As divinity would have it, Mohanji left for the Himalayas with few people on the 14th of June 2013. Things took a totally unexpected turn when Uttarakhand and the northern region was attacked by torrential rains, landslides and cloud bursts…Mohanji has been sending there updates of the situation there, soothing the furious nature and stressed people in his unfathomable ways. It is surely not a coincidence that he happened to be there. As he says, “Wherever destiny puts you, be positive and do whatever you can. If you are selfless by nature, the whole universe will support you.” Kindly read on…
“Nature’s Fury : Estimation of 200 plus missing or dead. More than 40,000 people stranded on roads in Uttarakhand. 200 two-wheelers and about 100 cars washed away. Cloud bursts.
Bridges broken. Roads washed away. Children,women and men have no food, shelter or medicines.
Army is trying their best to reach people. Lack of roads are preventing the rescue operation. Even the Helipad in the neighbourhood of Badrinath is not operational. It is freezing cold and rains are continuous. People stranded in Hemkunt Sahib as well as Badrinath. Even the police post at Kedarnath is totally washed away. We at ITBP guest house at JoshiMath, 8000feet above sea level, are safe. Water and Power supply is lost in all the ITBP guest houses. Rains help with cold water. Electricity is partial through generator. Phone connection can go anytime.
We are trying to do whatever seva we could do around here. Hats off to ITBP crew for their compassion and hospitality. We shall leave here only when travel is safe. Do not worry. We are fine. All our family members, kindly do assist those organisations in Uttarakhand , who are helping the situation on the ground from your own respective locations, the way you can. Love You. M”
Bharti Kapoor announced it to Bless The World Family and Ammucare Caritable Trust responded with rocket speed: “Bless the world Family Members are already working on ,with the ITBP i.e. Indo Tibetian border Police and airlifting stranded old-aged and kids . Meanwhile Bless the world Family are collecting the stuff and shall send across to ITBP directly, the needful once the transportation starts.
Other then that several NGO Goonj, New Delhi , Save the Children
(Disaster Management) have joined hands with us to do the best for all people out there.!!
Purity and Blessings always.” Ammucare worked with Uday Foundation as well, getting the list of urgent relief material…
Ammucare Charitable trust is a registered non-profit organization in India and has been involved in seva projects for more than a decade. Every year Ammucare manages initiatives across India in various fields including blanket distribution, annadaan (food seva), blood donation camps, women empowerment programmes and human rehabilitation.
Ammucare believes in acting fast and acting now. And even for the current calamity at Uttarakhand, we are using all the available resources and contacts to ensure that the help reaches the needy as soon as possible. Clearly, the objective is one, whether it happens individually or from an organized association.
Biljana Mohan says, “Sadguru Mohanji is there now, in a military camp with another 400 people. He said “In Kedarnath, all hotels and lodges are washed away. Many people have died. There is no water in the place where we are staying (near Badrinath). Because of high altitude (8000 feet) manual help is impossible. We should act fast to assist all the volontary organisations working with the military in rescue operations. As per the recent estimate, around 12000 people have died..”
Announcements, collecting and distributing items started.

People were sending prayers from the heart and some of them in words as well:
“Sending prayers and healing to all involved. May timely help reach all. Strength and Love to All Blessings”, “People would be protected because of your divine presence there guruji. Our sincere prayers to all of them.” “Praying for everyone who are in trouble may Almighty show his helping hand to all and save everyone from further troubles… Our Prayers …” “May God bless and protect them all”. “Holding all that are affected and stranded in the light. Sending prayers. What a blessing that You are there beloved Mohanji …” “Sending prayers your way and to all who are affected …God be with all…Hoping the situation gets better soon and life is back to normal soon” “Mohan ji .. our earnest prayers for everyone’s safety & well-being. Your presence there is Special (timely) ‘per Divine will .. _/\_ Prayers for you & all. Love & Light unto all .. AUM _/\_”
Mohanji replied: “Please do not worry about us. We are fine. We are doing whatever we can. Please do assist and support any organisation or group involved in rescue operation and rehabilitation of the affected from where you are. Just do your bit. Love you.. M”

The next day Mohanji continued, “I just discussed with the commander in charge of the rescue operation. Almost 100 meter of road between Govind ghat and Joshimath is completely gone. Helipad is washed out. People stranded on both sides. Nothing much anyone can do. Perhaps blankets and warm clothes might come in handy. Air is the only solution for transportation. Roads south and north of Joshimath are damaged. All hotels and lodges at Kedarnath has been washed out. Only the temple remains. Ganga and Yamuna are flooding. We have offered all possible service physically possible from our side to the team. Do support any voluntary organisation involved in rescue activities, hand in hand with military, individually or collectively. Do not worry about us. We are fine…Signal is less and hence communication is difficult. Love always.. M”
Mohanji has been constantly a source of uplifting the hardworking and super dedicated soldiers of ITPF and conducted Power of Purity Session for them in Jyotsimath, Uttarakhand on 19th June 2013, at 6.00 am.
This was to alleviate the stress of these hard-working selfless men who have been working day and night to rescue and rehabilitate the stranded people at Uttarakhand.
Below is the first hand narration by Sumit who has been travelling with Mohanji for this trip.

