Dear friends,
Today is a very special day – the 85th birthday of a living Poorna Avatar, Sathya Sai Baba. A few days ago, I was very fortunate to spend 3,5 days in Baba’s abode, Prashanti Nilayam in Puttaparthy – I would like to share some of my experiences with you, simply for the sake of Love…

As it always happens with Baba, one can never be sure until the last moment whether the trip will really happen (as per the testimonials of many, only those who are invited to visit Baba actually manage to come), and when the trip does happen, the experiences are difficult to frame into the usual logic – however, the experiential effect is always profound as we are given exactly that what we need at this point of our spiritual evolution…
This time I had no specific reason why I wanted to visit Baba – we had a few days of Eid holidays in Oman, and I simply wanted to use that opportunity to have his Darshan and express my gratitude for all the life-transformative blessings (the biggest one being Mohanji’s presence in my life) that he showered me with since 2006 when I first met him (in this life).
I had no idea just how crowded Puttaparthy would be days before Baba’s birthday celebrations – I assumed that, as always, I could get a small hotel room at a walking distance from the Darshan hall. Interestingly enough, when I accompanied Mohanji for a weekend trip to Dubai and BTW meditation on Nov 5th, I entered into a casual conversation with a sweet lady called Anitha who attended the meditation. During our bubbly post-meditation chatting, I mentioned my intention to visit Baba for a few days. To my great surprise, she instantly offered me to stay in her apartment, which is at a walking distance from Baba and happens to be empty during those days. I was overjoyed and deeply touched – not because I will get to save some money, but because I understood this was Baba’s loving invitation, his way of saying that I am welcome. My joy knew no bounds two days later, when I found out that, due to the high demand, hotel rooms are no longer available, except at a 5 times higher price and a down payment for a minimum of one week. Agh, what an amazing Master!

If you ever visited Baba’s abode, you will surely agree that, during any visit to Puttaparthy, one undergoes a certain degree of ‘tapas’ simply to test our own determination, purity and equanimity – long lines are a perfect chance to witness our inner chatter and the games our mind likes to play. But no matter what our lesson may be, no matter what kind of discomfort we experience, the moment Baba enters the hall and his aura lightens up the place like a huge Sun, all is forgotten… At those moments, I always experience a great surge of energy and inevitably cry as my heart chakra expands into deep gratitude and purest love. The purity of Baba’s energy is just overwhelming, beyond description – and its cleansing/transformative effect is felt for a long time…
During my last full day in Puttaparthy (Nov 19th), I went through the tapas of walking on a mid day Sun for more than an hour, literally like a headless chicken, trying to figure out the modified way to Baba’s museum and deal with the dust, crowds, heat and noise from the rickshaws and cars. Everything was blocked and routes were changed due to the visit of President of India. I finally arrived to the Museum entrance, just to learn that it has been closed 10 min. prior to my delayed arrival…
For some reason, at that moment, the visit to that museum meant the whole world to me – the feeling of great injustice, of being denied something that belongs to me, of being disrespected and humiliated, suddenly flooded my inner space. I witnessed the uncontrollable tears bursting out of my eyes as all the ‘poor me’ feelings and subtle impressions that were obviously still hiding in my system since the days of war in my country in early 1990’s and my refugee experience, surfaced out. As insane as it may sound, I cried during the entire walk back to the main Mandir area – until I finally found a quiet spot in a shade, just near the Western Canteen, and sat down to rest and just be. It was then that a great feeling of equanimity, peace and loving serenity descended upon me as I watched the crowds passing me by. I felt that something heavy left my system and got washed away through those tears – I remained so light and filled with nothing but purest Love… Then one Seva dal (a man who volunteers as a security guard) approached me and, for no reason, gave me a card with Baba’s photo and the following words written on it: “Only in Divine proximity, will you find absolute purity.”
