mohanji blog

mohanji blog

Kalpataru Series – Ageless

One year and three months later, on 23rd February 2020, on Mohanji’s birthday, Preethi and I were with Mohanji at Kataragama! This trip to Kataragama wasn’t that easy. I wasn’t sure if I could make this trip. Surely it was for the completion of my realisation, and also a confirmation to Preethi’s questions that we were both taken, literally taken together to the place that played such a vital role in our realisation. And we were taken by the Master himself, appearing in the very ordinary physical form with whom we can connect so easily, but firmly and deeply.

Meeting Masters, mohanji blog

A little GIANT

That enchanting smile, those sweet words, the grace he carried in his actions; those moments will forever remain etched in my memory for this lifetime. My humble pranaams to this little GIANT, dear Chathu Swami. I am sure he must be now resting forever in the lap of the Mother Divine!

mohanji blog, Selfless Service

ACT Foundation Birthday Activities 2020

Mohanji’s birthday was celebrated joyfully in various parts of the world by the volunteers of the ACT Foundation, touching lives in many different ways – by donating food, school supplies, clothes, etc. It was indeed a fitting tribute to Mohanji as he believes strongly in giving and taking care of Mother Earth.

mohanji blog

Memories from Tiruvannamalai 2018

By Padmini Ravikumar, Dubai We had planned a surprise visit to see our mother for her 80th birthday. Her birthday was on Oct 16th, but my other siblings wanted to celebrate it on Oct 3rd, on her Hindu birthday, in Mumbai.  Here I was wondering how to take time to be in Mumbai and then […]

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