Dear friends,
Out of all the BTW meditations that I experienced ever since Mohanji received the gift of BTW from the Masters (in Oct 2007), I must say that these two meditations, in Delhi and Gurgaon, (on “Divine Valentine”, as Dana sweetly put it), were most stunning in every way. I felt that they marked a SHIFT in the way Mohanji’s mission is evolving.
Mr. Dipak Haksar, who assumed FULL responsibility for organizing these two meditations ( arranging the venue, reaching out to people, etc.) told us the previous night, when he picked us up from the train station in Delhi:
“I have worked tirelessly and have done my level best, but until now I don’t know how many people will come. I have spread the word to all the people I know would be interested to come. If I only had more time, I would have done it better… Oh well, I know that I did my very best – I leave the rest to the Masters. I think minimum 20 people will surely come, the rest we’ll see.”
Dana too was so sweet – she could not come to Delhi to help us, but was following up with Dipakji and us all the time from Kolkata. Mohanji and I knew how instrumental she was in making all of this happen.
BTW in ITC Maurya, New Delhi
I arrived to the grand hall of the beautiful ITC Maurya Hotel in Delhi an hour early to make sure all is arranged properly. I was amazed with the size and beauty of the hall. There were a few adjustments to be made, but all in all, I felt that the hall not only had a beautiful interior, but good vibrations as well – it was ideal for the inner expansion experience that usually marks our BTW meditations.
Mohanji’s cousins Bindu and Shaju were of great help to me as well – I was happy to see Mohanji’s family members joining us for BTW for the first time. I knew they were heading for a big surprise as they have not seen ‘this side of Mohanji’ before 🙂

While I was busy playing around with the newly bought Handi Cam, I noticed that the number of people assuming their seat inside the hall was continuously rising – 50… 60… 70, and more. I wished there was at least one more person initiated into Shaktipat to help us out – I wondered how are two of us going to give Shaktipat to such a big crowd in only 40 min. or so (duration of the Power of Purity meditation). I surrendered and relaxed…
When the time came, Mohanji entered humbly and assumed his position on the improvised stage – it was lovely to see how all the faces brightened up the moment he bowed and saluted them. I could feel that he was in expanded state already and enjoyed seeing people’s reactions to his presence.

I knew that most of them would follow the usual pattern of gauging/judging him first, learning to trust and relax slowly, and then finally open up by the very end :-).

People who came were from all walks of life, some completely new to meditation, but most with previous experience in other spiritual paths like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Kriya Yoga, Art of Living, Siddha Yoga, Kashmir Shaivism, Sufism, etc. There were a few people whose smile did not drop from the moment Mohanji walked in, till the time they left the hall. I somehow felt great love towards all of them, for no reason…

After a brief intro and preparatory breathing techniques, the meditation started. Since the sound system was absolutely PERFECT, Mohanji’s voice flowed and echoed in the hall with Shaivic power and loving softness. Wonderful waves of energy were felt and I could sense that all were floating on them…
Giving Shaktipat to such a big group of people was a truly wonderful experience, and it kept deepening as I went on – the heat in the spine and on the palms became overwhelming and my body became a perfect instrument of Divine grace, whose logic only the heart knew. I could feel what the people were feeling and, with some, the experience was just so incredibly deep…
Even though the inner pull was deep, I did not allow myself to close the eyes and go into meditation, as I knew that I would not be able to get up on time to capture on camera those magical initial moments right after the meditation. I thus sacrificed that aspect of the experience in order to perform my task. If I had the power to clone myself, I would have surely done it then and there :-).

When the experience sharing and Q&A session started, I did not know what to do first (monitor the video recording, take photos, check the music system, collect the papers with questions from people, or simply sit next to Mohanji and enjoy the show).One person told me later on that I was moving around like a butterfly -with speed and yet with lightness. That is how I felt too 🙂
The experience of some people was so deep that they felt their whole life has been transformed. One gentleman, who has been practicing Kriya Yoga for many years, recognized Mohanji’s spiritual stature fully. He was overwhelmed and could not find the words to express what he experienced. Many of the people experienced deep meditation for the first time in their lives and were bubbling with joy and amazement, while others were calm and poised, still a bit intoxicated with the energy.

Q&A session took longer than expected, and on top of it all, Mohanji committed to do one more Shaktipat to all (and answer any personal questions they may have) since there were a dozen of people whom, during meditation, we could not even reach on time to give Shaktipat.
A long line formed soon and hardly anyone cared for the lovely snacks that were offered in the lobby – who can think of the food when bathed in such intense energy? 🙂 I was still busy running around, answering individual queries, arranging the music, etc. but whenever I looked, I could see that the line was hardly reducing at all! New people kept joining in, while many of those whose second Shaktipat was over, remained in the hall to simply be in Mohanji’s energy field for some more time.

