In this 7th Chapter of Mohanji Satcharita, we share another experience from a devotee on divine protection. At times when we are battered by the storms of life, the only anchor we can turn to is our Guru or God. When we have complete faith and devotion, His presence, guidance and grace will help us overcome the trials and tribulations of life. He will hold our hand and help us face difficulties with courage. Mageswari shares with us some of her most difficult times and how Mohanji’s love and protection helped her face and accept these situations.
Please read about other experiences in Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7
In Chennai, volunteers have been conducting the Power of Purity meditation at a cancer hospital every Sunday, since July 8th, 2018. This recount is by a patient who is getting healed through the power of this meditation. Here is a translation of her audio in Tamil.
By Mageswari, Chennai, India
Namaste. My name is Mageswari and I come from Thoothukudi. I am a 40 year old cancer patient. In 2016, I had cancer in my colon. An open surgery was carried out to remove the cancer and then a colostomy bag was placed in position. After the big operation in 2016, another big operation was done in 2017. When I went for a check-up in 2018, they told me again that there was a tumour in the lungs. Through biopsy, it was found to be a malignant tumour and they gave me chemotherapy.

One Sunday in February 2019, while on chemotherapy, I participated in Mohanji’s Power of Purity meditation. At a certain time during the meditation, He guides us to thank all the people whom we like, and also those we dislike. This helps us develop positive thinking. At that time, I had a friend who suddenly refused to talk to me and told me that she wouldn’t come to my home anymore. My parents felt very bad and they were wondering what to do as this person refused to come home. I was in the hospital and my parents at home. A day after the meditation, I told my parents that God will take care. Two days later, that person came home to talk to my parents. I believe this happened only because of the meditation blessings.
As I had a problem in the lungs, the doctors told me that the lungs had developed an infection. There was blood in my phlegm all the time. During the meditation, I placed this request to God – that I should not get this again. Doctors were unable to diagnose why the phlegm had blood. They did cytology tests, microbiology tests, an ultrasound scan, and a CT scan, but no report gave a proper solution. But in prayer, when I prayed sincerely from my heart to God, to look into my health, the next day itself blood stopped coming in my phlegm. I am healthy now.
The following Sunday, for the second time, when the volunteers came for the meditation, I prayed that there should be a cure for cancer. Like old times, this world should have peace and a natural situation should prevail. Just like how our grandparents led healthy lives 20 years back, the world should be free of life-threatening diseases such as cancer and AIDS. We should live together as joint families. The world should be saved from all this quickly. I have faith that my Guru will fulfill my wishes soon. Thank you. Namaste.
Please listen to Mageswari’s audio in Tamil here:
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 25th April 2019
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1 thought on “Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7 – “The Miraculous Power of Purity””
Grace of Guru iട above all. Jai Brahmar Shi Mohanji।