What a memorable opportunity to celebrate Mohanji’s 57th birthday on 23 Feb 2022, unlike anything we have experienced before. Here is an overview of the activities around the world:

Mohanji’s satsang took place in Bangalore, India. Mohanji and all the people present were showered with blessings from priests of sacred and powerful temples in Bharat (India), including the chief priest of Jagannatha temple in Puri, the chief priest of Sai Baba temple at Shirdi, the main archakas of Mookambika temple (Kollur) and Ganagapur Dattatreya temple.
Participation by esteemed guests from Bengaluru and beyond. A whole host of followers not just in the hall but also online – we had people from over 6 continents watching our live stream.
Launch of new books adding a new dimension to the readers.
A delicious cake cutting. Bhajans and opportunities for people to come up close and offer their gratitude.

The program came together beautifully, demonstrating the values that Mohanji stands for and his mission in this world.
Even though the hall couldn’t receive many people, our global family could join us online for the live-streaming, and the lovely energy of unity was felt throughout.
For the first time, chief priests of some of the most powerful temples of India came together and showered their blessings on Mohanji and all of us present. Aside from them, distinguished businessmen and celebrities attended the event.
The evening began on an auspicious note with sacred chants by the children from Vedic Kids; a Mohanji inspired platform to encourage children to learn the virtues of Sanatana Dharma early in their life. This was followed by a colourful and joyous performance by the children trained by the Himalayan School of Traditional Dance (HSTD), led by Radha Subramanian, Artistic Director of HSTD.

Soon after, Mohanji took the stage and spoke for a short while, followed by an engaging Q&A session. Some of the questions ranged from “Is there an end-state for how the level of happiness or unhappiness is growing in the world?”, “How do you rate your level of contentment on a scale of 1 to 10?” to several other questions on life and practical aspects of spirituality. There was also a historical reference of how the Mohanji Foundation platform came to life, also beautifully shown in a short video about Mohanji that was launched in public on this occasion.
This was followed by an important segment of the program where special gifts were presented to Mohanji. The Chief Priest of the Lord Jagannath temple in Puri honoured Mohanji with a special vastra (cloth) that Lord Jagannath wore through the night, called “Bada Singhara Besa”. Mohanji and Devi were gifted a shawl draped on the idol of Sai Baba at the main Shirdi temple, enveloping them with the grace of Sai Baba. The main priest from Mookambika temple honoured Mohanji with a special saree that was worn by the Goddess Mookambika the previous day, and similarly, special blessings from the sacred temple of Dattatreya at Ganagapur were showered on Mohanji.
A beautiful birthday surprise by Devi and Mila Mohan followed – Devi shared the experience of her visit to Mohanji Ka Aangan, bringing joy to the kids through Latino and Bollywood dance, birthday cake and sweets. This birthday gift on behalf of the ACT Foundation was the recognition that the greatest gift we can give Mohanji is to serve the underprivileged and share our love unconditionally with those who need it the most.

2. BOOK LAUNCH (published by GURULIGHT)
The evening then proceeded with the launch of the following books:
– The Mohanji Platforms Annual Report 2021 is a detailed compendium of all activities from various platforms founded by Mohanji in 2021. This was launched by Shri H Basavarajendra, IAS (Commissioner, Department of Animal Husbandry & Vet Services) and Mr K.D Row, Exec Director, Air India (Retired)
– Power of Purity translated into Marathi – launched by Shri Pattajoshi Mahapatra, Shri Sulakhe Maharaj, Shri Subramanya Adiga and Shri Girish Bhatt

– Power of Purity translated into Tamil – launched by Ms Lakshmi Gopalaswami, Mr R Vaikunth and Mrs R Suhasini (who translated the book into Tamil)
– Miraculous Days with Mohanji translated into Malayalam, translated by Shankar Narayanan Meetna and proofread by Dr P.K Namboodiri. This book was launched by Mr Ullas Kamath, Mrs Vasanta Vaikunth and Mrs Shobha Chandran.
– Guru Leela 5 – a collection of nine testimonials of people’s experiences with Mohanji. This book was launched by Mr Kamal Pant, IPS (Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru), Mr Suresh Senapathi, Mr Ram Chugh and Rekha Murali.

The evening was crowned by the cake cutting performed on stage by Mohanji’s closest family members (parents, wife and daughter). Mohanji also spent time meeting all the people who had congregated at the venue to wish him, as well as with the invited guests. Later, on behalf of EBC kids and Teens, Nanda Nair and Mila Mohan performed the song “Happy” on stage, to the delight of all present.
Finally, it was time to wind up, but no one wanted to leave the beautiful energy of the venue. The entire evening was a celebration of humanity and our highest expression.