That evening, just before leaving the Darshan area, I felt like visiting the area close to Baba’s residence. There was a slight hope of seeing Baba before he returns to his residence after giving Darshan in the hall, but it soon became obvious that he must have entered through another route. I suddenly felt how silly it was to search/wait so desperately for the physical Darshan of Baba, when he is omnipresent… I found a quiet spot and sat there to meditate. That was my best experience of Puttaparthy during this visit! I connected with Mohanji’s third eye, and simply sat there in surrender. Soon enough, I clearly felt Baba’s presence, I felt his warm hand caressing my face several times, felt his immense Love holding me in a Divine parental embrace, recognized the same unique sensation of His presence on my Sahasrara that I felt many times during our BTW meditations… I had no close Darshan of Baba this time, but He gave me the blessing of detachment from the need to see him physically, blessing of connecting with him/Divinity at a subtle level instead. And I understood even deeper the greatness of the blessing of Mohanji’s presence in my life…

My last night in Puttaparthy was filled with bliss. One amazing holistic doctor from Croatia, Baba’s sincere devotee Dr. Maya (who first took me to see Baba in 2006), arrived to Puttaparthy that night. I was overjoyed that, 4 years later, I had the opportunity to meet and greet her, to share my accommodation with her, to be in her presence and imbibe as much of her wisdom as I possibly could. The next day, before my departure, she showed me a special oil she made through combination of different herbs, essential oils, and the precious oil of Mary Magdalene which she managed to receive from Jerusalem. This oil is all she applies on her face as she uses no make up, but her radiance is unmistakable. While giving me a goodbye hug, the unique scent of that oil remained with me for a long time. I spent quite some time figuring out where I felt that most beautiful smell before. It was then that I remembered the experience when Amrit (nectar of Immortality) once flowed from Mohanji’s Sahasrara – it was a yellowish oily paste with absolutely Divine smell which no perfume can match. That, indeed, was the same smell that I felt while leaving Puttaparthy, totally blissed out…
Moreover, during my short stay in Baba’s abode, I gained one deep insight about Seva – through other people, and several situations I experienced in Puttaparthy: when people approach us for help at the time of great need (which often only their heart knows – just like in my situation with the Museum), that is the time when a real Seva opportunity presents itself to us, the time our spirituality is truly tested… It is then that we should give spontaneously, without hesitation, give fully from the heart – for it is during those precious moments that we receive really big blessings from the recipient’s side; those are the golden moments when many of our karmas are being deleted. I experienced that kind of blessing from an old man who was begging on the road this time in Puttaparthy – I was in a hurry and just passed him by. But then, something deep within me rebelled as I simply couldn’t go eat my breakfast knowing he would remain hungry. I returned, walking fast to catch up with him, tapped him on the shoulder, and gave him 10 rupees. And what an amazing toothless smile he gave me – I never expected that such great excitement, great joy would emerge from his being!!! He kept blessing me as I continued walking towards the restaurant, floating in bliss.
Indeed, there are times when we decide to do Seva but the intensity at the side of the recipient may not be there fully… We should be attentive/aware enough to recognize those moments in our daily life and give spontaneously, from the heart… – for it is nothing but Divine in us that is expanding in Love while connecting with the Divine in the other being.

Love all, Serve all! Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Nothing but Love,
your Biba
18 thoughts on “At the abode of Baba”
I will quote these words of yours on my fan page on FB: “When people approach us for help at the time of great need (which often only their heart knows), that is the time when a real Seva opportunity presents itself to us, the time our spirituality is truly tested… It is then that we should give spontaneously, without hesitation, give fully from the heart – for it is during those precious moments that we receive really big blessings from the recipient’s side; those are the golden moments when many of our karmas are being deleted.”
Yes that’s a good idea.
Biba, do I have your permission to share the same? 🙂
Thank you my dear Gul (and Jolita) – yes, most welcome. 🙂 So happy to know these words reached your hearts. I was actually quite tired last night, my feet were swollen, and I didn’t feel like writing. But I wanted to honor my dear Baba on his birthday, in this humble way of mine – am so happy I did so. The energy came as I was writing and I did not feel tired the next morning even though I went to sleep at 1am. Such is His grace…. Love, Biba
Thanks and SaiRam Biba. I am absolutely thrilled whenever I hear stories from Puttaparthi. Just thinking of Puttaparthi causes goosebumps and welling up tears of joy. You have brought Baba before my eyes and the importance of His message of service and inner realization. Thanks to Him that I know such Divine souls like Mohanji and you.
my dear Biba, you are love and light, and I am so happy in your happynes. Spread love like always, I love you, tetka ji
Thank you for sharing the beautiful experience! It was an opportunity to remember and be in gratitude for HIS Grace! Sairam!
Hi Biba,
Your experiences only reinforces my conviction and confidence in Baba’s innumerable Leelas. The whole of yestrerday, I too was in an unusual trance, and my Agna chakra was sparkling with energy. I got to see the entire proceedings of baba’s birthday celebrations on TV. His radiance and presence is out of this world. That we live in the same age as him, is itself a blessing. Mohanji is the true symbol of love, who represents Baba in every way .
Our own Dear Mohanji, who has transformed many lives in this world. Jai Sairam !!!
Oh, my dear Karthik, so much love in one comment! 🙂 Thank you – always so happy to hear about your golden inner experiences.
I was watching today Baba’s 85th birthday video (it really gives you goosebumps):
I felt so inspired, especially after seeing the account of Vidya Vahini project – so much purity and unconditional love in action. We indeed can and should do much more through Ammucare! Distribution of blankets, food, mattresses and similar are only the humble beginning… With Divine Grace, I have no doubt that it will all happen.
Love to all, Biba
Thank you for sharing the beautiful experience Biba….Your words “when people approach us for help at the time of great need (which often only their heart knows – just like in my situation with the Museum), that is the time when a real Seva opportunity presents itself to us, the time our spirituality is truly tested”, I have experienced this from you. Just when I need help the most, I approached you and you helped with whole heart as if my worries were your own worries. You took care of me like your own sister. You changed my life after blessing me with Mohanjis divine grace. I can never forget this Seva of yours towards me in my entire lifetime. Love you Biba.