“Rain took leave from last night. Mohanji told us in the morning of yesterday, looking at the overcast skies and heavy rains that the sky will clear by the evening and winds will take the clouds away. It happened. Sky cleared. Rain stopped. But not before it unleashed the wrath which took many lives and devastated the land. We got out of the rooms to see the Saptrishi stars in the sky and dazzling half-moon. When we entered our accommodations in the ITBP guest house, Mohanji had said, we may not be able to travel further north than this. It seemed prophetic.

As the sky cleared today, the selfless soldiers of ITBP could rescue much more people from the Gobind Ghat area. Almost 300 people were brought to this camp and were given food and shelter. Most of the key officials visited Mohanji in our accommodation. Mohanji delivered shaktipat and discussed various options with them. Most of all, he appreciated their tenacity, work ethics and determination. He volunteered to join them in the rescue operations. But, the pointed out the extreme cold temperature and high altitude need trained personnel to do such operation. One needs practice in rope climbing and walking on fragile terrains.

The supplies were less as the mouths were more. Mohanji sent out message on Facebook – We are fine, we are protected, but cannot sit idle. We must do our part in such a crisis situation. As skies cleared, helicopters started appearing and the commander discussed the possibility of evacuating VIPs in helicopter to a safe location.

Mohanji categorically refused to be considered as a VIP. He suggested evacuating the sick and old first, women and children next and others including us later. The commander was surprised at this. The soldiers were showing extreme respect for this consideration. They changed our rooms, close to the food area. Today, we went to the market and sourced flour rice, vegetables, sugar, etc. and delivered to the soldiers. Our humble contribution and seva. The Commander-in-chief, took Mohanji and us to the houses where the affected were accommodated and we spoke to them. They explained the situation they faced, the people they saw washed away, vehicles destroyed and taken away by flood, land eroding in front of their eyes, etc. It was indeed a grim tale. We realized how lucky we have been to be accommodated and respected in such a scenario. Whole of Kedarnath has been washed away. Estimated 5000 people are stranded at Badrinath. The only good news for us was that the road until Rudra Prayag is fine as of today. Cricketer Harbajan Singh is also a guest here. He asked Mohanji when he intended to leave. Mohanji jockingly said “when you leave”. This means when we can travel safely to Delhi.

The commander in chief, Mr Praveen Tiwari, came with his family and met Mohanji in the evening. He requested Mohanji to conduct Power of Purity meditation for the soldiers who are under tremendous stress. He immediately agreed. So a special session for soldiers is being organized today at 6 am. The Indo-Tibetan Border police is a classic example of selflessness and tenacity and their hospitality in such adverse situation is tremendous.

This is the update for the day. Our phones and internet are either slow or not functional. Hence there is lot of problem in communication. We anticipate at least 2000 deaths, even though the official figure is 60. The eyewitness account of today itself estimates to 1000 deaths. The usual rainfall is 65MM, and it became 313MM in last two days.

We are here for a reason. Mohanji is here for a reason. The deputy commander and his family visited us and said that they are missing Mohanji already as we were moved to new accommodation. This is magic. Bliss in the time of tragedy. Whatever we do seems insufficient. We are doing whatever we can. Kindly do whatever you can also from your end too.
Endless love – Sumit”
Later came more updates from Mohanji, “It has not rained until this morning which has helped ITBP people to assist more, and rescue more. Road until Rudra Prayag seem to be fine. Water supply is re instated in the ITBP camp since yesterday midday. ITBP has accommodated almost 500 of the rescued in their camps. Even though we did supply a bit of supply of food materials, the way we could, within our limitations, they said they are fine and can manage. Helicopter has started bringing people to the camp. Temperature is better as of this morning. No rains. We are conducting a power of purity meditation for the soldiers this morning. Commander Praveen Tiwari and his team are embodiments of kindness. Hats off to them. Love Always… M”

Initiated by Annette adamson, supported by Smriti Arora and others, Bless the World Family joined hands for a group prayer for all the suffering in this natural disaster. “You know who really gives the thoughts…who really is behind the acts!”, says Smriti.
“Sending love to you all, we’ll be with each other in spirit tonight at the same time across the globe. Tons of blessings!!” says Annette.
We are together in spirit, we are one.
Mohanji was guiding, “All our family members who are assisting the relief work, please concentrate on supporting organisations working in the areas like Utter Kashi, Kedar region Rishikesh etc. I spoke to the Commander ITBP here, If the rains do not happen again, they are confident on managing things themselves. They are trained to manage the worst scenarios. Hopefully, roads until Hardwar will clear soon so that evacuation can happen effectively. Once again, thanks to all for your concern for our well being. We are fine. We are well looked after and we are here for a reason. Love You. M”
In spite of best efforts by local authorities, there is need for even basic amenities like food and shelter. Ammucare Charitable Trust (Ammucare) has joined hands with Uday Foundation, New Delhi, India for providing relief to stranded people. Their volunteers are ready for rescue and relief work and they are in the process organizing emergency health camps and sending relief material.

