Dear friends,
I will never forget how special yesterday’s Good Friday was. We had a few dear guests from Dubai, and Sudeep also had guests from India, so we all met during the day and enjoyed a lunch at Sudeep’s villa, followed by the bliss of the warm wind, sound of waves and all other wonderful sensations the beach can offer.
We all felt great joy for no reason and Mohanji especially was radiating so much love and happiness – we were all hugging him, joking around – the whole day was just was so sweet, vibrant and lovely!

But of course, the photo session could not end without us ladies gathering around Mohanji for a group photo 🙂

After a small break, we all gathered together again in the evening for BTW in the Qurm villa. The place was packed but we managed to create enough space in between people for performing the Shaktipat.
From the very beginning we felt a mighty energy presence descending upon us like a cloud. I felt like a hollow bamboo and was especially spaced out after Mohanji gave me Shaktipat. I could feel an intense presence of a Shaivic energy and it took me some time to get up to perform Shaktipat because body was slowly becoming immobile (luckily I got up just on time before the body ‘froze’). After some time I understood – it must be Mahavatar Babaji, only his energy is that intense and overpowering with love.
It was a great honor to perform Shaktipat and merge with that energy, disappear in it… I could feel that all were going very deep and, for most, receptivity for Shaktipat was superb -I could feel their bodies were becoming like stone statues and many had difficulty in raising their right hand into a blessing position.
By the very end, I reached Sudeep and Hrishi, and at that time intense presence of Mother Mary, followed by that of Jesus, overwhelmed me completely. I melted and melted in their love, my heart was bursting with joy and gratitude, and did not feel like ending the Shaktipat – I could feel their presence so clearly, their love so immense and pure – those moments were so deeply sacred, so special. What a wonderful way of marking/celebrating Good Friday, indeed…
When the time to open the eyes came, half of the people could not do so – they just continued to sit there like blissful statues, or opened the eyes but continued to gaze at the distance still experiencing that powerful energy in their inner space…

The ladies to my left looked especially beautiful, with a profound expression in their eyes – that of deep love and heart-melting vulnerability.
Mohanji did not say anything about any Master’s presence. He did not even talk about it. But, many of us, including me, felt the presence of Mahavatar Babaji. Incidentally, before anyone could say that, Mohanji started narrating his personal experiences with Babaji.
In short, he spoke about his first experience with Mr.Teong, the “Babaji boy” in Malaysia, who is always in meditation and communes with Babaji 24/7. That was his first experience with this great Master who taught him a special mudra through Teong. Mohanji narrated how Mr.Teong always keeps a small, laminated picture of Babaji, with him, which he does not show to anyone. He does not even allow anyone to touch it and carries it always in his shirt’s pocket, next to the heart. This was the gateway for him to reach Babaji’s realm. However, he gifted that same picture, as per Babaji’s instruction, to Mohanji before they parted. It was a touching experience. It expressed the true unconditional love of a sadguru and reflection of that love through his perfect disciple.
Then, he described how he met Mr. Scott Key who also communes with Babaji often and lives in isolation. Soon after meeting him, Mohanji had a direct communion with Babaji, in 2005. And then, in 2007, he had a six hour long communion with Babaji while in Dubai, which I also partially witnessed (he was completely immobile and his entire body, especially the face, was glowing). He also mentioned about a few prophesies and predictions, which need not be thought upon at this point in time.

