Namaste to my BTW family,
Just as I love being present at the BTW meditation each Friday, I cannot resist sharing them when they are still fresh in my mind.

Last evening’s BTW was like my first experience of BTW. After Pradeep took us through the breathing and centering, I was very still and calm, with deep concentration on the inner eye but I could hear my heart beating loudly near my left ear.
Once the meditation began, I was following every single word of Mohanji’s guidance and did not travel anywhere but was very conscious of a gripping alert presence in the room.
I went through a surge of gratitude for all my gurus, teachers, guides and mentors thanks to who I am where I am today on my journey. I was also very happily thanking my spirit angels and guides whom I have felt to be blessing my many thoughts and prayers lately. I was very grateful for saving both my nephews who were at the Pune bomb blast site last Saturday just 2 hrs before the blast, enjoying chocolate mousse at the German bakery.

My heart was also overflowing with gratitude for the good news from the eye doc who informed me that my eye vision had improved, my number had decreased from 2.5 to 1.5(!) and besides, there was no sign of an early cataract that had developed in my right eye 18 months ago. I was thanking my gurus profusely for the tools of healing, EFT (emotional freedom technique), pranayama, and for the grace of all the divine Masters for this miracle which strengthens my faith further that our bodies have the ability of curing itself naturally, easing out any dis-ease.
Pradeep is such a powerhouse of magnetic energy. Even before his hands touched me for Shaktipat, I felt a strong wave of energy pushing me and then hands clasped my forehead and back of the head as if to steady me. I knew this time that it was not only Mohanji, but the energy of many Ascended beings, Gods and Goddesses that he was channeling during the Shaktipat.
When I received the second Shaktipat from Shernaz, as always I felt so fortunate to receive a second round of Shaktipath like a child receiving love from both the parents. While blessing all my family and friends after raising the hand in the blessing position, the energy circulation was so electrifying that I could not help enjoying the sensations of circular movement in both my palms, receiving and sending out the light and blessings, being a conduit of His divine energy.
When I was blessing the deities and the Masters, I saw the face of my sister-n-law’s guruji Shri Shri Krishnanandaji of Shakatapuram, blessing everyone in the room with his calm serene smile.
Towards the end, while blessing myself, I felt a deep fulfilment and peace which reminded me of my first BTW experience six months ago.
Thank you Mohanji for your love and blessings through BTW meditation which acts like a fresh shower washing away any impurities from our mental and physical states.
With love & gratitude to everyone who makes the BTW meditation possible.

Another lovely experience from BTW Dubai on 12 Feb:
Last Friday I had an eye problem, a sharp stem of a potted plant poked into my right eye while feeding food to the plants! When after a few hours the pain was still there and I could not focus properly, and could read double, I was in a dilemna as it was a Friday and clinics are closed. Fortunately, Shernaz’ doc was available with Divine grace! Not wanting health obstacles to come in my way, I decided to go for the BTW meditation straight from the clinic where the opthalmologist gave me some drops and medications.
The BTW was very special that day, Mohanji was at the Kumbh Mela but with us throughout and Pradeep’s preparatory session was just awesome.
When I received the first Shaktipat on my third eye, it was light and ice cold and I thought it was Shernaz, but when the pressure of the hand increased on the Sahasrara, I knew it was Pradeep. As the intensity increased, I saw Mohanji right above my head, giving me direct Shaktipat, stating my eyes would be perfectly alright and to let go of any doubts. I was whirling into a deep well of oblivion with the force of his energies, his face was very serious, not smiling, as if he was trying some magic and wanting it to happen. Much later, Shernaz’s loving hands soothed my nerves, like a healing balm, and I wanted to give her a hug then, for mothering me with so much love.
After the meditation, Pradeep gave me some more healing on my eye and I could feel the pain sensation seeping out of my eye in waves as if someone was pulling out some transparent threads and clearing my vision.
Thank you Shernaz and Pradeep, your beautiful healings had instant effect and I was cured 50% then itself, even before putting any drops!