On the 20th June, Mohanji wrote, “A bus carrying stranded pilgrims left for Rishikesh at 5.30AM this morning. Yesterday evening and night saw no rains. We are also preparing to leave Joshimath. Just waiting for go ahead from the commanding officer. Sunshine outside the window is a welcome sight. The news is that many are stranded at many locations and the most affected are Kedar and Uttarkashi. While I write this Commanding Officer Praveen Tiwari confirmed that road is clear until Rishikesh. So, we will be leaving the camp within one hour. Today, we are providing breakfast to all the affected and rescued in the camp. Love you all. M”
All this joining hands together and being one in heart and spirit really reflected as solidarity and even triggered an impulse to share messages of love to the group, like Roshani Shennaz did:
“Blessings to All. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. It is only Grace that Mohanji is there in that place in this very crucial time. Let us all also pray from where ever we are to add to the Collective Consciousness of His work and prayers. Let’s send Love and Light to Mother Earth to add to Mohanji’s work, as she needs it more than anything and only then will doors and help open up more and more.
Somewhere today morning, it came to me to share this, that its so important that We bring GOD into our Everyday Life and not behave carelessly all throughout and then just go to HIS Abode to ask for Forgiveness or wash our Sins. In that way it is taking HIM HIS Creation (nature humanity) for granted.
HE is the all Loving and We need to shift from being GOD Fearing to GOD Loving. If and when we do that, and bring GOD in our everyday Lives, by doing our duties, loving all around us, not gossiping, slandering, discriminating, helping less fortunate or not holding hurts and grudges, being unconditionally forgiving, releasing unwanted desires at HIS Feet, etc. then we will create less negative Sanskaras and therefore not dump our negative Karmas unto Mother Earth.
The gravitational force of the Mother Earth absorbs our negative Karmas and Sanskaras and when that gets overbearing for HER she releases it out with magnanimous Fury.

So let’s awaken please to the GOD within each of Us and not keep seeking HIM outside of us. HE is very much dwelling in the Temple of Our Soul. We are not this Body, we are the Spirit in the Body and that Spirit is the Fragment of that ONE GOD the Creator who we mindlessly try to Search and seek outside of it.
With the Grace of a Living Gracious One our Dearest Mohanji; let’s all March Inwards to the GOD within us and seek HIM there and thus see HIM in Us and in Everything and Everyone around us.
God Bless All! Gratitude to HIM for placing Mohanji in that place right now. Because Mohanji is doing more than what meets the eye or that which we Read here or on updates. Gratitude to You dearest Gracious One!
Love Light and Prayers to all victims, their families, the army, the helpers, volunteers and all involved.
Love Light Grace and Abundance to All!”
Roshani Shenazz

And Manjari Rao added:
“Miracles are bound to happen where Masters walk. Mohanji had been warning us about floods,disaster and devastation. Here He is in the middle of a disaster and not only His conduct is exemplary but truly befitting of a Master.
He always shows us the way and we must learn from this so that we don’t live our lives in vain.
Thank you Mohanji. We are doing our best to help our fellow citizens.
With love, Manjari.”
“ It’s amazing how Beloved Mohanji was concerned more about others than himself. Perfect, living example of being selfless. He walks his talk.” says Shahid Khatai.
Mohanji and the group travelling with him, arrived safely in Tapovan, Rishikesh. After that he travels to Delhi. His message to all is,
“In situations of crisis, do not worry about through which organization you are rendering assistance to the needy. Just do it without any delay. Delays could mean denial of help. Just ensure that the assistance reaches the real needy. You may see insensitive people and officials everywhere. Do not get perturbed with that and do not allow it to dampen your initiative. So, if you can do it individually, do it so. If you like to do it collectively, do it so. But, the bottom line is performing the act of compassion against all odds, on time. Through which organization are you doing it is insignificant. The only significance is whether you are doing anything at all. How valuable your presence on the Earth is… This is your call absolutely, in such occasions.”
Love to all,
BTW Team
4 thoughts on “Mohanji in Flooded Uttarakhand Not a Coincidence”
Dear sir Can Mohanji give me a chance to travell with hiim or travell in their team in their presence. At what time Mohanjis give me darshan.
Mukesh Deo 09767647289
Let the Grace of Almighty be with everyone. !
Our Prayers…….
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