Healed through Grace – Peter Mohammed

Experiences With Mohanji


Everything happens at the deserving level - even a cure!

This is my experience of healing through spiritual blessings and Grace of the Divine:

Over the previous few years, my health condition (which used to be excellent for more than 50 years) deteriorated due to symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which was exacerbated by the effects of severe insomnia. Ramadan fasting during Sept, 2009 triggered enhanced symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia which completely affected my sleep patterns and personality – It became impossible to sleep at night, with the constant urges to urinate. This made me very irritable as my life turned into a nightmare.

The situation reached a peak in November, 2009 and I was forced to undergo a transurethral operation which reduced the size of the prostate by 53 grams. However, the symptoms continued and the continuing insomnia also produced short term memory problems, dizziness, irritability, nausea and antisocial feelings which changed my personality and markedly reduced my effectiveness as an English teacher.

During that winter from Hell I tried all kinds of drugs from salt laden antidepressants to prostate sustainers and valium, but none of them worked. By my birthday in June, 2010, there was still no sleep, and I felt I was literally dying from the cumulative effects of months of insomnia and prostatic hyperplasia which did not seem to be improving. I was slowly slipping in consciousness, become even more antisocial and did not even want to drive anywhere. My wife Jessie was most affected and insisted that we camp out at SQU hospital and get an appointment with the sleep doctors.

Auspicious coincidence brought Dr.Deepali and I together on July 22, 2010. On July 25th, I did my first Power of Purity meditative breathing with Dr.Deepali, as per the guidance of Mohanji. She explained the breathing process and then played the Power of Purity meditation CD. I don’t know what happened but I cried for over 1 hour during the entire session and felt relieved and grateful after this session. I requested a copy of the CD and zealously did the prescribed breathing and Power of Purity meditation every night after that.

On July 27th I had my sleep lab sensors test which indicated over 20 sleep apneas per hour. I went on the CPAP machine on Aug 1st. With CPAP some kind of sleep returned but I struggled with the mask which caused me physical pain. However, every night before sleeping I listened to the CD and the stress of accumulated insomnia started to dissipate.

Next highlight was my actual meeting with Mohanji at his residence in Muscat. Again, I don’t know (logically) what happened, but after that I did not seem to need the CPAP machine as much and with the meditation practice and connecting directly to Mohanji eyes (and the ancient lineage of Masters he connects with), the sleep apnea just stopped!!! That is a miracle I most definitely attribute to connecting to the wisdom of this meditation and, through Dr. Deepali, to Mohanji.

I went off the CPAP machine on Sept 20th and returned it to the hospital on Oct 11th. I also bought a new thick mattress, as per doctor’s advice, and now sleep about 5 hours of natural sleep every night, which, to me, is an unimaginable blessing. I continue to religiously do the meditative breathing and Power of Purity meditation to honor the connection of the ancient wisdom which reached us through Mohanji.

FAITH Opens All Doors, Including Door of the Heart – Healing Takes Place…

Today my meditative experiences include leaving my body and traveling away while my body remains in a state of complete calm and resting. I also get zapped in my third eye by Mohanji, which is a wonderful experience. In one such instance, I had a vision as to how to help my 38-year-old son( who lives in Holland with his wife), to get rid of the anger he took on and carries as a ten year old son of divorced parents who underwent a very painful divorce and had to stay loyal to his mother.

Now that I am sleeping 5 hours a night, my bubbly social personality has returned, as has my control over water out functions. When the student is ready, the teacher appears – this is my experience as I am presently able to sleep and function without any drugs whatsoever. Praise be to Mohanji, ancient energies and wisdom for that!

With deep gratitude,

Peter Mohammed

The Unmistakable Joy of Peter Mohammed

9 thoughts on “Healed through Grace – Peter Mohammed”

  1. Thank you dear soul for sharing your life story with us. To receive Mohanji’s energy of love and light is a gift, and only those people who had experieced his power of love can understand you. Mohanji did so much for my 6 year old son, and for me too. All we have to do is ask, and Mohanji is ALWAYS HERE. I can feel his love and light, and, it is the most beautiful gift for me.

  2. Complete surrender brings the result. So happy to read your experience and pray for your better health and continued Grace. Jai Sri Mohanji !

  3. Remarkable ! Having received this extra ordinary Grace of healing,I request the writer to dwell little more deeply on how and what are the processes He keeps doing to retain the Grace ! One thing to receive extraordinary grace and another level to retain it! This is where steadfast sadhana helps !

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