All in all, the whole talk on this Friday was about Babaji – how He communicates, how it feels when his presence overwhelms or inner space, how he reaches us only when the time is right, His message, etc. I have never heard Mohanji explaining his personal experiences with any Master in such detail and was wondering how come this happened now.
Later on, I understood why.
Rajeshwari (who came with her family from Mumbai to visit Sudeep and meet Mohanji, and attended BTW for the first time), said that she never experienced that kind of effect during meditation – her body completely froze and the grip of energy, the blank state of pure Beingness, was just so amazing, that she didn’t want to come out of it. Moreover, during BTW, she felt a certain presence which touched her heart deeply. For many years now she’s been praying and thirsting INTENSELY to meet/experience Mahavatar Babaji, but it never happened. She could not understand why and wondered what else to do to reach Babaji. She had many questions about Babaji in her mind and, during this elaborate experience sharing, Mohanji answered them all. She was overwhelmed.
It is amazing how the Masters work and fulfill our deepest desires when the time is right – if we ask with sincerity, with intensity, our wish shall be granted when we expect it the least, in the ways our mind cannot even fathom/imagine. Rajeshwari was amazed how she happened to come to Muscat, met Mohanji and attended BTW without ever thinking that she could experience he beloved Mahavatar Babaji in that way – because her thirst was so strong, she benefited so much from meeting Mohanji. Her husband Abhijit was very receptive as well, which is why the effect of meditation and Mohanji’s presence was immense.
All in all, to end my account of yesterday evening – Rajeshwari’s and everyone’s questions were answered in detail. This was one of the longest Satsangs ever. Mohanji kept on explaining and no one wanted to leave. He answered everyone’s question with his usual clarity and simplicity, as well as humor.
Actually, right from the lunch time, Mohanji was in expanded state and some people who were around him, developed a headache due to the high energy. Everything settled down properly and all illnesses got cleansed with the meditation and Shaktipat. Everyone was happy and relaxed in the end.
Big time churning and cleansing happened, not only in Muscat, but also in Dubai where meditation was going on at the same time (Mohanji mentioned during our Satsang in Muscat about his presence in Dubai, where his consciousness was present at the same time – I smiled when I read Shernaz’s mail about the overwhelming experience all of them had – so sweet…).
By the end of our Satsang yesterday, Mohanji smiled and said:
‘I give all that I have, I give fully – not 99%, but 100% always. I never tell you to come back again to get more. That is not my tradition, nor my path. I fill up your vessels completely, according to your individual capacity – I give you all that you can take.”
“We are talking about centuries of samskaras, centuries of karma. Cleansing takes time. You need patience and persistance. Meditation may be the same, but it is used only to bring people to a certain level of awareness. I am doing 80% of the work, you just be open and receptive. I am the annihilator.”

Thank you for reading one more BTW sharing of experiences and joy.
Stay connected, through the loving Light of the Masters/Divine that unites all of us.
1 thought on “The Mighty BTW on Good Friday, April 2nd – Mahavatar Babaji’s Grace”
Dear Biba and all BTW friends,
Biba thanks for brief writing about this special meditation.
Actually I would like to call this meditation an “Event” rather than usual Firday Meditation in the view of Biba’s explaination and strong experiences of Dubai group.
Giving Shaktipaat was different experience this time. I could feel complete chaos in the room as if big churning was going on. All chakras were spinning in all direction! I could simulteneously feel bliss and lot of mental activity. Sahstraras were very warm.
Sanjay, Rajeshwari, Sudeep and others conveyed that they felt strong, heavy and rough male hand during Shaktipaat! There was no sign that two females…. Biba and Deepali gave Shaktipaat!
Next day of meditation, I received comments that, Oh! that day after meditation we just dropped dead on bed! Few had headaches, nausea and extreme fatigue! Indeed Shaktipaat must have been very strong.
I am personally also amazed with the fact that, Dr. Deepa-Kamlesh and Asawari-Nitin who could not attend Friday meditation for last one month made it on that day! Some who promised could not reach. How could all this happen? How does divine take care.
Here is Mohanji’s explanation:
This shaktipaat was strong and cleansed many many deep karmas from all sheaths and from many life times! Big churning has happened. It is bound to give some physical trouble. Even if you had mental thinking during meditation, it was part of churning. Churning surfaces what is to be thrown out. It also keeps what is required for prarabdha karma. This churning will continue for few days. Just observe and go through it. This churning will have effect at mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical level.
Babaji’s grace has made it happen. Guru does not appear – happen even 1 sec before or later. It happens exactly at that time. Those who were eligible, were sent here by Babaji. This is our strong Shaivic path. What ever one needs at that time is delivered 100%. No coming again.
What happened in Muscat is also reflected at all other places wherever BTW happened. It is same everywhere.
Just before starting the meditation, Mohanji asked me to serve water to everyone. He just said, “I feel dry tongues”. We later realised why did he do so. He said that drinking water before meditation helped to balance the churning. Water element helped to keep everyone grounded while churning.
What else can I say?
Dear friends, even if we read each word on Mohanji’s blogs, assimilate and impliment it, we will have great understanding and spiritual evolution.
Mohanji– highly grateful for everything.
With complete surrender, love and regards,