
Mohanji’s power above wildfires!

Elham, USA

Mohanji’s power above wildfires was witnessed by Elham!

This experience is mind-blowing! I felt like I had to wait a few days before writing it to have enough evidence. My husband Farshad and I live in Los Angeles. We moved recently to another home in the same valley in November. The move was not easy, and several different unforeseen difficulties happened that were out of our control and created distress and sometimes helplessness. Therefore, settling down in the new home took time, and in the first week of January, we could start coming back on track.

By living in LA for more than a decade, we used to hear the news of drought and high winds following wildfires here and there. We never could imagine that it could become a disaster! Santa Ana winds were predicted for a few days before January 7, 2025. I was not worried about this prediction because I didn’t have much stuff on the balcony.

On January 7, early in the morning, winds started. It was before noon when I was talking on the phone and accidentally saw that a big tree branch next to our parking lot had fallen. Suddenly I noticed that it had damaged the car. Recently, several unpleasant incidents happened, but this was not something that could bother me, and I thought for sure Mohanji had already reduced it as much as possible.

Towards night, the winds became so strong that one neighbor who understood about the damage came to the door and offered that we park in the covered area. When we wanted to come to the unit from parking, there were such strong winds that you could not even open your eyes or take any steps. I have never seen such a thing! Barely, we could come back. The whole night, the noise of the winds was horrible.

In the morning, we heard the news of some fires starting in some locations in LA. I didn’t even notice the details as it was regular news. When we came out of home while driving, we learned about huge smoke covering more than half of the valley. The source appeared to be the hills on the west side. Just then, I started searching for the news and understood it was a huge wildfire in Malibu and Pacific Palisades, which is a very beautiful area where Yogananda Ashram (Lake Shrine) is located.

There was another major wildfire, which was a bit far, and later that day and in the following days, 4 more fires had started. Basically, there were 5 wildfires in our area in a matter of 15-30 minutes. Pictures and footage of fires were insane and difficult to believe since they reached the residential areas. Houses, businesses, and trees were burning down into ashes; strong winds blowing on the fire made sparks go all over, and more properties burning added up to this whole drama!

As everyone knows, almost all the structures here are made of wood, and everything burns to ashes quickly. It was sad and horrible to see all those videos. People were trying to run from the fire, and then a traffic jam happened, and they left cars like that in the middle of the streets, and then bulldozers came and swept them away! It’s more like apocalyptic scenes rather than Los Angeles! I started thinking about the voiceless animals that Mohanji always speaks up for. How do they feel now?! How scared are they? And they don’t know how or what direction to escape! We could do nothing other than praying to Mohanji and chanting.

Some of the kind and caring people of the Mohanji family reached out to check on us and our safety and well-being worldwide. That was very heartwarming as some of them offered that if we needed to evacuate, we could go to their place in other cities; some started praying and chanting. Honestly, I wouldn’t know some of them, but they kindly gave me so much love and care. This is the family that Mohanji is talking about: Mohanji Family! I felt grateful for them.

A warning came that everyone in LA should pack necessary items and be ready if any evacuation is needed. I started with a backpack and some docs. I was standing in the middle of the home and thinking about what else we should or could take. It was a strange moment. I felt like I was at the moment of death. We can’t take anything from here at the time of death.

Mohanji’s words rang in my ears, “We have come here empty-handed and will leave from here the same way; we are here only to experience life, not to own anything that belongs to the earth. We possess many materials while we live and leave everything behind when we leave our bodies. We own nothing, permanently; we are only temporary custodians of everything, including this ever-changing body. In such situations, what can we fight for? What is worth fighting for? Only divine grace! Bodies will come and go, while Divine Grace continues.”

Days went by, and it seemed like there was no success in containing the fire! On Friday, January 10, I was out doing some stuff, and from the hills on the other side of the valley, I saw a scene that shocked me. It was a huge smoke-like atomic bomb explosion on the hills close to our home! When we started coming back home and getting closer to those hills, we could see tall flames on top of the hills. I thought if fire passed the hills to the valley, they wouldn’t be able to stop it as it was downhill, and high winds would help it to go faster. This valley is vast, with almost 2 million residents. It would be catastrophic! It was the first time after these few days I felt scared.

On Saturday, January 11, that huge dark smoke grew much bigger, and most of the west side hills were covered by it, and more flames on the hills were visible. The weather prediction was that from Sunday night, there would be strong winds till Wednesday, and firefighters just had this day to contain it, but it looked impossible! The news was so sad about what people are going through, and it seems there is no progress but more fires. One of them was just a few blocks away. Acceptance and surrender are what we could do with uncertainty about what the future will be like if this happens.

I did not feel like reaching out to Mohanji because we know he is doing whatever is needed and possible without us telling him a word. Then what’s the use of taking his precious time for something very selfish. To my surprise, on the evening of the same day, I received a message from Mohanji when he was checking on us. Briefly, I told him what the situation was and where it was. In April 2022, when Mohanji came to LA, he and his team stayed in a rented house in Encino Hills, which was in danger of fires coming downhill.

He asked if the house was damaged, but I didn’t know as there was a curfew for evacuated areas to protect them from looting. I thought about how much care he has for everything, not for people and animals only but even for a rental home that shelters him for a few days; he does care! Such a level of respect and sensitivity! We human beings take people for granted, let alone materials. Honestly, earlier, I thought that Mohanji stayed in that house for several days and that his presence and steps there would protect the area. So, he didn’t say much, as always, just a few words: “Stay safe. I’m there with you.”

Sunday was a completely different day! The sky was clear! No sign of fire or smoke anywhere that we could see. We decided to go around to see if we could feed animals who were affected by the wildfire, but the National Guard blocked all the hills. Then, we went around the city within a radius of more than one hour. Nothing! Not even the smell of burning. Such a relief! Not just for us but for all people close to the fire and animals. It was absolutely Mohanji’s miracle.

Many people who are with Mohanji have experienced how he changes the weather when and where it’s needed, not to show off his power but because there’s a higher purpose, which is beneficial for many people but never for himself. He has that power over elements, or in other words, elements and nature listen to him and obey him since he doesn’t have any personal agenda and it’s always for helping others. We felt so loved, cared for, and protected by him. It was amazing that those predicted high winds didn’t happen, not on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. It even came on the news. On Wednesday, there were just some normal winds, but still, the sky was clear, no smoke, no fire!

Living without family or relatives in another country is not easy. It’s like there’s nowhere to refuge. But throughout these years, Mohanji has been our refuge. This is what Mohanji always says, “I take care of you. I’m with you. If nobody is with you, I will be with you. This is guaranteed!” But we can’t understand how deep his promise is, how determined his commitment is, no matter what, he will do what is possible and needed. A true Guru has such limitless love for his disciples that he can change anything, even the course of karma. Mohanji is beyond a Guru, and he always goes the extra mile, even for those who leave him or talk bad about him; he only gives love.

With utmost humility, I place my head at the holy feet of Para Brahma, Mohanji: deepest gratitude, surrender, and love to Mohanji Baba.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd January 2025


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Mohanji Testimonials Team

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