See more photos here: part 1 and part 2

- Since 23rd Jan, around 230 devotees across the globe came together to do daily 3 times chanting leading up to Mohanji’s Birthday. The aim was to do NON-STOP 24 HOURS chanting on 23rd Feb, that actually turned into a 48 HOUR NON-STOP Chanting!
This was not planned! We all witnessed how Mohanji facilitated this beautifully, all coordinated by volunteers from different parts of the world. Sure enough, this was the need of the hour!
This chanting was not just for Mohanji’s well-being, but for using his unlimited energy source to spread peace, vitality and positivity to the whole world. Selfless service is not just in doing Annadaan, even chanting to raise the vibrations of the world with Mohanji’s energy is a great seva that you have all done.
Thank you to all the Acharyas and volunteers who have been leading the chanting sessions in the 3 slots every day for the entire month! Special thank you to Bhumika, Parizad, Smriti and others who coordinated the last 48 hours of NON-STOP chanting so efficiently! You were all beautiful instruments of Mohanji, indeed!
And the last chanting session was so powerful, where Mohanji showed his presence so beautifully! Thank you, everyone, for your devotion with purity, your seva with sincerity and your love for Mohanji, which is incomparable!
Deep gratitude to all of you!
- On this auspicious day, Acharya team is delighted to launch the Mohanji Acharyas website. Happy birthday Mohanji!

On February 23rd, Mohanji’s birthday, the new Mohanji Centre was opened in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. In this center, among other things, we meet in the early morning hours to practice Mohanji’s techniques that will make us more stable and stronger over time. There will also be regular activities, such as yoga, meditation, and Acharya programs. Over 40 people gathered together to celebrate Mohanji’s birthday with beautiful vegan food and cake. We chanted together Mohanji Gayatri mantra and read the chapters from the book MAST.

Mohanji said: ‘The only thing that makes me truly happy is your sincere expression of kindness towards the poor, sick and hungry people, the hungry and helpless birds and animals; the truly selfless trees and plants.’ That’s what we did in Croatia to celebrate Mohanji’s birthday!
- Fruit tree plantation drive – 185 saplings in Rastoke – Slunj

- FTPD – 10 saplings & feeding birds and fishes in Krk

- FTPD – 7 saplings in the dog shelter Fido, donation of 12 kg of food for homeless shelter & 26 kg of food for the stray cats in Pula

- Donation of 26 kg of food for the dog shelter & 6 packages of cloths for family in need in Rijeka

- FTPD – 15 saplings in the homeless shelter in Varaždin

- Feeding wild animals – birds and fishes in Zagreb

- cooked 40 vegan meals for the homeless people in Split

- baked 2 vegan cakes

We are very happy to announce that Mohanji Foundations Netherlands was registered on 24th Feb 2022. This has been one of the fastest registrations within the Mohanji family.
A big congratulations to the Netherlands team led by Dolf Zantinge. Also, the Dutch team has conveyed its gratitude to all the global team members who have helped them over the last several months.
The following events were executed by our Odisha team – Aishwariya, Smita, Manaswee, Sarada Prasanna & Manaswinee and supported by the Pandits of Pattajoshi’s team (The chief priest of Puri Shree Jagannatha Mandir).
38 exotic fruit-bearing trees were planted in a newly built temple complex in a village near Puri by volunteers from the Mohanji Odisha team with the help of local villagers.
Around 350 people from the Leprosy Colony in Puri were given packed lunch organised by Ammucare and supported by the pandits from Pattajoshi’s team (the Head priest of Shree Jagannatha Temple, Puri)
Vishwa Shanti Homa: At the powerful Samadhi location of Totapuri, known as Adweta Ashram in Puri, a Homa was performed by the pandits of Pattajoshi’s team. The global family of Mohanji were included in the sankalpa of the homa.

