Merudanda Ashram – A Place for MohanJi and Masters to Gather

Merudanda Ashram

A place for MohanJi and Masters to gather

Written by Yashik Singh

The Deity of the temple .... Shree DakshinaMurti MohanJi
The Deity of the temple …. Shree DakshinaMurti MohanJi

Looking back over the past four weeks, I get a sense of overwhelming gratitude. I know that everything was divine will and we were just instruments. How else can you explain converting an empty house into a fully furnished home in two weeks, and an old garage into a place of worship simultaneously? I would like to share my experience with you, and take you on the journey we went through in building the first temple dedicated to our beloved Guru, Shree Raja Yogi MohanJi. 

Building the seats for the deities
Building the seats for the deities

Like everything, all actions begin with a first step. Even this step clearly showed the grace of MohanJi. I have been looking for a home for a long time, but nothing seemed to come right until now ( I wonder why 😀 lol). The whole story of getting lost and eventually finding myself outside the property, the agent just happened to be there, getting a loan that was being refused, other offers being put forward for the property……all this is a story for another time… But suffice to say, MohanJi kept his promise to me…and the property was finally purchased.

The temple started out as a double garage, full of webs, dirty walls, old shelves and vibes that screamed “workshop” and not the serene atmosphere you would expect from a temple.

As is customary, a small prayer was done to say thank you before the building started. And here MohanJi showed his presence. While offering a coconut, a string materialised on the palm of my hand. This string was definitely not on the coconut, as Vishal held it while I ran into the house to get some camphor. If there had been a string on the coconut, we would have seen it. There was a feeling of absolute peace and protection. This really was proof enough that MohanJi accepted the temple and will come to stay here when the shrine was ready.

I started building the temple myself, slowly laying the bricks as best I could. Getting the bricks was such a challenge. Delivery issues, pricing, getting the trucks into the yard, and not to mention work and students coming down hard on me. Trying to balance work responsibilities and getting the centre ready was difficult, especially when some colleagues do not value the centre as much as you do. But through the help of close work friends, Shikara, Vickasen, Abhishek, Vishal, Aunty Praveena, Uncle Sunil, Naveen Mosa and Mosie, Uncle Raj and Aunty Reena, Aunty Rosh, Lishen… all just seemed to fall into place. A special mention goes out to my parents and Kerisha who dropped everything for the two weeks and came to the centre and spent lots of time, money and effort into getting it ready. I pray that MohanJi blesses all these people, and those I did not mention, with joy and abundance.


While building, probably because of working with cement and the cold, I developed a lung infection. To me this was a test of my conviction, and I kept going. But after a while this body was weakening and we thought it best to hire some help. Eventually, after two weeks the temple was built and tiled.

Then there was another problem…we needed lighting (imagine doing the pujas in the dark lol), but I could not afford it. I prayed to MohanJi, and he sent one of the most wonderful people I have met to help, Uncle Ramesh and his wife and uncle Kay and wife. They so selflessly came in and offered their services: they sponsored and fitted the lights in the temple!! A very big thank you to them. You are truly god sent.

Eventually, after much effort, lots of help, many moments of uncertainty and of course lots and lots of blessing from MohanJi, the temple was complete. On Saturday, 7th September (the same month we met MohanJi the year before), the temple and centre was officially opened by MohanJi.

Mohanji opening Merunanda Temple
Mohanji opening Merudanda Temple

MohanJi entered the temple and blessed each of the murthis and yantras. Unfortunately, all the murthis did not come from India in time, so we had to manage with other murthis to make the temple look full …. Lol.

After MohanJi blessed all the Murthis he asked me to touch the feet of Shree Sai Nath Maharaj. Now his murthi is made out of marble, which is usually cold. But when I touched his feet they were warm!! His feet felt so supple, almost as if I could bend his ankle.

MohanJi blesses SaiNath Maharaj... who then becomes warm to the touch
MohanJi blesses SaiNath Maharaj… who then becomes warm to the touch

Even the one-meter high Banu Linga changed. I always felt energy coming out of this special Linga, but after MohanJI blessed the Linga, he asked me to put my hand above it. I felt a volcano of energy, just shooting up!!! MohanJi said that this Linga now has special properties and will charge the temple and the surround area. It will charge the temple with energy that will heal and protect all those that come.The temple is not just a temple, but will be a shakti stanam, a seat of energy, and he promised that the people’s lives will change if they come to the temple regularly.


Afterwards, padam puja and arthi was performed for MohanJi. A Ganesha puja followed and a hawan with MohanJi’s gayatri.

Biba homa

So many experiences happened, from people seeing deities in the fire, the face of Shirdi in a cup of water and a sense of utter calmness and peace.


Mohanji -Opening of Merudanda Temple

At the end of the day, there was a sense of peace. We all knew that MohanJi will stay at the ashram, and bless and protect all that come to him for help. Thank you MohanJi for all that you have done for us. Thank you for the blessings you have showered on us. Please bless every person that comes to the temple, allow them to connect to your energy, hear their cries and help them , protect and bless all that come to you.


7 thoughts on “Merudanda Ashram – A Place for MohanJi and Masters to Gather”

  1. Dearest Yash, it was such a great blessing to be able to witness this magical historic event – your devotion and purity, simplicity and humbleness touched my heart so deeply. May many souls receive blessings, guidance, relief and deep fulfillment at this very first shrine of Mohanji’s. Love eternal, Biba

  2. Yashik … Baba say”s that he is the servant of the servant , Bless you for you Service to Param Brahma and your Society that you serve Well Done Ashwin Dwarika

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