Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “A silent protector”

The seventh story in the 6th chapter of Mohanji Satcharita shows how our beloved Para Brahma transforms our lives the moment we connect with Him. He protects and heals us, holding our hand and guiding us to surf through the gigantic waves that engulf us periodically. We then cruise through the journey with the deep faith and assurance that He will show us the way towards our desired goal!

Please read other transformation stories in Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6.

The silent protector

By Nameshri Chetty, South Africa

It has been some time since I put pen to paper, but I am ready to share some more of my journey with you. In saying that, prior to meeting Mohanji physically, I was totally unaware of my true existence, I would say that I was just living.  Now, with His teachings and seeing the example He sets, I know that I have a purpose and that’s very powerful!

So here we go from where I last left off regarding my journey with Mohanji.

Kailash 2016 was as usual epic, the grace, love and joy that is Mahadev (Lord Shiva) lingered in my every breath. As Mohanji says,

Kailash is not for the chancers as it unleashes all that is not Shiva. So be prepared for your world to be in total disarray, all that you thought was tangible becomes intangible.

My son was diagnosed with cancer in Jan 2017. My golly gosh, that was a total blow. As you know, I am a single mother of two children. So what happens now? How was I going to pull through this with all the responsibilities of being both, a mother and a father to my children?

In saying that, not for one moment did I lose my faith or calm that all will be okay. I saw how Mohanji had elevated the intensity of this karmic lesson. My son was diagnosed in the early stages; we managed to get an appointment with a top oncologist within the same week of the diagnosis, keeping in mind that it usually takes weeks to see a specialist.

On liaising with Mohanji, He assured me that all will be okay and that’s all I needed. During my son’s treatment I felt as if I was just breathing through all the responsibilities, everything happened smoothly, as Mohanji had literally and figuratively made things flow. Each day, each chemo, each doctor’s visit, I was just calm. During this time I stepped down from all my other commitments and just focused on my home as there was no support from family, friends or his father.

As a mother, having your child go through cancer is scary and even more so when you are alone. There is no one to hold your hand and assure you that it will be okay. Many would ask how I can be so calm and not crying or angry with all that was happening, but within me I knew that I had a SILENT PROTECTOR WITH ME!


We had many a day of tantrums, anger, fear, sadness, self-pity and blame was thrown at me, but I remained calm. In all of this, all I saw was Mohanji’s grace giving me the strength and courage to fulfill my duties as a mother, to care for my family. My son only lost his hair after the last chemo; if he had lost his hair in between it would have been intensely hard for us as he is a young man.

In August 2017 my son was clear of cancer, Jai Mohanji!!!  Only with His grace did we pull through.

Through His teachings Mohanji has taught us about the lessons that we have to individually go through and boy, have I gone through some. They also say that as you get closer to the fire it gets hotter.

It takes immense maturity and courage to follow a living master who walks the pathless path. None of His expressions may conform to the norms of our conditioned mind. Mental frames will keep breaking. Sometimes you will feel you have fallen into a bottomless pit, totally helpless, confused and insecure. Thus the master will peel away all our mental conditioning which we have consciously or unconsciously collected over lifetimes. Those with fears and prejudices will not make it. Those who dare will come out as pure gold from the pyre of ego. When one owns this state, there is no separation.

Mere Mahadev (My Lord Shiva), I surrender graciously and humbly at your feet as you are the beginning and end of all that is and all that is not.

“I glide on the breath of your grace”

Mohanji speaks about faith and surrender – you tube video

Mohanji and Nameshri



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 25th March 2019


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3 thoughts on “Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “A silent protector””

  1. babu sadanandc

    May Almighty give you courage and strength to pass through this difficult
    times and Mohanji guide and bless you

  2. Pingback: Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 6 – “The unseen Healer | Experiences With Mohanji

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