Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7 – ” A story of grace”

Divine grace seems to be the theme for the month. In our third story of Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7, Sabyasachi Rath shares with us an experience that appears as a mere coincidence but is actually preordained. Mohanji, in His most casual way fulfills the desires of His devotees and safeguards them too!

Please read other stories of Mohanji Satcharita Chapter 7!

By Sabyasachi Rath

I had an unplanned visit to my dad in Cuttack who has not been keeping well. (On a side note, after a ‘box’ healing by a benevolent Mai-Tri practitioner in Virginia, his haemoglobin levels had come to near normal and my mom’s arthritis pain had receded significantly.)

I booked my tickets from Washington-Bhubaneswar (BBSR) via Delhi on the venerable Air India from Feb 15th-23rd with a faint ‘back of the mind’ realization that Mohanji’s birthday was to be celebrated in Delhi on the 23rd and I would not be able to make it due the flight schedule. The same faint ‘back of the mind’ realization had also carried a distant desire with it to hopefully attend the birthday. I had a great trip and spent quality time with my parents for a week.

On Feb 22nd, I received an email from Air India stating that my flight from BBSR to Delhi was delayed by an hour.

On Feb 23rd, with characteristic tardiness, I realized that the time to change flights was remarkably short (30 mins) and I would not be able to catch the flight to Washington. I called Air India’s customer service and had to gently guide them to give me an earlier flight. Lo and behold, they put me on a flight that arrived in Delhi at 4.20 pm. A beautiful faint hope arose in my heart that maybe I could go and attend the birthday…which was from 2-7 pm.

I arrived at BBSR airport at 1 pm to board my flight and after the check-in process, realized that they had checked me in, along with my luggage, all the way to Washington. This meant that I would not be able to get out in Delhi.

birthday poster

On reaching Delhi airport, I said to myself, to heck with the rules, I will go and be a part of the birthday celebrations. I exited myself through the domestic checkout and immigration. Surprisingly, nobody complained, my luggage was still at the airport and I was out in the city! I took a cab to the Bamyan hotel and blissfully deposited myself in the hall just before the satsang began. I soaked myself in divine bliss (to whatever extent divine bliss could soak me) and enjoyed every moment with Mohanji, touched His feet, wished Him happy birthday, got a hug – life is great!

Please listen to Mohanji’s talk on His birthday.

birthday celebration

Towards the end of the event, through a casual ‘coincidence,’ two beautiful and amazing ladies gave me a ride back to the same terminal from where I was supposed to leave for Washington. Their happy chatter kept me (and the cab driver) entertained through the trip :).

I arrived at the airport and went through the immigration and check-in process like a charm; again surprisingly, nobody had any questions and I was inside.

The boarding started at 12.45 am. When my card was scanned, it set off an alarm. One grim lady from immigration/customs came running to me, took my passport and admonished me in strict terms for going out of the airport when I was checked-in internationally, that I couldn’t go through immigration twice on the same day and threatened to ‘unload’ me from the flight. I put on my most apologetic face and kept quiet. She then conferred with the venerable crew from Air India, who remarkably said, they had no issues, since I was cleared by immigration! This wasn’t sufficient for the immigration lady, who then called in her boss. He came running in 5 minutes and sufficiently admonished me for accomplishing the improbable. I apologized for not being aware of the rules. She then called his boss, who after listening and debating whether to ‘unload’ me or not, decided that if the airline was agreeable, he would allow me to go on the flight. I was cleared (along with my luggage) to go. Yoo hoo!

“What is Grace? What has it got to do with life?

Simple answer! What has an umbrella got to do with rain! An umbrella does not stop the rain but prevents you from getting drenched.”

Check out this talk by Mohanji on Grace!

I took the flight and landed in Washington DC without any problems.

The grace that accompanied me through this trip has been immeasurable and I shall forever be grateful.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th April 2019


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1 thought on “Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7 – ” A story of grace””

  1. Pingback: Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7 – “Faith is the Key” | Experiences With Mohanji

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