Experiences With Mohanji
November 1, 2020
My courage is undoubtedly far more powerful than my self-doubt and my attitude more powerful than my...
October 29, 2020
The Forgiveness Process is a priceless technique given to us by Mohanji to unhook and release all the...
October 24, 2020
It was exciting to book my flights to Serbia. The opportunity to see Mohanji again after a few months...
October 22, 2020
I had forgotten about my vision with the ethereal being upon meeting Brahmarishi Mohanji, but some time...
October 18, 2020
Today, as I sit typing this testimonial, I feel Mohanji’s loving embrace as always. I am aware of great p...
October 15, 2020
Since meeting Mohanji in 2014, in my journey on the spiritual path, karma yoga – the path of service h...
October 11, 2020
Hi, my name is Eesha, and I am 10 years old. I had submitted my application for Consciousness Kriya last...
October 4, 2020
When we have faith and surrender, Guru's grace will give us the toughness and the tenacity to go through...
October 1, 2020
Later, I learned about the book by Mohanji, called 'The Power of Purity'. As I opened the book, I wondered...
September 27, 2020
These months of lockdown have been, for me, such a privileged time; it has been difficult to believe...
September 24, 2020
I haven't been able to meet Mohanji in person yet, and after reading so many devotees’ experiences e...
September 17, 2020
However, since my connection to Mohanji, many concepts in my mind have started to fall apart one by one,...
September 10, 2020
It is really Mohanji's grace that he was able to fight the Covid-19 virus and survive a cardiac arrest...
September 8, 2020
One year and three months later, on 23rd February 2020, on Mohanji's birthday, Preethi and I were with...
September 6, 2020
I am sharing this because I used to be that person who always used to wonder, "Why not me", "When will...
September 3, 2020
I was knocked off for 1-2 minutes after experiencing this divine form of Mohanji. Thousands of images...
September 1, 2020
The transformation I feel is huge. I get to know myself more and more every day, and more and more, I...
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