Written by Anuradha Rustgi
Guru Mata Pita, Guru Bandhu Sakha. Tere Charano me Swami Mere Koti Pranam!
GURU! My Ultimate GURU Mohanji. I got connected with Mohanji in April 20th, 2013 through POP meditation organized by Viji at her house. That day first time I attended POP meditation and felt peace in my heart. Meditation session was from 7 to 8 PM in the evening. That day skype meeting with Mohanji was also scheduled. After meditation we all finished our dinner. I was very eager to meet with Mohanji and wanted to ask him hundreds of questions. Finally around at 9:00 PM I saw the divine face and sat there just looking at him answering people’s questions. Many people asked him questions and I just observed my listening to him with calm mind. Finally Viji told me to ask him any question I may have. I did ask him and Mohanji took time to answer my question. I wanted to ask him more questions but still wanted to grasp what he explained to all of us about Karma. I drove back home and kept thinking about him. My monkey mind was not satisfied and wanted more explanations. My real desire was to meet him personally and touch him.
Second time I have attended POP meditation at Lata’s house on July 6th, 2013. That day I had a very good experience during meditation. We all shared our experiences but still I felt I need to see Mohanji in person and touch him. I was very happy to know about his US visit. Wow, a True Master coming so nearby! Finally, the day came and I met My Master Mohanji, the divine soul, my GURU on July 18th, 2013. I am a Shirdi Sai devotee and on July 17th I had a Sai Pooja and satsang at my house. Sai pooja went well and we felt Sai Baba’s presence and Vibhuti, chandan all over the house. My house was blessed and I was very happy. But still I wanted Mohanji to come and bless my house. But time didn’t permit since Mohanji had to go to Rajdhani temple for satsang. Well I had to wait one more day to meet him. On July 18th we went to Reston Homeless Center for food seva. I was there on time eagerly waiting for Mohanji. Finally, Viji came and asked me to receive Mohanji waiting outside. I had a mixed feelings and I don’t know what that was. I went outside to receive him and felt truly blessed as soon as I touched his lotus feet. I just introduced myself and he said, “I know you. We already met.” I was kind of surprised to know, we just met once through and he still remembers me. That’s the second he touched my heart. We did serve food to the needy people and Mohanji also ate some fruit and salads. After this program he came to my house and accepted to drink tea and ate just little bit food. He was very happy to see my pooja alter and my house energy. Still then I was not aware of his power and unconditional love. Due to my ignorance and lack of my jnana and ignorance I didn’t know your ‘Shakti’, please GURUJI I ask for your forgiveness for being ignorant.
The same day in the evening, I went to attend Mohanji’s discourse held at the Sai Temple, in Sterling. I went with my friends and sat at the side of the hall. I was looking at Mohanji and we had eye contact and he quickly acknowledged my presence. Mohanji started talking about ‘Karma’, ‘Next Life’ etc. I was listening very carefully and everything was going over my head. I felt I couldn’t concentrate and felt like falling asleep. I thought due to pooja at my house I was very tired but after attending him couple of times I have realized, it was happening just because of his energy. I was not fully prepared to receive or digest that pure energy. I left the temple in middle and felt very unhappy. I knew I was not doing right. I had discussed with my friends and heard different opinions about Gurus. My mind was confused but heart was not agreeing with that. Next day evening, on July 19th, Viji had a ‘Meditation with Mohanji’ at her house. That night during Shaktipat, Mohanji completely changed me and I found my ultimate GURU. I have forgotten all my questions and curiosity, as soon as he touched my head. I felt calm and happy. I felt I know him forever. He is the one who I was just searching for and Shirdi Sai Baba connected me. I see Shirdi Sai Baba in him. I was overjoyed just thinking I found a living guru whom I can touch, see and communicate with. What else do I need? Yes, yes I have found my true Guru. I am truly blessed.
I have attended all of his Satsang and meditation while he was in Virginia, U.S. My son was going through lots of emotional issues and I had a true wish if my son could get his blessings. Unfortunately it didn’t happen, even though he visited my house twice. I kept asking (mentally) Mohanji, please help him to come to you and get your blessings. We had a last satsang at Lata’s house on August 12th and I was asking my son to come with me to get Mohanji’s blessings. Since morning I was requesting my son to come along with me and he refused to come. Miracle happened! I left the house and started my car, mentally talking to Mohanji saying, “Are you not going to bless him?” Then suddenly I saw my son came running, saying, “Wait I am coming.” I was speechless. Then again my son said, “I am just coming with you for just half an hour.” But surprisingly, he was there for four hours. Satsang started and Mohanji looked at me and smiled just telling me, “I see your son here.” I just said, “I know you made him come over here.” We were just talking mentally. He didn’t want to get Shaktipat. My turn came and I moved close to Mohanji and I saw my son came before me to get Shaktipat. I had tears in my eyes just to feel his blessings and knowing how he knows and understands our wish, feelings without telling him.

Mohanji’s miracles are beyond time and space.
Every single moment I have witnessed and felt his presence in my life and my house. He is always with me just I need to mentally connect with him. My life has been changed since I met him. Day by day I am growing. I feel peace in my mind. He is so easy to understand. He talks simple language which goes straight into mind. He understands my problems and it is so easy to communicate. I don’t have to get an appointment or need any middle man to communicate with him. No matter how busy and where he was, he always took time to answer my messages. I feel so safe and protected. He told me I need to surrender and have full faith in him. Mohanji told me, “I will always be with you.” I see and feel he is always with me. He is protecting me and my family every minute. His spiritual eyes-card is very powerful. Whenever I am low in energy I look at his eyes. His eyes are a gateway to his consciousness. I have kept his card at my work, home where I mostly sit and work.
At last, not the least, Mohanji is my Parabramha and Shirdi Sai Baba. I strongly believe Mohanji is my Guru because of some my past life’s good Karma. My humble pranam to your Lotus feet Mohanji. Please shower your grace and blessings on me and my family. Always help, guide and protect me. I also want you to forgive me for my ignorance.
Lots of lots love Mohanji
Aum Sai Ram!
2 thoughts on “Mohanji Completely Changed Me”
Sai Ram,
Happy to read about your experience. All his posts are so inspiring and knowledgeable. Mohan is another name for Krishna and like Krishna he answers all our questions.
My sincere pranam to him.
I Love reading personal accounts of experiences with Mohanji, and Dearest Anuradha Thank You for sharing. Yes Beloved Mohanji’s unassuming demeanor far belies His Love, Wisdom and Power. He’s helped multitudes already, including myself, in ways that we are not even consciously aware of. His guiding Presence is surely a Boon beyond measure. There were two people in life that I was extremely concerned about. Their state of being impacted on me deeply. I had the privilege of meeting Mohanji. I shared with Him my worry and concern. Less than two weeks after that, one started working again, and the other, dropped negative habits. I Love and Appreciated this Wonderful, Liberated Being – Mohanji. What a Radiantly Expansive Blessing unto the World.