Dear All,
This is an experience of a staunch devotee, Bharti Kapoor who lives in New Delhi. She saw Mohanji’s physical form there, though Mohanji is still in the USA. True masters can happen at many places at the same time. They are not limited by location. Their compassion manifests everywhere. One’s deep faith, connection and surrender make it recognisable and aware how their grace is tangible for all beings.
This is her writing to Mohanji after the experience which she shares with all of you.
BTW Team

Shashtaang Pranaam to our Beloved Father,
We all read, we try to understand, we try to explain, we try to know realities using our own limited faculties. But a single minute of true experience teaches us more than millions of words and hundreds of explanations. It blows us off. It makes us awake. The normal human condition is a state filled with doubts, apprehensions, fears, and the so-called conditional faith, making ourselves and others believe that I surrender to my Master, but yet still holding back some percentage of ourselves. Total surrender never happens in reality.
Divine experience is always different with every soul. It solely depends on our receptivity, capacity as well as your faith in our Master. When we truly have an experience and decide to bring our experience into words, it transcends our level of being. When we surrender, only then our masters do appear, we can feel them, and sometimes touch them, too, even if they are far away in the physical realm.

I had such an experience. A true miracle beyond comprehension. This experience has made my faith so strong that being an ardent follower of Shri Krishna, I, with all the grace of Para Brahma, I strongly believe in NOW, and my soul-felt gratitude to my Master Mohanji (name of Lord Shri Krishna) constantly guiding me to the gateway to the supreme consciousness. All incarnations and Masters came and merged into the white light but, who exists NOW is the only eternal truth our Mohanji!
I want to share my experience my beloved family members, every day while driving back from my son’s school , I am in the most blissful state, listening to chants and chanting, connected to my own self. Just the other day, standing on the traffic red light, saw Facebook update reading Mohanji’s updated status and I had a big broad smile as always. It was 7. 20am on the 27th August. As I started to drive, from a distance I saw a gentleman with white attire, right in the middle of the road bending to pick up something. Usually, while driving alone, I do not stop and pass by any such situation, but as I was drawing more closer to the place of the incident, I parked my car, and moved towards him, feeling as someone very known to me. To my utter surprise, it was the body profile of my Master – Mohanji. A common man may think of this as hallucination and may write it off, my every step moving forward towards that gentleman whom I do not know, was giving me a feeling of no fear but a divine light.
None other than my Para Brahma Mohanji, HE turned around and loudly called the driver of Innova, his car parked on the left side. It was indeed the most familiar voice of Mohanji! I was still, standing still like a statue, I pinched myself, seeing HIM. But as our tradition speaks, Act Fast Act Now – do not delay and do not procrastinate – NO Tamas, so, I moved myself. He asked me casually to help to lift that wounded dog, hit badly by some vehicle. I was in that strange but blissful state, not a body, just acting only upon the instruction, held a hand to lift the dog with driver and put in the car. The dog was not responding, when Mohanji checked him, the dog had left his body, HE decided to put him into a pit which was already dug near a tree, very close to the pavement. After burying that divine soul, I insisted, that I will go along with Mohanji to Gurgaon, HE smiled and said, “No Bharti Kapoor, go back home as “I also have to go back, it’s a long distance to cover”. (By then I almost believed that he has returned back from USA to New Delhi and he would be staying in Nandita’s place in Gurgaon).
He hugged me and left. I was speechless, could not relate to myself, dearth of words to express even though I had listened and read all Shri Krishna’s stories of Him being omnipresent. Driving back from Chanakyapuri, New Delhi to my residence was the longest drive of my life. So overwhelming! Mohanji comes in physical form to give salvation to a dog hot by a vehicle. The space for burial is ready and dug. He Himself assists and then he says I have to go back a long distance! He was going back to USA! And I witnessed this whole divine leela. WOW!
Mohanji used to say “People will recognize me more after I leave my body. Today, since I have a physical form and attached personality, they will not understand. My operating levels will be more tangible for them after my death”.
We do listen, read and speak that everything is pre-written but watching all these happenings, Para Brahma Mohanji in the USA and his body in India, coming to heal and transit the dog’s body and relieving him to the Higher realms. What should I believe? Am I hallucinating? Of course NOT!