Happy birthday dearest Father from the bottom of our hearts in Mohanji Farsi
In honour of Mohanji’s birthday on 23rd February, the Mohanji South Africa Facebook page presented experience sharing videos for a week – in celebration and gratitude of Mohanji.
Ami shares the experience of Mohanji’s presence in her life. She also shares interesting experiences of Kailash with Mohanji and talks about the power of the Shree Jagannatha Meditation. Watch here
On the auspicious occasion of Mohanji’s 57th birthday on 23 Feb 2022, Mohanji’s USA family joined together to celebrate with an outpouring of love, devotion, joy, and at times riotous laughter!
The evening began with Guru pada puja along with the chanting of Mohanji Ashtotram and offering of flowers and rice at Guru’s feet. It was followed by a series of programs performed by devotees all over the USA, including bhajans, chantings, and book reading. Various devotees offered their gratitude at Mohanji’s feet by singing bhajans and chanting Guru paduka stotram, siddha mangala stotram, Mohanji’s favourite ‘Garuda gamana’ stotram, Hanuman chalisa, Mohanji Gayatri, and bhakti yoga from Bhagavad-Geeta. A few pages from Mohanji’s book ‘Silence of Shiva’ were read out, mesmerizing and transporting everyone to Mohanji’s consciousness. The evening included a beautiful birthday surprise: a presentation on the topic of laughter that was a compilation of many delightful pictures of Mohanji’s laughing face along with his quotes on “causeless laughter”. In the end, no one wanted to leave this beautiful energy of love and lightness.
While Mohanji believes that neither he nor his birthday is special and that this is a ‘consciousness day’, he has also said, “If you remember me as ‘consciousness’, and if my presence is a reminder to you of what we truly are, (that you and I are one), do celebrate.”
And we will never miss an opportunity to celebrate him!!!
This quote is from a letter of gratitude written by Mohanji on his birthday in 2019.
To watch the recording of the birthday celebrations on Mohanji USA Facebook page, click https://fb.watch/blz6OGZanX/
ACT Foundation members celebrated by spreading Mohanji’s message of ahimsa.
In Freedom Farm, which is an animal rescue farm located in Middlebury, CT, 1,043 lbs of animal feed were donated that will feed the now safe donkeys, ducks, rabbits, and other innocent animals.
The Dallas team celebrated Mohanji’s birthday by donating the most needed items requested by a local animal shelter in Allen, Texas.
Team quad cities in Iowa donated supplies to an animal shelter and also gave some TLC to the cats there.
Mohanji family members were thrilled to visit the Unity Animal Sanctuary Farm in Massachusetts, donate 146 lbs of Veggies/Fruits and feed some of the food directly to the animals.
In honour of Mohanji’s birthday, six fruit trees were donated to National Forest State Park in Sedona. The trees were picked up on the 23rd, and the planting date will be sometime in March.
As part of Mohanji’s birthday celebration in Illinois, 10 meals were donated to the Hope House – the safe haven of Libertyville. On behalf of Mohanji’s birthday in Chattanooga, TN, 130 servings of meatless veggie spaghetti were delivered to the Maclellan Shelter with 9 loaves of bread and 36 strawberry cupcakes.
Our USA family member ‘Jyoti Telang’, through her dedication, unconditional seva and endless hours of work, has translated the Power Of Purity book into the Marathi language while connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness with devotion and surrender. The book was released during Mohanji’s birthday celebrations in Bangalore, India.
Through generous donations by Mohanji USA family members, food donations were made for several struggling Venezuelan families and a dog shelter in Ecuador. Dry food supplies to more than 3 shelters serving over 140 elderly people in Lima were donated.
In addition, Mohanji USA family members who were in India during February donated to celebrate his birthday in India as well. 250 street children and orphans at Grace Divinity Orphan House in Varanasi, India, were treated to a party, cake, snacks and food. In New Delhi, a sumptuous lunch or bhog was served with love to 16 people working in services like garbage collection, etc.

Our founder, guide, and inspiration, Mohanji’s 57th Birthday celebrations, started with Mohanji Foundation Canada’s Blood donation Camp in Mississauga in a life partnership with Canadian Blood Services. A total of five volunteers donated blood and contributed to this noble cause.

Guru Paduka puja (holy feet worship) and Homa (consecrated fire ceremony) was done to offer our gratitude for Mohanji’s unconditional love and guidance. Vegan cake was cut, after which food was offered, and Mohanji aarti was performed on this joyful occasion.

Food donations were made to a youth shelter in Orangeville, Foodbank in Shelburne by ACT Foundation Canada, along with bird feed donations. ACT Canada also delivered breakfast sandwiches, fruits and clothing donations to a homeless shelter in downtown Toronto. Thank you, Mohanji, for providing us with this opportunity.

HSTY organised a new intensive Pranayama course. Also, in cooperation with EBC Kids, our dedicated yoga teacher Stasa conducted an online yoga class for kids.


