South African Spiritual Retreat 2015 with Mohanji

Written by Ami Imzaia

Master in our midst. Physically with us for just 22 days in which time the doors of Heaven were thrown wide open. His physical fatigue pushed aside, Mohanji hit the ground running, as it were upon his arrival. No rest period in-between travel destinations. It was a mind-boggling schedule from one country to another before he arrived in SA; but nothing was too much for the Master.

From visits and meetings to a number of centres of need and care, like the House Group and Bona Lesedi in Johannesburg among others and the Sarva Dharma Ashram in Welbedacht, to satsangs and meditations, including the much sought after Shaktipat transference for hundreds of people, and to every request for personal meetings with him, were granted. Oh and not to mention the numerous radio and tv interviews! Mohanji made time for them all.

After a packed Johannesburg itinerary, the Love and Care from dear Milica, Oggie and Sarah in their caring home, lovingly prepared meals by Namesh, Delo, Milo and Riana, and myself, along the whirlwind week, Mohanji was safely chauffeured by our enterprising Mitesh, to the KwaZulu-Natal midlands Retreat venue – Calderwood!


It is well nigh impossible to adequately convey in words the full measure and meaning of the transcendent energies and higher feelings that saturated, not only this life-transforming retreat in the elegant surrounds of Calderwood, but all the dozens of programmes that Mohanji graced in both Johannesburg and Durban until just a few hours before his departure from South Africa on the 12th July for Dubai.  However I know you feel the absolute grandness of it all through the flowing energies of what is expressed here.

Mohanji! His divine name, his sheer Presence, his magnificent Essence enveloped and embraced us all with the same intensity of Love and Kindness …His benevolent Heart, a fast-flowing river just pouring Grace. Unassuming, to the point of being casual even, never overbearing, but forever all-empowering.

Our daily Satsangs afforded us many opportunities for the essential question and answer sessions.  They were also liberally peppered with humour and laughter.  Seeming strangers quickly became family, as barriers if at all, just simply dissolved.

By the end of day two at the Retreat, murky auras were fast clearing and shining. My brother Kishore and his family who were new to such events, began to ‘thaw’and settle in. Any thoughts of bolting at the first opportunity, had dissipated. It was a pleasure to watch. Lives were transforming before our very eyes

I was amazed at how my family soon took to the early morning water therapy, and Ivana’s yoga classes!!!! Well as for most of my part during yoga, it was enough just to watch Ivana’s effortlessly graceful and fluid movements and intricate postures. Pure poetry in motion. Ivana, what a super yoga teacher you are! Thank you for your kindness and patience!!!

Dear Yashik, Ramesh and Seema, thank you for your lovely gifts of the yoga mats and puja sets.

Calderwood has a lovely khoi pond. The fish also had Mohanji’s attention and ear. They told him about a little hardship they were having with the pond water and asked Mohanji for his help! After Mohanji’s intervention, the khoi were soon happily swimming about in their sparkling pool.

It was the first time I had participated in Mohanji’s Conscious Walking, which we did each day after lunch through the ample grounds of Calderwood. Everyone participated whole heartedly. On the second day the SABC’s Sadhana programme television crew was there and recorded snippets for their show.

We also got to celebrate Ivana’s birthday! It was quite the celebratory lunch, capped with a huge Birthday cake, complete with candles. The Merudanda family had seen to every last detail to ensure it was a truly special occasion for our Birthday Girl. Mohanji’s Presence was the divine ultimate for the occasion.

Wade and his team at Calderwood were super, warm and friendly. They made us feel very comfortable, and our stay there was like a home from home experience. They more than adequately provided for our vegan/vegetarian meal requirements. Snacks and drinks were available throughout the day. The five days flew by, and the end of the Retreat arrived all too quickly; but not before the powerful Homa Ceremony – The Fire Ceremony, presided over by Yashik and Mohanji.

Prayers of Gratitude and Love were offered from each Thankful and Grateful Heart, and afterwards, under Mohanji’s watchful guidance, our letters containing all we wished to get rid of, transmute and burn were placed in a separate fire. Yes I was very eager to Lighten Up! … lol

A huge Thank You to you, our beloved Merudanda Family for all your hard work in organising the retreat. It was beyond beautiful.

Then Mohanji was off to Merudanda!!!!! Of course I followed him there albeit somewhat later – with Milica.  Here’s a most wonderful story about Yashik’s awesome cats, his furry beautiful babies.

So Mohanji arrives home – Merudanda – and a shaven … yes shaven … snowy furball named Dattu, welcomes Mohanji in his own, unique way, with forehead to the ground at Mohanji’s feet, and then onto its haunches, lifts a tiny paw to bless our Beloved Master.

When you visit Merudanda, remember to check out Yashik’s Peace Garden, and also remember to get Mohanji’s hug! Place your palms flat on the slab, and feel Mohanji’s hug. It’s palpable!

Even a drought-stricken KwaZulu Natal was blessed with showers of rain …unheard of during the winter months in Durban. Many people had spoken to Mohanji about the debilitating dry conditions.

He listened with compassion, and the elements heard and answered his requests for respite from the drought.

All too soon it was time to say bye to Mohanji’s physical presence. It was hard for the human part of us; but indeed He is beyond his personality body. His Presence is Eternal and ever present. Our Love melts his Heart.

I will quickly attempt to relate an incident which amply speaks of Mohanji’s Omnipresent nature. In the early hours one morning while still at Calderwood, Mohanji received a frantic call from a very loving devotee in India. She was kind of upset because she said, the Master had not visited her when he went to her neighbour’s house (also Mohanji’s devotee) the night before! The lady was genuinely distressed. She asked Mohanji why he had ignored her completely even though she was standing outside her home just a few feet away, as Mohanji left the neighbour’s house. She said he did not even look her way!  She was devastated as she felt that Mohanji had just completely ignored her – totally unlike him! Mohanji listened to her on the phone and then explained that he was in South Africa, and not in India. It took him a long time to convince her of this because she insisted she saw him in the flesh at her neighbour’s house the night before! Finally she understood.

Yes, Mohanji was in India at her neighbour’s house the night before, but he had manifested himself there in His Lightbody in answer to a deep cry for help from the lady’s neighbour. He was on a mission. After his work there was done, he dematerialised His Lightbody. All that while, Mohanji was still physically and fully present with us at the Retreat in Calderwood. Love melts His Heart and He flies in an instant to the assistance of those who call to Him for help. Such is the all-embracing, compassionate Heart of Mohanji.

Our Blessed Datta Guru Mohanji, no-one upon meeting you went away empty-handed. No-one was disappointed. You so generously filled each of our empty cups. Your visit here has been such a short one, but you’ve reached through lifetimes and eons of time, to transform and heal us in accordance with Cosmic Law, on our respective paths to Liberation.

You’ve given and given of yourself abundantly and unstintingly. Thank You Thank You Thank You Mohanji. I end my sharing with something so special that my nieces Chalisa and Yagna said to me:

‘Mohanji loves everyone the same! We did not expect that. We Love Him.’

For my family and me, the timing of Mohanji’s visit to South Africa, could not have come at a more perfect time. It is not an overstatement when I say, He’s performed multiple miracles in our lives. A lineage healed. A family restored; and a Retreat that turned into My Happiness Retreat!

The shining, smiling, loving faces of all he benevolently touched and bountifully blessed bear testimony to the Power and Purity of His Eternal Datta Stature. Mohanji, we Love You!

– Ami/Mohanji SA 2015

Pictures inserted by and courtesy of Dearest Yashik, Ramesh and Seema of Merudanda.

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