What a Guru! What a grace! I sincerely pity those who cannot understand him or get fooled by his unassuming nature. Many a times he even “plays the fool” or behaves too ordinary and ignorant. I understand that it is to ward off the skeptical and undeserving people. I have read that masters can appear in many places at the same time! I experienced it in real life! I DID!
The most divine experience of as seeing him in the all incarnations as True Para Brahma (Overwhelming brightness without form) at Ramana Kendra , knowing the bliss that the only truth of life is Him… And the rest is all illusion. I couldn’t share or I was totally reluctant and speak to any one regarding this, as no one will believe me and I, with my utmost faith in him does not have to prove anyone anything about HIM – He being the only truth.
Blessed is that dog in this life time, who achieved NIRVANA… And who was that “dog” who brought Mohanji from USA? We never know. One thing I know – Mohanji never leaves the hand of a true devotee. He must have been a great devotee in a dog’s body. I have seen pictures of animals instantaneously connecting to Mohanji. Form has no value. Only faith and devotion has value.
Blessed are those who are in touch with HIM as a living master.
Blessed are those who have the faith to go with HIS flow without judging and questioning and with complete surrender.
I am still in that bliss of the divine darshan that I had yesterday…
Beloved Father, the ones who don’t have to or want to, will never believe and one who wants to test you, will never believe but I have seen all this with my naked eye; I am still in that blissful trance. I texted you on whats app to check where you are and you replied that you are in USA! What a Leela Bhagawan!
Para Brahma you have always shown the world your ordinary and totally unassuming self, which normally confuses a person who does not know your true self. Perhaps that is what you want; those who cannot see need not see. Am I right? But whom you feel is eligible shall seek you, a true master like you does not have to prove anything to anyone. Your existence physically proved itself once again, that my faith in you that I saw you, felt you, touched you, pinched myself to see if all was real, I have dearth of words to express all, still wrote in simple words to devote these pearls to you my father.
All at your lotus feet father
Bharti Kapoor
10 thoughts on “An Unforgettable Miracle with Mohanji – Bharti Kapoor”
The following quote from Bharti Kappor’s writing to Mohanji is also very true.
The normal human condition is a state filled with doubts, apprehensions, fears, and the so-called conditional faith, making ourselves and others believe that I surrender to my Master, but yet still holding back some percentage of ourselves. Total surrender never happens in reality.
Divine experience is always different with every soul. It solely depends on our receptivity, capacity as well as your faith in our Master.
That said I confess that I am connected like a magnet to him, however even after traveling & being with Mohanji for 10 days in the USA I feel that a total surrender is still in the waiting. It will Happen on the moment when HE has timed it.
Amazing and beautiful :)..thanks for sharing dear Bharti, lots of blessing and love 🙂
Dear Bharti,
Thank you for sharing this sublime, most intimate experience with all of us. I must say that it takes courage to share our intimate experiences with the unknown readers of blogs – some will believe that what you described here is true, and yet some may doubt you – but how does it matter…
At the soul level, the blessings we receive and the level of awareness and purity we attain is our true wealth and the only ‘thing’ we can carry with us at the point of leaving the body. The fact that you were blessed with this kind of experience speaks a lot about you our dear sister. Namaste to the magnificent You!
And knowing Mohanji – he will just be silent and smile :-), making us feel that appearing in two places at the same time is not a big deal really, he was just doing his job. What can a river do but flow… 🙂
Great Experience. You are a blessed SOUL to have such experience.
True GURUS never leave us. God Bless us all to get the BLISS for which GOOD FAITH and complete surrender is what a TRUE GURU ask us. With complete surrender at the divine feet of Mohanji….babu
This is soooo coooooolll :)))))))))))))))))))
Dear Bharti, What a divine experience you had. Implicit faith in our Guruji is most important, then the grace just flows.
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Bharti,
Thank you for sharing this great experience with all of us. You yourself is one of the Blessed Soul to have a divine experience.
As everybody knows that Shree Krishna is also known as Mohan ji. I would simply say that you are so Blessed to have Shree Krishna’s ( Mohan ji’s ) Darshan on Janamashthami Day. This is what your unconditional love and Trust towards your Guru.
Jai Shree Dattatreya,
coolest experience ever!!!
🙂 <3
I truly believe in this. Reading this experience has just made me more humble and blessed. Thanks for sharing.