The source that lights many lamps!
On this auspicious occasion of our founder, Mohanji’s birthday, team HSTD offers its humble salutations and best wishes to Mohanji:
HSTD Celebrating Mohanji’s 57th Birthday

Right before Mohanji’s birthday, The Himalayan Academy launched its new department – the Himalayan School of Traditional Music. Propagate traditional music forms, training and entertain.
Music is a divine gift, a gift of God. It is tuning in the sacred and an expression of continuity. The origin of the Universe was in the form of sound, and scriptures says “OM”. Music is emanated from metaphysical principles and the manifestation of these ideas within lyrics and tunes of classical songs.

February in the EBC Balkan platform was very dynamic. Every month we cover a certain topic and have guests talk about it. The February theme was ‘The world around us’. We have focused on the energies that we surround ourselves with, and two guests have spoken. The first guest’s theme was ‘Balance of the energy through movement’, and the second one spoke on ‘The Light inside us’.
The morning routine in the club has been shared and followed by consistent early birds members, in February, like in other months.
EBC Kids Team,
Empower Kids Through Entertainment
1. New initiative: Ignite the Spark – Mohanji with Kids
Every child is born with a spark to shine bright in this world. However, due to pressure from family, schools and society, we can see that children lose their inner joy and become dull from an early age.
On Mohanji’s Birthday, EBC Kids is happy to announce Ignite the Spark, a unique online program for kids and parents with Mohanji to enable each child to reach their highest potential.
In a series of sessions, Mohanji is going to kindle the inner potential in children by directly interacting with them. During these sessions, Mohanji will also guide parents on the nuances of nurturing children to bloom to their best. Email kids@earlybirdsclub.org for more information.
Little Medha got a unique opportunity to play a song on the piano exclusively for Mohanji on his birthday on 23rd Feb 2022 at the Taj Westend Hotel Bengaluru.
Such a beautiful video and how blessed Medha is. Watch here
2. A beautiful online workshop was conducted for kids as part of EBC Kids Balkan activities. The workshop included playful Yoga conducted by an HSTY certified instructor plus Freedom meditation and an instructive story about an eagle.

3. On the occasion of celebrating Mohanji’s birthday, our leader of the week M. B. SreeGanesh has designed the activity:
Express in your own way love and gratitude to Mohanji.
Swadha, 6 years old, made a birthday card covered with hearts and with birthday wishes with the hope that she will try to follow his path and meet him in person for the first time and many more times.
Khyati, 9 years old, made a card with a poem and made words with his name.
One with God
Poem for Mohanji
My day starts with your powerful voice
Your eyes are what lead us from darkness to light
Your words are strong like truth over lies
Your smile tells us to be positive at all type of situations.
M. B. SreeGanesh’s heartfelt wishes:
“You guided me to join EBC Kids, and from darkness, during the lockdown, it was a real light for me. After joining EBC Kids, I got my rhythm back. For all that, a heartful thank you, dear MOHANJI.”
Children from Vedic Kids were invited to do the invocation prayers at Founder Mohanji’s birthday celebrations at Taj Westend Hotel, Bengaluru, India, on 23rd Feb 2022. (Starting at 9min10sec in the video)
The function was presided by priests of sacred and powerful temples in Bharat (India), including the chief priest of Jagannath temple, Puri, chief priest of Sai Baba temple at Shirdi, the main archakas of Mookambika temple (Kollur), and Ganagapur Dattatreya temple. Sreehari and Neeraja were blessed to get an opportunity to chant before such an esteemed audience.
Participants included esteemed guests from Bengaluru, people who flew in from various parts of the world, and people from over 6 continents watching our live stream.

For Mohanji’s birthday, our MYC members joined the Fruit Tree Plantation Drive and planted 9 trees. We also have a global feeding initiative – by inviting people to feed animals and birds on this day. Also, we made a video expressing our gratitude to Mohanji and saying what he taught us.