There was one gentleman on crutches who insisted to wait in the line like others – I tried asking him to sit down and rejoin the line when his turn comes, but he would not budge – he did not want to risk missing the precious second Shaktipat. 🙂
Two hours already passed and 20+ people were still in the queue – since our second meditation in nearby Gurgaon was scheduled to start in less than an hour, I had to leave Maurya hotel in order to make sure that the other venue is all set. Never before have we conducted two BTW meditations in one day and the gap between the two was clearly not big enough since we never anticipated such a high attendance. The schedule was really tight! I was relieved when Dipak told me that the crowd in Gurgaon will be much smaller, between 20 – 30, so that will be ‘piece of cake’ after the Maurya experience.
Let’s see how that went:
BTW in Gurgaon – another surprize!
As soon as I reached the venue in Gurgaon, I got straight into rearranging the chairs, fixing the camera stand, etc. and, as more and more people kept coming in, I started eliminating all unnecessary furniture items from the room, one by one, in a desparate attempt to create more space and bring in more chairs. At one point I took a short break in order to answer the nature’s call and by the time I came back (after 3 min. or so) the number of people doubled! At least 50 people were there already – even if they were to stand during BTW, they still would not fit into that room!
I looked at Dipak and told him: “We’ll have to shift into a bigger room Dipak, this definitely won’t work.” He pointed towards a bigger hall just next to this room without much enthusiasm because he didn’t like the way it looked (and echoed). I went to see that hall and was ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED – it was very spacious and simply perfect! The last minute rescue!
After experiencing the luxury of ITC Maurya, this hall certainly lacked the luster in terms of the looks, and the sound system was not very good either. However, the group energy (which definitely has nothing to do with external decorations) was really great, mainly due to a high number of Shirdi Sai devotees and/or people with childlike openness required to surrender and experience the higher, subtle energy of the Masters.
We kept adding more chairs as people kept on coming (God only knows from where and how!) and, in the end, filled it up COMPLETELY – there were altogether around 80 people present in that room, even more than in Maurya! Dipak stood humbly at the back and was simply stunned while observing the whole show (after BTW, one lady shared with me that she forwarded the mail about Mohanji’s meditation to 8 of her friends, and was shocked to see that almost all of them showed up. She said that this is very unusual, especially for someone who is not known and comes for the first time. “There was a Divine hand in that, for sure”, she said.)

During BTW and Shaktipat I felt that I will either explode any second or take off into the outer space like a rocket – the heat and the energy were beyond control. It was beautiful…
We had a special guest that evening, someone really dear to Mohanji and me – Dr. Yogesh Choudhary, one of world’s greatest past life regressionists (The 3-hour-long regression in 2008, under his expert guidance, was one of the most profound experiences of my life – so enriching, so revealing. Aside from re-living some of my intimate spiritual experiences with Jesus Christ and Shirdi Sai Baba, during that regression I also discovered my connection with Mohanji from many lives and understood myself so much better… I also had a glimpse of Dr. Choudhary as my loving grandfather in one of the lives. Since then I reserve the right to call him ‘Grandpa’ 🙂 ). Due to his high purity, I kept seeing him as a young boy throughout BTW– he was beaming at us with sincere love and joy, genuinely happy to see us serving and sharing love.

I felt deeply fulfilled as one more BTW meditation ended with amazingly high energy. Knowledge during Q&A session flowed through Mohanji so beautifully, and then another long queue formed for the ‘private Shaktipat’.
Satsang at Dipak’s Residence
After all was over, Mohanji and I, along with a few more people, went to Dipak’s residence for a private Satsang and dinner. We enjoyed the ambience and energy in his apartment, and meeting his mother, wife and daughter was a truly wonderful experine as well.
A few people requested private counseling with Mohanji, during which I chatted with those who were waiting for their turn in the living room. Somehow the topic of Mahavatar Babaji came, and I felt very high energy gushing through me as I spoke about one experience of mine with this great immortal Yogi. At one point, Dipak offered to play one special CD for me, with Mahavatar Babaji’s chants. We both sat in meditation and listened to the chants in high volume. Something started happening in my inner space…. At one point, I had a very profound experience – I could clearly feel a miniature Mahavatar Babaji sitting inside my heart chakra! I then received an inner prompting to place my right palm on Dipak’s back, at the area of Anahata chakra. IMMENSE energy was flowing through my whole body, flowing out through the right palm, and the love I felt towards Mahavatar Babaji consumed me completely. I never expected that this already surreal day would have more in store for me – I was so deeply grateful to the Masters. Dana was right – a ‘Divine Valentine’ indeed!
We then enjoyed the TASTIEST DINNER EVER, the sumptuous Kashmiri cuisine marvels prepared by Dipak’s lovely wife – I just couldn’t believe how tasty that was! Before leaving, Dipak, myself, Mohanji and a few more people did one more final meditation, while listening to chants from Siddha Yoga tradition.
It was then that I noticed that Mohanji’s expression changed completely – he suddenly started to assume a sadhu-like look, as if he just emerged out of some Himalayan cave…
Midninght was approaching and my body was giving me the ‘ready to shut down’ signs.
Behind us was an unprecedented, magical day during which Mohanji personally gave Shaktipat to more than 160 people. His final comment for the day sounded like a historic press statement: “I am happy that my existence on this planet is now getting utilized more effectively. And I can do much, much more.”