His Grace Is Beyond Human Comprehension

Written by Neeti Shori

Neeti 1

I have been a depression patient for many years. Slowly and steadily my condition improved over the last two years and I returned to normalcy. However, since February this year, I once again began slipping into a severe depression. I stopped going to work. I stopped doing most of my household chores and completed just the minimum basic requirements of cooking for my family. Along with a feeling of severe loss of energy in the body, there was constant anxiety in my heart and I was never peaceful.

Each day, I tried my best to be active but would end up being lazy, lethargic and inactive all the time. I never felt like doing anything, including my regular puja (worship). I would just lay down silently on my bed all day, not talking to anybody or even listening to bhajans (devotional songs). During this time, I was taking my medicines regularly but the depression kept increasing each passing day.

Then one day in April, I messaged Mohanji and told Him about my situation and pleaded Him to make me normal. I had strong faith that He could bring me out of this condition because two years ago a similar situation had happened and he HAD brought me out overnight.

He looked at my message soon and replied “Tathasthu! Bless You”. I was overwhelmed because I knew the power of His words. I slept at night and the very next day when I woke up, I was fresh, healthy, peaceful and happy. There was no laziness or sleepy feeling. I stayed active throughout the day. I didn’t go to bed even once during the day. I cleaned my house, went to the store, did my puja, listened to bhajans and cooked with much happiness.

He cured me overnight with just a few words. No medicine at all. It has been several days now and yet I feel active, energetic and happy all day long. All the anxiety has stopped and I feel so blessed to be normal – something which I was struggling so hard to be.

What a blessing, what a miracle, totally unbelievable and beyond human comprehension. I can never thank Gurudev enough for His Grace upon me and my family. We are so fortunate to be in His sharan (divine protection).

Jai Ho Gurudev, I love You a lot. You are always with me.


Read Neeti’s previous experiences, the story Know that I am always Alive within the blog and He is Omnipresent, Always Listening to us. Experience them and identify the truth.

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