mohanji blog

Living with a Master, mohanji blog, serving a living master

Lessons Living with Mohanji – Days 91 & 92

This morning, and part of yesterday, I was reflecting on the concept of gratitude for what Mohanji has developed for the global family that we all have, which we’re all part of, and we all share. We’re seeing how many people who left Mohanji in the past for various reasons now want to come back. But often can’t because either their ego blocks or the space they once had is no longer available as now there are new people, a new organization, and a new situation. 

mohanji blog

Lessons Living with Mohanji – Days 63 & 64

Travelling and being with Mohanji, you get to witness him interacting with many people, very different people from all walks of life. I have witnessed him interacting with drivers, local workers, accommodation staff, businessmen, serious entrepreneurs with large portfolios of businesses, priests, farmers, seekers, all people of various stature and positions.

Living with a Master, mohanji blog, serving a living master

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 45 & 46

When I think back to the actions I was doing at the start, and now as well, most of the tests have put me in a situation where I can break through my resistance. For example, I was very reluctant and resistant to speaking in public about my experiences, even though I can do it. I’d learned how to do that; I spent many years practising it during my professional career. But it wasn’t something that came. Naturally, there was always resistance, and there still is now, but not so much. 

Life experience, mohanji blog, Retreat experience, Spiritual journey, transformation experience


Then came May 2013, and my first meeting with Mohanji in a satsang in Novi Sad. I remember him answering the first question on free will, saying in his first sentence that free will is just a myth and that it exists only before we take this body. At that moment, I had a feeling as if I was relieved of an enormous burden, and I felt an incredible lightness! Since then, I started attending the meditations regularly, and the next year followed the first retreat as well.

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