Freedom from betrayal
A Mohanji follower
Empowered 5.0 with Mohanji in Zlatibor, Serbia, was a program that can only be described partially, as no one knows what exactly happened or is continuing to happen even after months have passed.
After attending all four online sessions in the presence of Mohanji, I thought it would be something similar. Each module of Empowered released and brought out impressions deeply hidden from the conscious mind. They were often painful yet liberating because one never expects to have dark qualities within themselves. We read about it and hear it, but to feel and be aware of it is an entirely different experience! Faith in the process allows one to embrace the darkest moments in our lives with courage. It is a hardcore transformation, as Mohanji often says of Datta Tradition.
Now to Empowered 5.0. I had not planned on being part of the physical program, but the situation led me to join it. The universe had already decided for each participant, and we just had to make the physical journey.
I was looking forward to seeing Mohanji family members whom I had not seen or spent time with. Once the program began, I felt things just went downhill. I was faced with unpleasant thoughts and felt betrayed by someone I felt very close to. My focus kept going toward this betrayal which I felt deep in my heart. This problem that came up unexpectedly during Empowered 5 was something I had dealt with in frequent processes, Mai-Tris, and pilgrimages I had done with Mohanji. It never was something that I thought would bother me, but the presence of Mohanji and the whole environment brought up this dark energy that surprised me.
It made me realise that this betrayal had been part of my life since my teenage years. It pertained mostly to women I had trusted and allowed to enter my heart. Once the love and connections were formed, the betrayal would come in the form of them tossing me aside as I was unimportant to them. This pattern became so evident to me during Empowered 5.0.
I prayed and surrendered to Mohanji to release me from these past betrayals, as I wanted to be free. I was patient with myself as I knew it was part of the process, but it felt terrible not to have any silence or peace, which I had thought would have happened during this beautiful program. Long story short, I was happy to have completed the E5, as it was very painful in every way!
After returning home, I wasn’t in a positive mood. I had a negative feeling in my heart as I felt no peace or happiness. Even my family complained about my negative attitude, which further made me feel bad inside. I spoke to a few people who had attended Empowered 5 online and in person. Their positive experiences and witnessing their positivity brought this awareness that, somehow, I was stuck and needed more time to heal.
I truly felt something terrible was there, as it was not natural to be this consumed by a betrayal. I spent many days in pain, and finally, I thought this had to be dealt with. It was a confusing time for me, but I have learned by being with Mohanji that confusion and vulnerability are good states because it is the time when you are open to change. Once the confusion ends, the transformation and clarity are immediately felt.

I called for an MTM (Mohanji Transformation Method) and spoke to a practitioner I had previously worked with. I explained my situation, and she said the betrayal might have been deeply intertwined into my whole constitution, which could be why it wasn’t removed during E5. Mohanji guided her to stay connected with me and go over the MTM, done in 2021. Some areas were not integrated, so it was required to go ahead with the issue that was at present.
By talking to her, I also learned that many people were going through a similar process of cleansing after E5 with different types of betrayals. This knowledge brought me some peace because, for the first time, I didn’t feel alone. I was glad to have spoken with her, as everything happens at the right time.
During the next few weeks, I started having revelations. I see this as the grace of Mohanji. These were painful times because I had to face and feel so much pain, which made my heart sad. It is hard to describe the feeling, but I am glad I stayed strong and didn’t give up on myself. I knew this was just a phase, and I will come out of it.
Following what I know helps me when I am in a dark place. I always go to my local temple and a Baba temple when in confusion and agitation. I did the same during these testing times. As I stood in front of these deities, I could instantly feel the darkness leaving my body. This is a gift of our tradition; they don’t leave your hand. Being with Mohanji has allowed me to be subtle enough to feel this cleansing during visits to powerful places.
After a month of self-contemplation, facing my darkest moments and pain, I felt I was moving in the right direction as I felt lighter and more aware. The following day the MTM practitioner also conducted the MTM session as I had enough time to integrate and process the first MTM revelations.