ACT Foundation and MYC organized a food donation for C.A.S.A. (Centro Apoio Sem Abrigo) in Madeira.
In the spirit of the birthday of our founder Mohanji, the ACT and MYC team organized a food donation in Madeira Island. This was the first donation on the island, and we are keen to continue helping the less fortunate people here. On this day, around 35 kg of food were donated (bread, pasta, rice, cereals, vegetable milk, fruits, vegetables).
Interview with Mohanji conducted by Christopher Greenwood

Christopher Greenwood (CG): Mohanji, good to be here with you, thank you. I’m excited to ask these questions about your journey so far and the platforms that you’ve created. 2022 is quite a big year because it marks a decade since you embarked on selfless service. How would you describe your journey so far?
Mohanji (M): After 22 years in a shipping career, on June 18, 2021, I left my shipping career and completely deviated into spiritual services, philanthropic activities, and humanitarian activities. It was a big leap, and it was a plunge into uncertainty because I had no clue what to expect. All that I had done, all those years, did not matter anymore. It’s a new page, a fresh page. Now, looking back, I believe the purpose began then. In most of our lifetimes, or most times of our life, we are in a kind of autopilot mode; we take birth, go through education, job, marriage, children, house, retirement… things like that. It never fascinated me; I knew that there is something much larger, much bigger, much more meaningful. Read more: http://awakeningtimes.com/mohanjis-birthday-interview/
On this day, one Mohanji’s Article was published in StateTimes Jammu. Read here


We are super excited to announce on this auspicious day that our first FESTIVAL OF WOMANHOOD will happen on April 8-10th in Zagreb, Croatia, and tickets are available from NOW!
For women across the world, we prepared an option to join online.
Women of the world are joining hands to experience healing, transformation and empowerment. This year we are focusing on the aspects of MOTHERHOOD – the power of creation. Choose what you would like to create in your life and book your space to join us, and light up your power house.
Get the tickets now: www.festivalofwomanhood.com
With Love, FoW team
Individual poems, songs and messages
A poem titled ‘One and only: Mohanji’ by Anand Nair, Dubai

Happy Birthday, Mohanji – a poem by Biljana Vozarevic
Nikita Naredi from India shares a beautiful poem, ‘Eternal Gratitude‘.
Birthday Dakshina to Guru Mohan is a poem by Charles Ndifon Londi, China
Our Garland of Gratitude includes 2 lovely bhajans sung live to music by young Veroshan Govender from Durban and Golden Beads of Love, Appreciation and Gratitude to Mohanji by beautiful souls from many parts of the world who love South African Vibe! We share a most beautiful hour together in shared Joy, honouring a being who cannot be put into any earthly frames. Watch here
Here are some professionally recorded devotional music videos that were releases on Mohanji And I YouTube Channel:
https://youtu.be/PhD-WtQv9xw: Om Shata Sahasra Suryaaya – sung By Sanjaya Acharya, Video by Moushumi
https://youtu.be/QpIck3_FDdo: Trishuldhari Mahadeva, Mohan Deva – sung by Manaswini, Video by Neelu
https://youtu.be/vl3yVdTKHc8: Shree Jagannatha Mantra Jaap – Nilachla Nivasaya – sung by Manaswini, Video by Moushumi
https://youtu.be/Dze3LF5QPWo: Guru Govinda Hare – sung by Subham, Video by Sarada Prasanna
https://youtu.be/IQdImijYzFQ: Kya dun Tujhe uphar – sung & video by Sarada Prasanna
Madhuri A, India
My beloved sat-guru Mohanji “A very happy birthday to you”!
.. It’s said that “Success is the magnitude of beneficial footprint that one leaves on society”! This statement befits you, and I have found your footprint. There has been no looking back ever since you came into my life. I cherish your divine presence in my life every day. Always at your feet, I’m indebted to you and the entire guru principle.
Subhasree Thottungal
(“LOVE YOU” instead of “Happy Birthday”)!
Many happy returns of the day, Dearest Mohanji.
May you keep shining like a million of suns!
May you live in the heart of million of devotees!
May you keep laughing like the little Krishna and spread that innocence and laughter filled with purity!
May you keep spreading the unconditional love and melt millions of Gopis & Gopas like the irresistible Krishna!
May you keep showering compassion and protection like Shri Ram to all the beings of Mother Earth.
May you give the ultimate silence & bliss like Shiva to all who merge with you!
May you be the sign of “Aloukik Prem” – Love beyond the gross world – the miraculous Love!
We love you Mohanji!
At your feet always,
Dr. Harpreet Wasir, India
Birthday is a special day to share the importance of having a Guru in one’s human life journey. This is the time to acknowledge the metamorphic changes which occur just by mere constant and consistent connection with total faith and surrender which happens with His acceptance. It’s a total change which happens and not be done in His presence. For me it is pure lifetime patience and surrender to my Guru Mohanji without expectation standing by His side as an ever empty vessel, to be filled in which ever way He feels so and when He feels so as that is His job. My job was and is to always be plugged in, rest it’s to Him and He secretly but surely delivers in His own way. I, myself, my work and my life is what He has chiseled and shaped for me.
I will never leave Him, He will never leave me. This is my path to Liberation which my Guru knows best as to how and when. My job is just to be and be with Him. This is the simplest thing of my life, to just be and be with Him.
I just have all my love for Him and work for Him relentlessly to deliver Him to all He sends to me in any form and condition.

