Unconditionality Sparks Transformation in Canada

Divinity is the one thing which never changes, which is never absent, in which we exist. But we are not aware of it, or we are only momentarily aware of it, we often forget. To remind us of this simple fact divinity or existence takes the guise of a Master or Sadh Guru and comes into our lives like an explosion, or like a huge wave that washes over us and leaves us transformed, reminding us how loved and cared for we are, how protected and guided. It usually comes unexpectedly, seemingly out of the blue, when we most need it and when we are most receptive to Divine Presence. Afterwards everything is different, essentially because we are different, we’ve had a taste of unconditional love and a glimpse of the Supreme Consciousness. This is how Mohanji came to Canada, with this purpose, with this unconditionality and Love. Many were eagerly awaiting his arrival, many knew little to nothing about him and were inexplicably drawn. Still others were directed to him via messages from Higher Masters like Sai Baba and many simply found themselves at Mohanji’s feet, basking in His Love.
Here are a few experiences and expressions of the effect that Mohanji has had on our family in Canada:

Our Moments with Poojya Sri Sri Mohanji

Written by Manjari Deepak Parekh

Mohanji in Canada group photo
In Toronto, BTW Canada

It happens without prior design.
Divinity showers upon us.
No deserving ability. But Purity and Piousness embrace us at the doorstep.
Such Grace and Bliss we perpetually experience. Here and Now.
We felt the presence of our parents in whom we have not only seen eternity, but they are our Lord. Can we expect more?
2013-01 - Mohanji - Wayanad - Retreat (79)
When your master paves the path to embrace Eternity and takes on a deep dive into the unknown. Meeting Sri Sri Mohanji is just an enchanting and joyous experience.
“No, no, no.” We would exclaim. Proclaim profoundly that it is Existence itself, as experience vanishes into Hiranya Garbha of the Lord of time, where Existence is beyond enchanting time, beyond space and boundless.

Mohanji in Canada 2
We express humility and devotion, but WE are blessed when Mohanji receives our expressions.

We take this moment to express our gratitude to Poojya Sri, by shedding our tears of Joy at the feet of our master, coupled with eyes that weep and long for his Darshan while HE is beyond vision.

What we can do but aspire to be with HIM. Until we feather away in the winds of Time immemorial.

May we bow down to Lord Guru Dattatreyji with utmost sincerity and devotion.

Mohanji in Canada 3
Baba and Baba, unity in diversity
Mohanji in Canada
On Hindu Heritage Day, the embodiment of Sanatana Dharma, or The Eternal Religion, celebrating the Tradition.

Poetic Expressions of Devotion and Gratitude

by Sanjay:

It is not possible for me to say anything about Sakshat Sai Bramha. . I am blessed by the presence
HIS Lotus Feet in my home. It was morning on Ganesh Chaturthi when Sakshat Sai Ganesh
entered my home. It was one of the most Blessed days of my life as I am blessed with a lot of Bhakti.

Sai Mohanji is beyond the Shabda Bramha. Here is a small attempt to express my feelings in Hindi.

Aap Ke PunitPawan Charan Hamare Ghar Jo Aaye, Shabri Banne Ka Bhagya Hum Paye !
(Dear Sadhguru, as Your sacred lotus feet came to my abode, I feel like Shabri who was blessed by Ram)
Aap Ke Charan Aashru Se Kya Dhoye, Kevat Banne Ka Avasar Hum Paye !
( When we washed you lotus feet with our tears of joy, you gave us chance to become Kevat )
Karke Hamre Bhojan Ka Swikar, Mano Mila Hame Vidurji Jaisa Pyar !
( By accepting food offered by us, you made us feel loved like Vidhurji )
Aap Ke Mukh Se Nikli SaiSatCharitraVani, Laga Jaise Hue Dwarikamai Se Aakashvani !
( The Sai Sat Charitravani from your mouth, it is like your heavenly sound from Dwarakamai)
Aap Ke Varad Hast Hamare Shir Par Aaye, ShukhShanti ShradhaBhakti Khub Jo Paye !
( keep your blessing hands always on our head and please bless us with Happiness, Peace and Devotion.)

Love You A Lot Mohanji.


At the Ram Temple, Mohanji once expressed Ram as one aspect of Himself.
At the Ram Temple, Mohanji once expressed Ram as one aspect of Himself.

Shaktipat and concept of non-duality

by Sundisha

I was fortunate enough to ride in the car with Babaji on the way the Satsang in Mississauga. That allowed me to get some time with Babaji prior to having listened to any of his discourses or teachings. When I learnt that Babaji was visiting, I was interested to meet him but was away that weekend for the Satsang, but then later learnt of a Monday session in Mississauga.
I was thankful to ride with you all, together with Babaji, throughout which we had some interesting and insightful talks about shaktipat and other things.
It was an honour for me when Babaji offered to give me shaktipat that evening, even though it was not pre-scheduled. God had a plan, I believe, and through this series of events, I was able to receive shaktipat from Babaji that evening.
At the temple in Mississauga, Babaji offered some great teaching about Hanumanji and how He is the symbol of devotion, and the key lesson that I took away was this aspect of realization that Babaji weaved into the talk: The concept of duality versus non-duality.
After the temple, when we went back to Vaughan, it was great to have some time for interaction with Babaji. I did not have many questions but the discussions were very down-to-earth and straightforward. Babaji is a simple man, with a simple message. The shaktipat was an intense experience and on this path that we are on, I am thankful to have met Babaji.

