Mohanji – The cradle of compassion

By Surya Sujan  (as narrated to the Testimonials Team)

In the canvas of life, nothing is a coincidence. Every event is meticulously planned and painted for the completion of this journey. Most of us are able to surmount the difficulties and move on. But are we really doing anything? Is there an unseen hand that guides and paves the way for smoother sailing? These questions can sometimes be answered in retrospect when there is an ‘Ah-ha’ moment and we realise the Supreme Energy has been at work backing us all the way.

In this blog, which was narrated to the testimonials team, Surya Sujan explains how she became aware of the protection that is being bestowed on her as she surmounts every incident in her life, one step at a time. What keeps her going is the faith and deep surrender that she has for her Guru Mohanji and her unconditional love for Shirdi Sai Baba.

As she narrated each incident, it was very clear that the Master had cleared the path beautifully and eased her stress, guiding her to the right person at the right time. All that she had to do was to follow the guidance and go with the flow. This has reduced her difficulties to such an extent that she now has the confidence to continue on with life’s battles.

There were two major events in Surya’s life that enhanced her faith in her Guru Mohanji and Sai Baba.


Mohanji’s Grace flowing into life

On the 23rd of December 2018, in Kannur, Kerala, Surya Sujan connected with her friend and classmate Mohanji after 38 years, by the grace of Sai Baba. She feels that her gratitude to Mohanji cannot be expressed in words as He has done so much for her family. By His grace, her son completed his graduation recently, passing all his subjects. Last year, his grade point in the third semester was 1.42 while the cut-off point was 1.50. Although he sent the papers for revaluation, due to bad luck, the results were not published. In November 2018, he wrote his exam again for two subjects. At the time of the results, the results appeared locked with a comment showing that it was being withheld.

In the meantime, on the same day of the results, Surya was praying and chanting the Mohanji Gayatri for her husband who had to get a biopsy done for a liver tumour. As she reached the hospital, her son asked her to pray for his exam results as he was going to the University to check the results. She simply closed her eyes and touched the photo of Mohanji who had by then  become more than her classmate and friend, her very own Baba (Sai Baba) in physical form. Within a short time, she received a call from her son with the news that he had passed. With Mohanji’s blessings, her son is a graduate now. 

The second incident which has been an eye-opener is the struggle that she and her husband have undergone with his (Sujan’s) illness.

Surya with Mohanji

For the past four years, her husband Sujan, has been suffering from liver cirrhosis and vomiting blood. Ever since she met Mohanji, she and her husband are wearing a green thread given by Mohanji as a protection. The way the events unfolded since she met her schoolmate Mohanji is indeed astounding.

Sai Baba’s guidance

During her narration through the audio message, Surya strongly stated that it was Sai Baba who sent her to Mohanji to help her face the ordeals that she was undergoing. This was exactly the time when Sujan had a recurrence of vomiting blood after nearly 3.5 years. With Mohanji’s blessings and Mai-Tri sessions from Deviji, Subhasree and Barbara, they commenced a round of tests at a hospital and she was confident that things would work in their favour.

Throughout this period (the last 4 months), Sai Baba has spoken to her telepathically to seek guidance from Mohanji. She surrendered completely to Mohanji and through Him to Sai Baba.

Mohanji’s divine intervention

The doctors after a preliminary test in December 2018, found lesions in Sujan’s liver that were carcinogenic. Some tests such as microwave ablations and skin ablations were recommended which could have been highly risky. After discussing and on the advice of Mohanji, Surya sought a second opinion at NVR cancer centre in Calicut for cirrhosis. Looking at Sujan’s current condition, a famous specialist advised against going through the above mentioned tests. He recommended a liver clinic which was incidentally happening the very next day and housed all the specialists required to assess, confirm and advise on her husband’s condition.

Surya believes that it was only through Mohanji’s grace that this miracle happened. Yes, it was a miracle that she came to know of such a rare clinic happening where all required doctors and technicians were available – a radiologist, an oncologist and a pathologist, all under the same roof at the same time! The miracles continued from then on. Everything seemed to work in their favour. The radiologist at the clinic happened to be the brother of Surya’s friend. Things moved quickly and the radiologist considering the large bloated stomach of Sujan felt that the previously advised therapies would not work for him. The liver oncologist suggested a highly specialised treatment called SGR, in which only the diseased cell would be given radiation (instead of the whole liver, which would have affected some healthy cells too!) This positive information was a blessing because there were large areas in the liver that were clear and functioning normally.

The miracle of finding all the right specialists in such a short time, getting the correct diagnosis, receiving advice on the optimum treatment and the immediate commencement of the treatment were all beyond Sujan’s and Surya’s hopes and expectations!

The doctors, who were no less than divine instruments, commenced the treatment by emptying the liver fluid and an IV albumin injection containing 20 ml of albumin was administered for an hour. The doctors had this plan ready for action – they would map the normal cells and the tumours and then the therapy would be done for the diseased cells for 5 days.

Mohanji’s divine energy 

Surya remembered that just a week prior to their visit to this clinic, Mohanji had told Surya that her husband’s liver had to be diluted and that He was trying His best to dilute it. The tests and treatment that was happening proved that Mohanji had indeed done His job! The liver certainly was diluted and this intervention had helped the oncologist find many areas clear in the liver and the specialised treatment could be commenced.

Divine communications

Once the connection with Mohanji was established, all that Surya had to do was think of Mohanji. Whenever she thought of Mohanji, a communication would happen with Mohanji, sometimes even through a WhatsApp message, Mohanji would enquire, “Surya, do you want to talk to me?” A strong telepathic divine connection was certainly established with Mohanji. She believes that Sai Baba speaks to her through Mohanji.

Surya says, “I feel some power is always with me. Whatever happens will happen. All of you are praying for me and so my pranaams at the lotus feet of Baba and Mohanji. All this is coming through Mohanji and His divinity is spreading all over the world.”

Mohanji – The incarnation of unconditional compassion 

With a voice choked with emotions and her heart filled with gratitude, Surya continued with her narration. Once she asked Mohanji about how she should offer Guru dakshina to Him as He is now her Guru. Mohanji replied,

“When you are helping the helpless – you are offering to me.”

Surya says, it is Baba’s blessings with her in the form of the shield of protection from Mohanji to her and her entire family, which has made her so strong that she is no more stressed about any obstacles and issues that come up from time to time. She feels, on the path of karma, her Guru, her eternal friend Mohanji is carrying her through in a comforting embrace. She is walking a path full of thorns, but it feels so smooth as if the path is filled with petals.

Yes, it’s so true that Mohanji’s unconditional love and His grace is being the cradle of compassion for Surya and her family.

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Not just Surya and her family, Mohanji is helping each and every one of us in uncountable ways irrespective of our awareness in a situation.

This story of Surya Sujan reminds us of the following:

• Many of us have been divinely guided to Mohanji to be our Guru.
• Mohanji in His love and compassion walks ahead of us removing various obstacles to ease our journey as  much as possible.
• He helps us shed our karmic baggage to a large extent
• He wipes our tears and shields us from various perils
• He sets us on the path of liberation encouraging us to help the helpless

We join Surya and Sujan in expressing our eternal love and gratitude to Mohanji for being the Krishna for us, the eternal friend and the eternal Guru!

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Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th April 2019


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