It was the right time, as it felt perfect at that moment. Her connection revealed a curse that had its origin with snakes. It had been part of the women in my family. She said it was very dark and strong, but she couldn’t tell me more as I would process the whole scenario in my mind and slow down the cleansing process. MTM brings more awareness, and through that, empowerment follows; but over-analysing slows down this process. She advised all I had to do was keep my heart open and love without fear.
The same day this event happened, my daughter also got sick. I immediately felt it was somehow connected to the removal of the lineage curse. She was ill for a week, and it was a difficult time, as no medication and doctor’s visit brought relief. Mai-Tri temporarily relieved the fever, but it spiked back up after a few hours. I had left all this to Mohanji, as I knew it was part of the process.
One day after the doctor’s visit, I was heartbroken to see her sick. I decided to give her Mai-Tri once again. As a parent and a Mai-Tri practitioner, one must be completely detached from the outcome for Mai-Tri to be effective. As I stood in front of Mohanji’s picture to connect to his consciousness, I felt immense energy in his eyes coming to me. I couldn’t move and had to force myself to leave his presence.
As I began the healing, I felt very strange pulling from inside the head, as if my hands and the energy from the head were one. It was a wonderful feeling and session. Being a Mai-Tri practitioner for a while now, I have never experienced this type of session before. It felt like I was sitting for a very long time, but it was only 25 minutes, but deep inside, I knew whatever was ailing her was completely gone. My feelings were correct as the following morning, the fever had finally subsided.
I am sharing this testimonial to show how powerful the Empowered sessions are. The awareness which comes is a gift that can never be replaced by anything material on this Earth. I also witnessed many people sharing their positive experiences, and I wanted to show the other side of Empowered sessions. It can trigger painful past events, but in the end, it is for our evolution and transformation. Once we know it is a phase, anything can be endured with faith, and even pain becomes a ladder to reach our highest potential.
Mohanji allowed me to live through this painful period, which brought me so much clarity about my patterns and my family. I wouldn’t have learned so much if he had removed this painful impression during Empowered 5.0. In pain, we become stronger, and I am very grateful to the Empowered series, which is synonymous with transformation.

Battles of the mind
Asja Dupanovic
During the Empowered 5.0 program with Mohanji in Zlatibor (October 2022), I experienced a newly discovered stability, peace and a distinct lightness in my physical body.
The most significant thing I have lost during this program is the tight grip of my mind. Mohanji showed me how capable I am of stopping the ranting of my mind and very quickly shifting my thoughts, preventing them from causing emotional havoc and a physiological reaction that my body knew so well. I made this shift several times during the program and now know who the master in charge of this mind is. If it (this mind) is merely a part of this vehicle, the rent-a-car presented by my physical body, then what I truly am is in charge (of the mind), of course.
In this program, many battles with the mind were won. I know it is not the whole war, but these battles won are significant and empowering for me.
One of the very first things I have become aware of (as these battles with the mind went on) is a very distinct lightness in my physical body. It was mesmerising. During the morning sun salutations, I could not even recognise my body. It flowed through the practice without any effort or strain. I was being charged with endless energy and being able to exercise for hours. I could also run again, which has been a challenge for the past 18 years. (Ever since, I have been suffering from something I could only describe as my physical body being constantly cramped, weak and incapable of basic things like running across the street).
With Mohanji’s help, whilst in silence, I could also see myself in different situations from birth onwards. By his directions, I observed the scenes as if I was merely a neutral witness, fully aware that I was not the emotion that I was feeling in the scene. The emotion would dissolve when I would face this emotion and see the situation from a neutral perspective of a witness.
As the days went by, I felt more light. In many situations, I saw my new self as strong and confident, knowing exactly what I wished to say to someone or do about a particular situation. As I returned home, I realised each of those new decisions, one by one, confidently, feeling no distress. This was new and big for me!
Otherwise, I have the highest remarks on how the program was organised. I felt very pampered the whole time, with all the freedom and perfect conditions to dedicate myself fully to myself and my immersion into silence. Mohanji was wonderful the entire time, so gentile, kind and loving. Everything was provided and taken care of. The organising team took extra care to ensure all details and that every individual was taken care of in the best possible way. I felt very good and secure in their hands and in Mohanji’s embrace.
I look forward to this program repeating, plan to join it again and wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd January 2023
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