My dear Sanjivani, your words brought tears to my eyes… We have come a long way since the days of ‘Foreignchi Patlin’ movie shooting in 2008 – our bond of Love is now deep and eternal. May we always be open to the Grace and life experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant, that will make us rise in Love and become its pure instruments. Love you loads, your Biba
biba riba, it was beautiful to read your experiences. baba dwells in our heart and look no further. the physical journey consolidated what you have experienced before in meditation. enjoy your journey. blessings for the little one.
Dear Biba,
You are a beautiful blessed child of God and it is heart warming and uplifting each time I read your posts.
May you continue to spread your love & light and live your purpose in bliss.
Love & Hugs
Great experience Biba. Thanks for sharing. I strongly feel that it’s our inner perceptions which create outer environments. If you are highly connected to the divine internally, the place does not matter, where ever you are, you will be guided perfectly to his divine grace.
Sometimes I am amazed to see you travelling and exploring remote places to be in the presence of divine grace and experience joy & love.
Love & Light
Thank you my dear Ramuduji. Actually, the inner pull to visit Baba during Eid holidays came one evening when I went for a walk and suddenly realized that my Indian visa is expiring a day after Baba’s birthday. At the same time, Dr. Maya from Croatia (who inspired me to join her for a trip to Bangalore in 2006 and meet Baba – a trip that changed my life and brought about a drastic transformation in me), sms-ed me and said that she will be reaching Puttaparthy on Nov 19th. I wanted to reach there first and be the one who will, this time around, do something for her. It just so happened that, through Anitha, Baba arranged that Dr. Maya arrives to a safe and nice accommodation – I prepared her bed and awaited her with a long, warm hug in which we both melted… (She was my grandmother in the previous life and I love her a lot…)
Moreover, before reaching Puttaparthy, I was meant to conduct the first ever BTW meditation in Bangalore – that was a mindblowing experience, a real explosion of Love, which I simply have to write about (will surely do so soon…). All in all, this was a truly memorable trip overflowing with Grace…
I understand the point you and Pradeepy are making – I know that the seeking outside of me is a self-propelling illusion (and, oh, how much I used to drown in it), but if we receive a real inner calling to travel to see a Master physically, that, I believe, is a different story… 🙂
Thank you for caring and for being you…
Love only, Biba
Dearest Biba,
What a beautiful experience. You look so calm, serene and lovely while meditating under a tree. Same type of experience happened to me yesterday. While coming home from Baba’s bhajans (for His birthday). Near my house I met a guy who looked quite poor. I immediately gave him Baba’s prasad that was given to me. He accepted my prasad and I felt very happy to see a smile on his face. I know for sure my Baba must have smiled too.
In Baba’s Yaad.
Dear Biba,
Wonderful. Your wish was fulfilled. You message for seva is intense.
Many a times we see people doing Seva with a MASK on face.
They want to show that they are doing SEVA! The one who does real selfless seva will hardly talk about it. When heart is involved in Seva, you as a person and soul is fully satisfied.
This message of SEVA was required and especially when real Seva is happening through ACT allover.
Be in bliss,
Love, Deepali
Sairam Biba,
Glad to know that you are back with bubbling heart and spririts. Thanks for the wonderful time together. I only feel sad that we couldn’t spend more time together.
I am also back from Parthi. This time by Mohanji’s blessings and Love, I had a wonderful time in Parthi. Swami had arranged a very good facilities this time to get His Grand Darshan by arranging some passes for us so that we could sit in good proximity to Him, which we never anticipated.
Swami also sent to us a bit of His Birthday cake. On 23rd evening suddenly we found a vessel with some cake kept in my apartment. We didn’t had a clue who left it there. Not knowing who kept it there, I left it with Deshpande ji. In a hurry we didn’t taste it too. Next day one elderly devotee came to our room and asked for the empty vessel saying that that was indeed the cake cut by our Baba. I went to Deshpandeji, to find that it is over. I was a bit sad, I couldn’t give a bit to Sree also. I went for the morning Bhajan in Kulwant Hall, silently prayed to Swami about this. I came back and was packing to set off to Bangalore…I got delayed due to final cleaning of the rooms….to find that Swami sent another student of His with a piece of cake just in time for us to taste….Oh Sai your Leelas are wonderful….each moment is a gift from God..and is full of His leelas only…and we are left with only Gratitude…Gratitude and nothing else..He is really Chittachora..steals away even the silliest(but humle) desires of us….
Love that remains
Anitha Sreekumar
hi Biba, Its really amazing to see your experiences and its a loving way to see you with your right hand raised, a way baba puts in an amazing way.
You are a blessed soul, you are also very lucky to meet Dr maya, Enjoy the Grace !