Dearest Guruji,
I wanted to write personally to thank you for the lovely divine experience we all had last Friday, April 2nd. We were just 5 devotees present that day (Ma, Sarika, Abdul Rahim, Rekha and me) but the intensity was so very strong, unlike anything we’ve EVER experienced before.

Friday morning, immediately after finishing Sai Saptah at home, your face was continuously appearing in front of me. I felt that I was completely soaked with Baba and your divine energy. I was overwhelmed with devotion towards my Guruji. Tears of love and joy were flowing down my cheeks and that moment I had the urge of keeping your big pictures in my Mandir and my room.
Before the BTW meditation, I picked up 2 pictures of yours to bring them home. Then, while waiting for others to come, I connected with your 3rd eye to seek your blessings. The connection was so strong that I felt you were standing in front of me and blessing me. When the tape started and we heard your voice, the connection became more intense and I got completely soaked with your energy. I immediately felt the presence of Babaji and Baba and thanked them for being present in the room to bless us. Before Shaktipat I always express gratitude and seek the blessings from Masters and you, my dear Guruji.
This time while giving Shaktipat, the flow of energy was in surplus. I sensed as if a tap was open and a spurt of energy was flowing from my arm and I felt a strain to lift my hand from devotees head. I gave them Shaktipat twice and that too for a longer time. Just then the CD stopped, for whatever reason. I thought for a moment that, if Dr. Pradeep was present now, he would just continue with his yoga. I was helpless and instantly sought your help mentally. Rekha got up and put another CD, and so we started meditation all over again. This time the CD was OK. Mohanji, wasn’t this a divine plan to make us receive even higher dosage of divine energy?? Well, that’s what I felt. So off we went for another lovely blissful journey. Devotees had triple dosage from me and then Ma also gave us Shaktipat. So can you imagine how much divine energy we all soaked in??
As usual, after the meditation, no one wanted to open their eyes. I’ve never seen Abdul Rehman radiating so much of divine energy as I did that day. We all know that he is a lovely soul, but on Friday, his face was SHINING with divinity. He went on thanking me for giving such powerful Shaktipats. I told him that I was just a medium and that he should thank my Guruji and the Masters that were present that time. Even Sarika was lost during meditation. She usually complains that she finds it difficult to meditate, but that day, the experience was very different for her. Ma also came to me and kissed me saying that she enjoyed the Shaktipat. Why was this meditation a little different and much more intense than the rest??
Guruji, no words are enough to THANK YOU for all that you have done for ME and my family. You have changed my life completely and brought me closer to spirituality. My devotion for you is growing more and more each day. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
I feel that some of your devotees are rather ignorant. They think that they will benefit only when you personally give them Shaktipat. They feel that Shaktipat given by others has less or no effect at all and hence they do not attend BTW meditations every Friday. They only come when you are present. How to tell these devotees how much they are missing…
Thanking you once again.
In Baba’s yaad,
Mohanji’s reply:

My dear Shernaz,
This was an event, not just a meditation. Eligibility was the factor here. You wanted my picture and it came to your hands. This is Baba’s leela. Mohan and Baba – We are one consciousness and not separate from one another.
I have written about the spiritual seekers in my latest blog post, “The dharma of existence”. Some people will come and go. Some people will stay. Some people will travel with us through the end. We need not be worried. What Baba told me right in the beginning was, “I am sending people to my own meditation class. You and I are one. Even if one person comes, conduct the meditation as normal. Never stop it, unless I tell you.” Honoring this command, I am doing all these unconditionally, without any expectations.
I know that people do not understand that whoever I have empowered to do Saktipat, are myself. They are operating in my consciousness. The effect is just the same. In fact, I am doing Saktipat through them. They shift to my consciousness during that time. All of you have experienced that shift in energy and consciousness and there is no need for further proof.
So, let’s not worry. It is our faith that matters. Shernaz is Mohan as much as Mohan is Shernaz. One consciousness. Whenever you connect to me, you are becoming me. You are certainly experiencing this too. Just stay with your experience. Just stay firm with your faith.
You are connected to me in this life and beyond. You were connected to me in your past lives too. This is no co incidence. We all are here because of the divine collaboration. We are here to serve the dharma of existence.
1 thought on “Outpour of love from Shernaz”
Jai Gosai , i have taken diksha from Sri Sri Swami Dijeshanando
Saraswati Ji (sri sri bijay Krishna Goswami) in year 1990.but previously I was neglecting Ista mantra. i am chanting guru mantra from last 1 yr and i can feel
that guru is protecting me everywhere. but he is no more in this
material world . The problem is i want to proceed in sadhan. it’s not for
showing people or dominate anyone. i want to awaken my kundalini.
can you please help me?… this can assure me that EVERY SADHANA HAS SOME RESULTS.
Nowadays it’s hard to find anyone who know the detailed procedure , real mantra and who has the siddhi . everyone talk too much but don’t have anything. I learned Rajmata Raktiya Bamat mantra, Agor mantra , Tri sakti
from one person who claim that he has siddhi on all these mentioned and
he has given everything to me. But whenever i try all these …
feeling….no one came ….nothing happened. but he telling that
everything is happening but i failed to understand that .
This is real IDIOTIC situation for me.
plz help me.
MY mail is and ph no : 9830771771
plz reply.
AbHiJiT GuHa NeOgI