A testimonial from Sanjay Acharya on the journey of ‘Shata Sahasra Suryaaya’ release today!*
“Dear Subhasree & Moushumi.
I offer my deepest gratitude to you for making this happened in such a short time. I would like to share with you that I was after my music director since more than 6 months to re-record this powerful Mohanji Gayatri. It was just one for word, it was to re-record, which is “Sahasra” instead of “Sahastra”. He was consistently denying due to various reasons including Covid. I gave him many options but didn’t work. 3 days ago I was doing 360 degree Meditation, connecting through my cell phone with headphones on. I was feeling Father’s Energy so intense that within that intensity, I prayed Father to make this arrangement of re-recoding. And The Job Done in 2 minutes – my cellphone rang….I was forced to break the meditation. I opened my eyes and checked, it was Out music director’s call. I picked up and he said, “ SanjayJi when is GuruJi’s Birthday? (I informed him earlier). Let us re-record GuruJi Gayatri on Monday. Please come at 4pm to my home studio.” Tears! I went on Monday. Recording done. Then I was thinking what is next? But then soon I decided not to do anything, no posting, no video etc….Then out of the way Subhasree sent me WA message, “ Do you have any songs to offer to Mohanji? If so, please send me to upload on Mohanji And I YT and premier” ….I was like oh my Mohanji…! I sent audio to Subha then Out of the way Moushumi came in to picture and now a beautiful video has been created… What A Great Guru Leela! Thank you Father, offering to your Lotus Feet.
Yours Only
Sanjay Acharya
Jyoti Bahl:
This is for Our Gurudev Mohanji on His birthday
Happy birthday Gurudev Mohanji. Thanks so much for being in our lives and today more than ever, my deepest love and devotion and thoughts go to you. Kindly accept my love and joyous wishes on your birthday. What you are doing and have done for us all is a priceless gift of a lifetime. Love you always, Mohanji!
Tajinder Sian: Happy Birthday, beloved Mohanji. Thank you for taking this birth for the sake of all your devotees. Words cannot express gratitude and love. Please enjoy your special day. See you soon. Love forever.
Many many happy returns Poojya Guruji! Kodi kodi Pranamam!
Sunita Madan: Happy birthday, dear Father. Love you, love you.
Tina Arya: Happy Birthday, dearest Father. Eternal gratitude for being in our lives and blessing us. Thanks for being the sunshine of tens of thousands of suns and making this world a happy and bright place. Thanks for being our constant source of energy and inspiration to add value to the world. Love you.
Happy birthday! Jai Mohanji!
Sreeja Ranjit: I wish you a very happy birthday, dearest Mohanji!!! Thank you for blessing us with a higher purpose, to live in gratitude and grace, and allowing us to be a part of your world. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance to keep adding value to the world. Love you endlessly. Koti Koti Pranams at your lotus feet.
XX: Love you Father.
Soma Seal: Dearest Father, wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Wishing you good health and happiness always.Thank you for always guiding and inspiring us. Love you lots, Father.
Sheila Gunness: Happy Birthday, dearest Mohanji. Wishing you a wonderful day and year ahead. Thank you for all that you do.
Geeta Iyer: The lyrics say it all for me:
Jai Gurudev
Closer than breath, you are the air
Sweeter than life itself, you are here
I am a wanderer, you are my peace
I am a prisoner, you are release
I am a pilgrim, your road so long
I am the singer, you are the song
Held in the open sky, so far above
I am the lover, you are the love
I follow your footsteps through the flame
All that I ever need is in your name
Carry your heart in mine, vast as space
All that I am today is by your grace.
By your Grace…
I live by your grace.
Happy Birthday, our beloved Mohanji. Here in the USA, Feb 23 is also your star birthday this year!
Monika Nedic: Happy birthday Mohanji
Ruchika Gandhi: Thank you Father, for everything. Wish you good health and lots of love. Here’s a humble offering of a beautiful video created by our dear Neelu di as a tribute to my beloved sister late Sonia Gandhi. Thank you for guiding each one of us on the path of oneness.
Watch the video of Birthday EXPERIENCE SHARING
Read this beautiful testimonial of unconditional grace and love by Sonia Mayur, Muscat