This testimonial by Manjiri Bhalerao reiterates Mohanji’s protection to people connected to Him at all times, whichever part of the world they are in. Enjoy the two narratives about Mohanji helping Manjiri in her hour of distress and making a major accident turn into a milder one with His grace.
Guru’s protective umbrella at all times
By Manjiri Bhalerao, Canada
The following prayer conveys my sincere feelings for my Gurudev, Brahmarishi Mohanji.
Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva. (You are mother and father to me)
TvamevaBandhush-CaSakhaTvameva. (You are my only relative and friend)
TvamevaVidyaaDravinnamTvameva. (You are my wisdom and my wealth)
TvamevaSarvam Mam Deva Deva. (You are everything to me, my Lord)
I would like to share my experience of Mohanji’s grace and protection twice within a year. Both the times, my husband Mahesh was travelling and was away from home.
The first incident happened when Mohanji was in Brazil in April 2018. Mahesh was also travelling with Mohanji in Brazil and I was in Toronto with my kids.
In the Toronto Yoga Conference, where Mohanji Foundation Canada had a booth, I was going to volunteer in that booth. Just couple of days prior to this programme, I had a mishap at home that brought to me yet another incidence of how Mohanji was protecting me. On this day, I was to cook food for the kids and placed a pan on the stove. I poured oil into the pan and as the oil turned hot, before I knew what was happening, my left hand brushed against the handle of the pan and the pan toppled upside down. The entire hot oil in the pan splashed on my leg and foot. Out of the pain from hot oil and more so from the fear of impact on my ability to volunteer for the programme, I cried out to Mohanji! It was just so spontaneous to reach out to my Gurudev in my distress situation. While chanting “Jai Mohanji, Jai Mohanji” in my mind, I held my foot under water and then applied an ointment for burns on it. With the amount of hot oil that came on my feet, I would have surely got blisters. But to my amazement, I got no blisters. Just dark patches of burns in my foot. So the next day when I had to travel for the Yoga event, I was able to put on my shoes and could travel there and was able to volunteer as planned earlier. Needless to say, had the injury been more serious I would not have been able to put on shoes and travel to the location in an unusually cold April in Toronto. I realised how Mohanji took care of everything. A potential big mishap just ended with a minor incident and I was able to accomplish my commitment. This incident was verified by Mohanji when Mahesh spoke to Him about it.
The second incident happened recently in January 2019. It was a usual cold winter afternoon in Toronto. Three devotees (Alpa, Parmeshji, and Geetaji) and I were returning from Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram, Amaranth after attending Sai Vrat Katha (story of Sai). It was the first month when we had started conducting this monthly ritual in the ashram. I was supposed to drop Alpa at her place in Brampton, and then head back home after dropping Geeta and Parmesh on the way in Scarborough. It was decided that before dropping Alpa, we would deliver Sai Vrat Katha prasad at a Sai devotees’ place in Brampton. As we were on our way, Alpa told me to drop her at her place and she would deliver the prasad herself as I was getting late. I was not familiar with the roads, so Alpa told me to change the lane and take a right turn. As I was about to do it, my car collided with another white car coming from behind. It happened so suddenly and the other car (which was also driven by a lady) halted several meters away. We were all dazed by the sudden impact. We got down from the car and inspected the damage. With Mohanji’s grace, my car was damaged minimally on the front right side. Nothing happened to the passengers sitting on the right side in my car and the other lady driver whose car was damaged was also surprisingly calm. Her car was damaged quite extensively on the left side, including damaged doors and mirrors.
M-family members Ketan and Manisha came to the location to help me with the formalities after the collision. Gauravji (whose house we were supposed to drop the prasad) also came twice to the location to talk to the lady and her husband (who came later). We were out in the cold standing for quite some time discussing the next steps, and after making a few calls to Mahesh in India (who was with Mohanji in Bangalore), we decided to go to the collision centre.
While I was still going through the formalities, I understood that It was Mohanji’s grace that we escaped unhurt with minimal damage to car. Not only this, Mohanji made sure that I was not alone during this incident. Alpa, Ketan, Manisha, Geeta, and Parmesh were all with me till we finished the formalities, which took a couple of hours after the collision. Everyone was tired after a long day (ashram vrat pooja and the collision). Manisha promptly went and bought hot coffee for all of us and we all departed. They also called me later to make sure I had reached home safely. As I thought of this accident, I couldn’t thank Mohanji enough for protecting us, looking after us and comforting us.

When Mahesh recounted this incident to Mohanji in India, before he could say anything, Mohanji said He knew what had happened and asked Mahesh what he wanted to say. He had taken care of everything. This incident taught me to be more mindful and careful in the future, though Guru’s protection is always there.
My heart is full of immense gratitude to my Guru Mohanji, for being with us and protecting us at all times. Words are not enough to express my gratitude and writing a testimonial is one of the ways where I can express my gratitude to Him. When He says, “I am with you,” He makes sure we are under His protective shield (kavach) and saves us from any storm in our lives. Only by living His teachings can we fully express our gratitude. My salutations (koti koti pranaams) to my Guru Mohanji and the entire Guru Mandala for showering us with grace and blessings. My prostrations (sashtanga namaskar) and deepest gratitude for everything ‘O Gurudev!’

The above picture shows Para Brahma giving me prasad during Pranapratishta at Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram, Canada.
I am truly humbled, grateful beyond words O Gurudev, Oh Mohanji! (Baba), THANK YOU so much for EVERYTHING, a million times.
Bless us all to live our lives with your teachings.
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd April 2019
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