It has been my pleasure and good fortune meeting with you all.

God Bless,


A blessing beyond  the power of words to express.
A blessing beyond the power of words to express.

 Soothing Guidance and Peace of Mind

By Deepti Aggarwal

About 5 years back, I was involved with a Dubai based group that followed Mohanji. The group met weekly on Friday evenings and had an hour long session wherein we did meditation followed by Shaktipat. Time and time again, during the 3 year period, there were many instances where we benefited from Mohanji’s guidance and meditation.
Lately however, I was finding that my regular spiritual practice was interrupted and irregular and I was finding it harder to fall back into the rhythm that has supported my growth. My children were at a critical phase of their lives where they were about to leave home for university and there was much distraction both emotionally and mentally.
Mohanji’s arrival in Toronto brought much needed peace of mind and guidance our way. During the shaktipat, I found the calm, for a few seconds, which has eluded me recently.
That night, I felt physically energized, unable to sleep. At 3am, I wandered out into my backyard, amidst the gentle wind rustling the leaves of trees and the moon and stars sparkling clean in the aftermath of the light rain that had fallen earlier. It felt like the world had been reborn, waiting to offer its gifts.
My heart welled with gratitude for everything that life had sent my way, especially my children. Instead of feeling the pang of separation, I was feeling joy at having the opportunity to have them part of my life. I wandered back in and fell asleep. Surprisingly, I was not tired the next morning for having had less sleep than I normally need to function.
The following week, I found my meditation routine once again. As well as a deep set resolve to move back toward a routine that will continue to support my spiritual growth.

Enjoying the narural surrounds in Toronto
Enjoying the narural surrounds in Toronto

Know that I am always Alive, experience it and identify the truth


By Vinayneeti Shori
Baba’s words are true even in this kaliyug. He is with us every moment, He comes to our rescue even today… Mohan Ji is none other than Baba himself. He is Para Brahma, living God on Earth. When Baba was in His physical form, many fortunate people understood Him to be God. Similarly, we have Mohan Ji amongst us, He is one with God. He is the source, the divine source on this planet.
I got a new life because of Mohan Ji’s blessings. I am feeling short of words to express my gratitude to Him.
Two Years ago, a very evil spirit came into my body. He talked to me and told me that he would never ever leave me. He wanted to kill me and take me with him. But, my Baba would never let this happen. I was suffering from panic attacks, stress and too much anxiety. I stopped meeting people, talking to them and socializing. Whenever I tried to share my pain, my agony, with anyone, no one believed me. People used to think that I was suffering from a disease where the brain gives you signals that there is a spirit inside the body. Even my family didn’t believe me. I was totally alone….Totally alone. I used to talk to Baba: “Baba tum mat pita tum bandhu, Sakha.”  “Baba You are my friend, You are the only one who knows what I am going through. No one on this whole planet knows about me.” I had strong faith that I am in Baba’s sharan and my Baba would come and bring me out of this problem. He came, He actually came in the form of Mohan Ji. Mohan Ji is none other than Baba Himself.

On Hindu Heritage Day, the embodiment of Sanatana Dharma, or The Eternal Religion, celebrating the Tradition
On Hindu Heritage Day, the embodiment of Sanatana Dharma, or The Eternal Religion, celebrating the Tradition

