyself, within each step, feel the Oneness with Mother Nature 
Come on all lets get up and Consciously Walk along this Path…
Atleast now Recognize Thyself……… You are That. You are That.”


Experience sharing from Mirjana Andres-Rogović, Croatia:

“I wasn’t expecting it will be that powerful. Even after first few minutes of conscious breathing, the walk became almost bodiless, I didn’t feel my ankles, which otherwise slip and twist on rocks, and in the moments between in breath and out-breath all stones became slightly blurred, and than in that brief moment of total peace, they became round and even like eggs in a casket. As if I was looking with my Soul and not with my eyes. When I came tip the end of the road, I felt i could move ahead walking further on the sea. It was difficult to stop, as if I was blocked in flight, because when I did stop the trees continued moving as if moving away from me, and that continued for some time. WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO ALL. LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY.”


Experience sharing from Nirupma, India:

“Conscious Walking for half an hour in the morning has given me solace and peace. You become one with yourself. Your whole body gets filled up with love, tears flow. And after CW when you sit on a bench in the park with closed eyes it seems as if you are part of universe, everything is moving and you are floating in it.”



If you would like to learn to practice Conscious Walking kindly write to and the CW team will guide you further. You could also connect to our global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.


7 thoughts on “Conscious Walking – 1 Year Anniversary”

  1. We must never forget to say thank you Bhagavan Maharishi Mohanji for our undying gratitude and unconditional love as we receive more than we are aware of💚🙏🙏🙏🙏😇

  2. Pingback: 2 Years of Conscious Walking | Mohans World Blog

  3. Pingback: 3rd Anniversary of Conscious Walking | Experiences With Mohanji

  4. Pingback: 4th Anniversary of Conscious Walking – Experiences With Mohanji

  5. Pingback: 5th Anniversary of Conscious Walking – Experiences With Mohanji

  6. Pingback: 6th Anniversary of Conscious Walking – Experiences With Mohanji

  7. Pingback: 7th Anniversary of Conscious Walking – Experiences With Mohanji

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