South African Retreat

Written by Mohan H Surujbally
He is called Mohanji. I believe though, that the beauty of this Spiritual Master’s name is in the M.
The M is for Magic, Miracles and aMazing.
This is my second retreat with this incredible Master. I have been blessed twice, by some miracle to have been on these retreats. Attending them was almost impossible, but Mohanji made it possible. He says, “When Faith Grows, Grace Flows.” With grace, all things are possible.
The retreat in South Africa June / July 2015 was as magical as the previous retreat I attended for Himalayas 2014.
I was greeted by a smile that melted my heart, and a powerful voice that echoed through my soul sending me into a trance of bliss. His arms extended to embrace me and I emptied myself as much as I could to receive his love. I was in tears. I could not stop crying for minutes. I was not sad. I was just filled with so much love and joy, the tears just kept flowing.
This was not the same Mohanji I had seen last year. He has expanded his state exponentially and even being in close proximity to him, feels like you are vibrating, with heat emanating from the inside and every hair on your body standing on edge.
In 5 incredible days, 39 partipants (3 from Malaysia, 1 from Serbia and the rest from South Africa), transformed and evolved spiritually.
The end result of these 5 very cold days in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal was 39 beings who returned to a State of Love.
Each day began at 4:30am with Water Therapy and eating of almonds and a banana, which flushed out toxins from our body as well as gave us the energy we needed to proceed to our 2 hour yoga session.
Ivana Gacina from Serbia is a Yoga Goddess. Watching her do Yoga is probably as beautiful as it would have been to watch Pablo Picasso paint. Every single movement was graceful and poetic. She is a wonderful teacher, and was gentle with us all, as she guided and encouraged us through our Yoga Sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed the Pranayama (Breathing Exercises) which spring cleans every cell in your body.
This retreat works on Body, Mind, Heart and Soul until you are completely cleansed. All are very much connected, therefore a thorough cleanse on all levels are needed.
Mohanji worked extremely hard on all of us. He worked on us internally and regardless of our thoughts and emotions, some of which were negative even towards him, he unconditionally stood by our side, loving us, accepting us, healing us, supporting us. You may never know what Unconditional Love is, until you are in a presence of a Master like Mohanji.

Mohanji is a representation of Consciousness. He is a representation of Love. He is a representation of who you are. He is the mirror in which you see your real self.
Mohanji is not the person bound by the human body. Mohanji is a representation of Consciousness. He is a representation of Love. He is a representation of who you are. He is the mirror in which you see your real self.

A message that he kept repeating for 5 days, or perhaps the message that I kept hearing, is that if we think of Mohanji as the man who was born in India, who is sitting in front of us, then we do not know Mohanji at all. Mohanji is not the person bound by the human body. Mohanji is a representation of Consciousness. He is a representation of Love. He is a representation of who you are. He is the mirror in which you see your real self.
If you miss that, then you have missed everything.
Mohanji is the river that leads to the Ocean. Jump into the river! Merge with the consciousness. Go with the Flow and Flow with the Go. Liberation is effortless, but Mind gets in the way making it extremely difficult.
In 2014, after meeting Mohanji, I became Mohan from Hitesh. (Mohan was my initial birth name but was changed to Hitesh). This time around, my goal was to become Mohanji from Mohan. But, I soon realised that you cannot become Mohanji, you can only BE Mohanji. You can only be Mohanji because you are Mohanji. You cannot become what you already are.
However, in order to get to that awareness, you have to develop such incredible and extraordinary love for Mohanji that the people who put together the retreat have. They are Yashik, Ramesh, Seema, Mitesh, Milica and Tashmin (to name a few). If I could love Mohanji just 10% of the love they have for him, I will have evolved to the next level spiritually.
It was aMazing to see how everyone, by Day 5, united by Love and filled with nothing more that gratitude in their hearts.
Mohanji is present in my life. That is not a matter of believing anymore, it is a matter of knowing. It is truth. It is fact.
Words are useless in describing how I feel about Mohanji and about being in his physical presence.
I love him so much. You can feel that he loves you unconditionally, he accepts you as you are, he never gives up on you, and will never walk away from you.
He is, in my opinion, the Guru of all Gurus. The Saint of all Saints. The Master of all Masters.
I am extremely grateful to have him guiding me in my life in every moment.
If you have not seen Mohanji in South Africa yet, you have one more week. He will be in KwaZulu-Natal for a week more. Visit the Mohanji South Africa Facebook page for details.
If you unable to make it, visit his website: and read his blogs.
It is not about following him or becoming a discipline or changing who you are or what religion you follow. Mohanji has no interest in anything that binds you. His only agenda is Unconditional Love, Faith, Purity and Liberation.
I love you Mohanji. Thank you for everything! I am your instrument, you play the music!
Mohan H Surujbally

Retreat with Mohanji South Africa

2 thoughts on “South African Retreat”

  1. Dear Mohan,
    In awe of what you are experiencing Mohan! Had the opportunity of meeting Mohanji once September 2010 but never after that. Not sure when it’s going to happen again! I guess I need to be called! Will bide my time until then! I follow the blogs and keep my spirits up! Very happy to read your experience. Stay Blessed always! Kind regards, Satish

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