On Rakhi day, Baba gave me a message that everything is going to be alright in my life. I was thinking about this message again and again: “Baba, how will you take this devil out of me?” In these two years, Baba produced so many opportunities for taking him out of me, but, being a weak soul, I failed in everything. Moreover, the thing in me didn’t let me do what I was supposed to do. Then, a week before Mohan Ji’s visit, a very close friend of mine had a vision that I was sitting near Mohan Ji and all my chains broke. She told me to meet Him when He comes to Toronto. At that time I didn’t know much about Him.
The first day I met Him, I listened to His satsang and when he gave me Shaktipat, I experienced His energy. As He placed His hand on my head, tears started rolling from my eyes, I cried like anything. Even after receiving the shaktipat, I kept crying for a while. The second day, as He placed His hand on my head, this devil came into my eyes and I felt Mohan Ji’s energy fighting him out. On the third day, as soon as He placed His hand on my head, a sudden burst of energy hit me. The evil was bursting into my eyes and face and I felt Mohan Ji’s energy battling with him. My whole body was shaking with Mohan Ji’s energy. Tears flowed continuously from my eyes. After getting shaktipat, I was not able to open my eyes. I sat there while other people were getting shaktipat. Mohan Ji is a perfect master, a master par excellence. While giving others shaktipat, He was simultaneously putting His energy into me. After about 10 minutes, He called me to Him. As I opened my eyes to go to Him, I felt Him as Sakshat Baba sitting with His feet on the white sheet. I tightly caught hold of His feet and felt I was actually holding Baba’s lotus feet. As I was holding His feet, feeling a lot of energy moving into my whole body, He asked for a paper and a pen. He wrote a mantra for me to recite afterwards and gave it to my friend. He was doing everything so coolly and was absolutely confident and sure about what He was going to do. Then, I felt a gush of energy pulling something out of me. I shouted: “Baba, Baba.” for about 5 minutes and guess what… He was gone forever. Mohan Ji told me: “You are free now, he has gone forever.” I felt that my Baba had come and freed me from the devil. I kept crying and shouting: “My Baba came, He came for me. He did come as He promised He would, for his children. He actually came, He came…” I felt Mohan Ji as Sakshat Baba sitting in front of me. Mohan Ji cleansed me, blessed me, placed His hand on my head and gave me His charnamrit with a white petal in it. I am the luckiest person on this planet on whom such a great soul , Para Brahma Himself, showered His grace abundantly. Within 5 minutes I was fine. I was saved from a ferocious devil and given a new lease of life. When Baba saw that being a weak soul, I couldn’t do anything He Himself came as Mohan Ji, placed His hand on my head and took the devil out of me.  Nobody other than God could do this.

The humility of an enlightened soul, the humility of a Master
The humility of an enlightened soul, the humility of a Master

Mohan Ji had to take a different body from Baba to come into this world, but, His consciousness is same as Baba’s. He is one with Him. He gave me assurance that He would be with me always, that He would protect me always. I am extremely happy to have Mohan Ji in my life who is so great and at the same time, so humble, that He answers all our questions. However ignorant the questions we ask Him are, He replies each question without getting annoyed. His love is unconditional. I am not even the dust of His lotus feet; still he blessed me so much. He knows everything about me. He is omnipresent. The more I know Him, the more I adore Him. I am a very simple person and want to express a lot about Mohan Ji but I am feeling unable to express myself. I am so very thankful to Baba for sending Mohan Ji into my life. I am blessed!!
Chahey lakhan hon juban yeh gun nahi ga sakdi,mere Baba tera karz ada nahi ker sekde…………
Jai Sai Ram!!

The humility of an enlightened soul, the humility of a Master
The humility of an enlightened soul, the humility of a Master

Sweet Miracle in Divine Company

By Ashutosh Doshi

Mohanji, the name itself means: ‘Lord Krishna’, the Almighty Supreme.

My meeting and acquaintance with Mohanji, or Guruji as I prefer to address him, was itself was immediate and unplanned.

 Mohanji once said that He only sees Himself wherever he looks and that He smiles when We smile
Mohanji once said that He only sees Himself wherever he looks and that He smiles when We smile

Jyoti (my sister from Delhi) informed me about Guruji, his books and all his teachings and the sudden urge to meet him arose and the next thing I knew, he was coming visit to Toronto. Met Guruji for the first time at a Satsang and was engulfed by his patience and explanations.

On my request Guruji immediately came to our abode and blessed it. I had the enormous pleasure of driving him from Temple to home.

At home Guruji was very kind to accede to my request of talking to Jyoti for 2 minutes and thereby fulfilling her long time desire.

On my personal meeting with Guruji felt an air of serenity, total calmness and an everlasting charming aura from the Great Spiritual Master. We talked on various topics ranging from Kailash to Martial Arts and at times had a strong feeling of chatting to a long time dear friend in the form of Guruji, with absolutely no barriers. So receptive and blissful!

I wanted to take Mithai (sweets or candy) for Guruji but could not do so, but the Miracle here was that I had the fantastic pleasure of having Ladoos as lunch with Guruji. On the evening of the same day, I had gone for Satsang and again had the pleasure of having Kheer as dinner with him.

Sweets with the Supreme Spiritual Master, can one ask for more?

One step at a time, one step after another, the arrival at the destination is certain.
One step at a time, one step after another, the arrival at the destination is certain.

So fortunate and so blessed. Memorable Moments spent with Guruji in his divine company, would be forever cherished and remembered. I am ever indebted.

Lastly my heartfelt prayers and koti koti pranams (a million salutations) to Shri Sadguru Sai Baba, it was only with his blessings that of all this was possible.

“Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogi Raj Par Brahm Shri Samarth Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.” Aum Sai Ram

(Praise be to the True Guru Sai Nath Maharaj, who is the Lord of millions of galaxies, king of kings, who is the Supreme Father and Lord of Yogis.)

Thank You.

Whether you cover a metre or a mile, the important thing is to keep walking!
Whether you cover a metre or a mile, the important thing is to keep walking!

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