By Christopher Greenwood
Day 179 – Trust and betrayal
The time I’ve spent with Mohanji, observing and working with him, has allowed me to soak in the teachings of the Tradition of Liberation, where life is the biggest teacher. Rather than outwardly teaching, as I mentioned in a previous message, it’s possible, if you keenly observe how Mohanji walks, interacts, and lives within the world, to see many of the teachings or practices through the way that he lives.
Some of the main ones we see are ahiṃsā, for example, non-violence in thoughts, words or actions and respect for all beings. Mohanji is a practising vegan. He’s always conscientious and considerate of others, respectful of their spaces, who they are, and their right to express themselves and experience the world. He also walks very lightly on Earth; he avoids all kinds of waste possible. His only real requirements are food, shelter, and clothing, living modestly.
The other day Mohanji was answering some questions in the morning. Many messages come in overnight these days, and there is a lot of time difference between India and Slovenia. Usually, he sits in the morning for many hours, replying to each one. This morning, he decided it was my time to answer some questions. He said, “Greenwood, come on, I have some questions for you; you can answer these.”
He asked questions on trust and betrayal. As per the Tradition, “What should you do when somebody trusts you?” That was his first question. My answer was, “Simply stand by them.” I know this from the Tradition and from observing how Mohanji lives his life because, for everybody who trusts him completely, he stands by them, no matter what. He’s firm with his connection with them. But Mohanji also added, “Make them feel safe.” As per Tradition, our job is to stand by people who trust us and make them feel safe. I think this is fundamental during these times when society has high anxiety and fear. We should stand with someone and make them feel safe if someone trusts us. So, this was a tick. I was happy to get one question right!
The next question was, “As per the Tradition, what should you do when somebody betrays you?” I thought and said,” Okay, well, simply nothing; that’s what they wanted to do.” But his answer here was, “Simply stay away. Stay away, but also be thankful to God or whoever you want to; thank the higher for showing you their true face.”
This sounds like a straightforward answer, to stay away and be thankful for seeing who that person is. Many people fall into a trap; they can begin to talk bad about the person, tell everybody what happened, “Did you hear what happened? I can’t believe this person did this to me.” They can even go so far as to take revenge, and people make all sorts of messes.
The point made is you have to be very careful because gossiping, judging, and taking revenge are all taking you into a lower frequency, into their frequency. You can get tangled up and trapped in this, which is the opposite direction of elevation, whereas the Tradition takes people to Lightness and Liberation.
So, when somebody trusts you, stand by them and make them safe and if someone betrays you, stay away and be thankful that you see their true face.

Day 180 – Many will come
If you take away the time Mohanji and I spent in quarantine in Slovenia, we’ve probably been here just over a month, maybe five weeks. During that time, he has given the energy to speed up activities here in Slovenia. In that time, we’ve achieved a lot, not just on the land but also in setting up things here. We’re working well towards our goal of having the first programs here at the Peace Center by the summertime. Now that the boundary is clear, it’s very distinct; the fences have been put in place. Our focus now shifts to creating living spaces. As I am here, I’m working and building; it feels like the start of something big.
In my time with Mohanji, I’ve heard many different predictions about him from great saints and astrologists. As I work closely with Mohanji, I notice the respect and reverence many great Masters give him. The activities also speak for themselves with all the great work happening worldwide with Ammucare, ACT Foundation, and ACT4Hunger. As we work here, we can tangibly experience the grace and ease with which the activities flow. There are obstacles, for sure, but in the end, plans happen, and the right people come together. It almost seems like an effortless activity at times. There’s work, but it’s more the right organization and coordination; all things come together on time, especially when you consider that we’re in the middle of a Covid situation.
This all points to something much more significant, which I think we all know. I’ve never seen the full revelation of who Mohanji is or what it will be in the world. What makes me believe this is that other Saints and Masters are beginning to tell our people about Mohanji. For example, last weekend, two lovely ladies visited the Peace Center, the land, to offer respect there and also to Mohanji. Now, they have a Guru. They told me, or he had told them, that there’s an Avadhoota, and they must go and meet Mohanji. They’re part of the Dattatreya Tradition too.
What he said was interesting because he had said they should never leave Mohanji. For me, it was a fascinating talk. She explained that many people now knew about Mohanji from that organization and that, over time, many more would be coming to see him. Once the Centre is fully running (where Mohanji is based), many of their people will be coming to stay. I don’t know the total numbers of that organization, but it’s 1000s and 1000s worldwide.
Mohanji has also told me that many people are coming, and I believe it, though I don’t fully understand the scale. I remember that one person has also said that in the future, people will even be queuing just to catch a glimpse of the cloth that Mohanji is wearing. Whilst I believe this, sometimes it seems unimaginable, especially when I’m driving Mohanji from the apartment to the land in this cheap, dusty, and muddy secondhand car, which we’ve purchased so that we can go to the land and back to conduct the work.
I was thinking about it this morning and am excited about what’s coming.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th December 2022
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