OMG Mohanji, They took my Kriya Beads!

By Nameshri Chetty

So much happened since we all got back from Kailash. Most of us were still on a natural high, yet dealing with things in the real world.

It was 3rd October, a Monday 2 days prior to my leaving for India. I was getting things sorted as we were attending Mohanji’s Brahmarishi title function. Trust me! The weeks leading up to my departure was packed with duties so I was working back to back. If you may not know, I live in South Africa – a beautiful country but like any still riddled with its own issues. That morning, I was busy as usual with the children and errands. On one of my errands, I had to press a buzzer so I put the window of my car down. It was a quiet street and around 9 am and I was busy looking for assistance. Out of nowhere, 4 men came to my side of the window 😱.

One of the guys punched me as I turned to look, totally disorienting me while he pressed the button to open the car. The other guy then jumped into the passenger seat and pushed me out. They took my phone and watch off me and threw me on the ground. Then, they sped off with my car and belongings.

Okay, you must know that this happens in SA and most times it is violent. Victims are hurt, killed, raped and traumatized. But I was calm. I managed to get a phone and called my son as it was the only number I knew and proceeded to call the authorities. Not a tear was shed, nor a scream or any drama queen play. It was as if I was not even hijacked. My son Keshav then came. He called Mitesh who notified Mohanji immediately. Okay, so I was violated but all I could say was that I feel sorry for the perpetrators as they were so silly. Keshav was not impressed as I had a red face after the punch and a few bruised knuckles. As a young man, his protective side came out and he was besides himself with anger. I told him, “It is okay, my boy! It’s just things”. I spoke  to Mohanji and he said to me, “You are okay. Those things had to go.” I told him they had taken my Kriya Beads and he said, “Don’t worry. I will give you another. I am always with you.” With that, I handed the phone to Keshav who was still upset. Keshav told Mohanji, “Babaji, they punched my mom.” Mohanji’s reply was simple but powerful, “It’s only things. Mom is okay. Look after her. I love you.” After that, Keshav settled down. He said, “Mom, these guys have no idea what they did as Babaji will sort them out.”


You must keep in mind – they had taken my car and my handbag. My car was our family’s transportation and my handbag had contents an estimate value worth over R150K as well as all my documents (as I was leaving in 2 days). But all that mattered to me was my Kriya beads. Thank God! Milu had my passport with her.

At this point, I saw how Mohanji’s words had filtered through Keshav. He became calm and settled and took charge of everything. Mitesh stepped in as well, as any brother would, organising things for me while still having a sense of softness knowing what I went through. Keshav and Mitesh jointly helped me get my docs, bank cards, car and a phone sorted out in two days without a word of their own responsibilities. It seemed as if both the boys were filled with Mohanji’s Grace. Milu helped with the constant moral support as we were both pressed for time as our flight was approaching.


You must know I told no one about what had happened and went on with my days as normal. I felt that a huge weight had been lifted and saw everything that was taken was part of my past life and did not resonate with me any longer. It was the day before we were about to leave and Swamiji had come to Johannesburg as we were travelling to India together. Upon seeing him at the airport, I just cried in his arms. For me, it felt as if it I was crying on Mohanji’s shoulder. Not out of fear but pure gratitude for all that is Mohanji. Swamiji mentioned that this was a test as many of Mohanjis devotees were being tested leading up to his initiation.

On going to India, one would never say I went through that experience as Mohanji’s words to me “was just be happy and cheerful as normal as you are okay.” So off I merrily went. This trip to India was one that was going to be a quick there and back not having any expectations as lots had happened prior to us leaving. But little did we know the magnitude of Grace that we were to experience. We – Swamiji, Milica, Milu and I – reached Bangalore in the early morning. Swamiji had arranged with Amma Devi to do a special recital of the Devi Stotram for Mohanji’s protection. How beautiful! It was 4-5 hours and we were embraced in the Mother’s Grace.

The next few days were filled with pure bliss as we were present for Mohanjis initiation. On seeing me arrive Mohanji introduced me to Guruji saying this is Nameshri she was kidnapped and punched on Monday. Guruji said, “Yes. Her face is familiar. I see her on Facebook.” Ahhh! Such humility from both Guruji and Mohanji. Mohanji looks at me and says, “Look at me. Are you alright? Let me see your face.” Of course, there was nothing there but a huge smile as I was in bliss to be in the space of love.


On that day, I met Bad Cop aka Rajesh Kamath (long story) only to hear that both he and Devi were present with Mohanji during my hijacking. You must know that I was in South Africa and they were both in India. How is this possible?  Rajesh mentioned that Mohanji had asked him to leave for an errand and told Devi that he had an emergency to attend to. 🌹. After a few minutes, he comes back into Devis space and tells her what happened to me and when Rajesh came back he told him the same story. I had heard of a similar incident where Mohanji did the same for one of his other devotees

I would like to mention and make it very that clear not once during my hijacking or since it, did I feel not protected. It was as if I was not present during this ordeal, as if the human state that is fear and emotion was dulled. Just purpose was left. I subsequently heard from others about my ordeal yet those at home knew nothing about it. Oh my golly gosh! if it was not for Mohanji, things would have been worse. Like I said, I did not look like I had gone through the trauma. Not for one moment did I feel the true impact of this experience. Mohanji shielded me from a lot saying that it was a punch of karma but that I am ok

P.S: I did get Kriya Beads from Mohanji ( yippee 😉)

Jai Mohanji Jai

“I Glide on the breathe of your  Grace “

Mere Mahadev! I surrender totally to your Grace

Your forever humble, grateful and always devoted,




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